Callback in Misys Laboratory v6.2 for End Users

Supporting Document for the Web Conference

Section 1 Summary: Creating Calls 1

Callback Workflow Options 1

Example – Workflow Option 1 1

Creating Callback Requests 2

Manual Callback Requests 3

Automatic Callback Requests 3

Callback Request Information 3

Section 2 Summary: Documenting Calls 4

Documenting Calls in Misys Laboratory 4

Documenting Calls in Callback 6

Section 3 Summary: Call Documentation on Patient Reports 10

Comment Types 10

Callback Comments 10

Accession Comments 10

Formatted Document Comments 11

Test Call Comments 11

Site Comment Policy 11

Callback in Misys Laboratory v6.2 for End Users

Section 1 Summary: Creating Calls

Callback Workflow Options

Callback efficiently manages the telephone calls made by your laboratory to report test results and problem specimens. The Callback application allows you to create customized lists from a common database of calls in order to organize workflow and prioritize calls to clients. You can document and store information about successful and unsuccessful calls and monitor statistics and turnaround for results.

Misys Laboratory version 6.2 provides you with two workflow options for creating and documenting calls.

Option one allows you to enter a callback request. The call can be placed and documented by you or by someone else at a later time.

Option two allows you to immediately place a call and create the callback request and documentation simultaneously.

Example – Workflow Option 1

Two specimens arrive in the laboratory. You receive a lavender top for one patient and a green top for another. After you spin down the green top, you notice it is hemolyzed 3+.

Someone needs to contact the nursing location to inform the nurses that the specimen must be redrawn.

If you use workflow option one, the receiving Tech can create a Callback request and indicate to whom and to where this specimen problem should be forwarded. She can also give this issue a priority. Priorities are used to help indicate which calls should be placed first. In this case, it might be a priority of 2, since it is a routine specimen.

Meanwhile, in Hematology, the lavender top is run on the hematology analyzer. When you review the results, you are alerted to a critically low hematocrit.

With workflow option one, you can create a callback request with a priority of 1. The person assigned to Callback notices a priority 1 flash on his or her screen and immediately calls the number indicated. This allows you to continue working on other specimens.

Example – Workflow Option 2

Now let’s look at the second part of the previous scenario, but this time with workflow option two.

With workflow option two, rather than create a callback request, you can immediately place and document the call without leaving the resulting application.


Creating Callback Requests

Callback requests can be entered into the Callback application in one of two ways: you can manually tag a callback request or the system can automatically create a callback request.

After a callback request is created (manually or automatically), it is placed into the Callback database. A designated employee is responsible for monitoring the Callback application and placing the calls. The designated person is also alerted about urgent calls. This allows the other Technologists to continue working.


Manual Callback Requests

If your laboratory chooses to enter callback requests manually, clerks or laboratory Technologists may append a Callback code manually during order entry or result entry. The tagged orders and results are then placed into the Callback database.

Orders and results can be manually tagged during any order entry function (including GUI applications), during specimen receipt, and during manual or online result entry, including LARS and the GUI keyboards.

To tag the result, append a type CB (Callback) English text code.

Automatic Callback Requests

Your laboratory may choose to have callback requests created automatically based on rules. The Misys Laboratory Rules can automatically tag specific orders and results to be called. For example, a rule may state that if the priority of the order is STAT, then the order is automatically tagged.

Creating rules to enter Callback requests is a convenient way to keep callbacks consistent without creating a lot of extra procedures for your staff to remember.

NOTE: The rules create callback requests but don’t append codes.

When a result meets the conditions that are built in the rule, the system creates a Callback record. This happens at the function for which the rule’s execution point is built. After the Technologist enters the information for that accession number and depending on the rule action selected, he or she may be prompted to enter a callback request. For more information about rule actions, please attend the Callback in Misys Laboratory v6.2 for System Managers web conference.

Callback Request Information

When a Callback request is generated manually or automatically you may be prompted to choose a callback contact. The contact may be the physician, location, or outreach client to be called, or you may specify another contact if none of the other data applies. Additional contact information, such as a telephone number, can be based on existing maintenance.


Section 2 Summary: Documenting Calls

Documenting Calls in Misys Laboratory

You can create a Callback request and document a call in Misys Laboratory resulting functions in two ways (similar to the two ways in which you can create callback requests).

The first method is to append a Callback code (type CD) manually during result entry. Note that this is a different type of Callback code than is used to generate a callback request.

The second method is to create a Rule to automatically prompt the Technologist to document a call.

Regardless of which method you choose, a dialog box (above) displays in which you must document the call.

To document a call, follow these steps:

1.  Select a callback contact, such as the physician, location, or outreach client to be called. Note that you may specify another contact if none of the other data applies.

-  Additional contact information can be based on existing maintenance.

2.  Indicate whether the call was complete (successful) or unsuccessful.

-  If the call is unsuccessful, it is placed in the Callback database and you must access the Callback application to complete the call (once it is successful).

-  If appropriate, enter notes on an unsuccessful call. Note that the call is still considered incomplete and placed in the Callback database.

-  If appropriate, click the Additional Call button to display a second window in which you can complete the call for a different (or additional) contact.

-  If the call is complete, enter who was called and whether or not the results were read back to you. You may also add comments to the call documentation as needed.


Documenting Calls in Callback

You may also document calls in the Callback application, which is accessed from the main Misys Laboratory Gateway.

You can use this procedure with Workflow Option 1 or with Workflow Option 2 (described on page 1) to complete documentation of calls that were unsuccessful.

Regardless of the workflow, after opening the Callback application, your first step is to identify which calls are to be placed.

This is a cutaway of the Main View window in the Callback application (above).

Each priority is assigned a color for quick and easy recognition. There are five available priority levels. Site-specific settings determine which situation corresponds to which priority.

This Main View can be customized for the entire system or for individual users.

For more information about customization, please attend the Callback in Misys Laboratory v6.2 for System Managers web conference.

In the top area of the window, illustrated above, you can see some of the information collected for each call in the database, including telephone number, patient name, and order codes. You can also see the call status, result status, priority of the call, and information about new or sensitive clients.

NOTE: Information about new or sensitive clients displays only if your site has purchased the Outreach package and has defined a client database.


Call statuses include:

·  Complete – all components of call record are completed.

·  Incomplete – some components of the call record are not complete.

·  Pending – no successful calls have been made.

·  Review – flagged for supervisory review.

·  Remove – flagged for removal.

Result statuses include:

·  Pending – no tagged tests are resulted.

·  Incomplete – some tagged tests are resulted.

·  Complete – all tagged tests are resulted.


The Sort feature allows you to customize the arrangement of the data on the Main View window. The fields you can sort by include: Accession Number, Call Priority, Call Status, Client, Contact, Patient ID, Patient Name, Phone, Requisition Number, and Result Status.


After you locate the record with which you want to work, double-click the Callback record in the Main View to open the Display View. The display of orders and results is similar to the display in the Misys Laboratory Inquiry function.

In Display View (above) you can document call information, such as comments, the person called, and whether the call was completed or unsuccessful.

If the call is completed, you can enter who was called and whether or not the results were read back to you. You may also add comments to the call documentation as needed.

If the person you call requests information about other orders, click Patient Info to search for other orders for the patient, then view the results without leaving the Callback application.

If you wish, you can create another Callback record to document that you reported the additional results.

Use the appropriate buttons on the Display View window to print or fax interim reports of the orders you have called. These reports list results by accession number.

The History button allows you to determine whether any unsuccessful calls have been previously made on this order.

Click Review (above) to flag Unsuccessful or unique calls for review by a supervisor. When it is time to review calls, the supervisor can create a filter that selects calls flagged for review.

Section 3 Summary: Call Documentation on Patient Reports

Call documentation, including any comments that were entered, can be included on various patient reports, including cumulative reports, client reports, interim reports, and requisition-based reports.

Call documentation and comments can also be included in the GUI version of Inquiry and, with the exception of Callback Comments and Accession Comments, can be sent back to the hospital information system (HIS).

You can use a series of new site parameters to determine what prints on each report.

Comment Types

There are five basic comment types associated with the Callback application:

1.  Callback Comments (for internal use only)

2.  Accession Comments (previously called Report Comments)

3.  NEW - Formatted Document Comments

4.  NEW - Test Call Comments

5.  NEW – Read Back Comments

Callback Comments

The Callback Comments display at the bottom of the Call Documentation window. This type of comment displays by default and is based on various maintenance options. Callback Comments are typically used to provide information, such as available office hours, to the person monitoring Callback. These comments do not display on patient reports. They are for internal use only.

Accession Comments

Accession Comments (formerly known as Report Comments) allow you to document information about the entire order (or accession number). If the comments you wish to enter apply to the entire order, it might be more efficient to enter them as Accession Comments, rather than adding them to each individual test code. This will also reduce clutter on patient reports, if you choose to print the Accession Comments.

When entering Accession Comments, you may enter English text codes, free text, or both.

NOTE: Accession Comments cannot cross the HIS interface.


Formatted Document Comments

Formatted Document Comments are associated with the test level and can be printed on any patient report.

Formatted Document Comments consist of three main parts: 1) an indication of whether the call was successful or unsuccessful, 2) the test code called with the date and time of the call, followed by the contact information and the Tech code of the person who placed the call, and 3) an indication of whether the results were read back or not, followed by any Read Back Comments.

If appropriate, you can choose to only print information about successful calls on reports.

NOTES: Formatted Document Comments are automatically created by the system.

Only calls originally triggered from the resulting application (workflow option 2) will include Formatted Document Comments on the patient reports. This is true even if you finish the call documentation in the Callback application.

Test Call Comments

Test Call Comments are similar to Accession Comments. The main differences are that these comments apply to the test level rather than to the entire order and they are available to send back across the HIS interface. They also differ from Formatted Document Comments in that they may display on patient reports regardless of the workflow method used to enter them.

When entering Test Call Comments, you may enter an English text code, up to 99 characters of free text, or both.

If you choose to print Test Call Comments on patient reports, the comments display immediately following the Formatted Document Comments.

Site Comment Policy

Misys recommends that you set a policy at your site as to which types of comments should be entered for specific types of calls.

Carefully consider which types of comments you want to include on various patient reports.

You can choose to print Accession Comments, Formatted Document Comments, Test Call Comments, or any combination of these.

Keep in mind the length and formatting of the comments and any regulatory issues regarding call documentation.



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