Bear Creek Secondary School

Council Minutes – February 7, 2018

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School Council Meeting

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


A MEETING OF THE Bear Creek Secondary School, School Council was held in the Career Centre office.

The meeting was called to order by J. Fraser at 7:00 pm.

Those in attendance:M. Abram (Principal), J. Fraser (Vice-Chairperson), M. Hermiston (Secretary), M. Dunn, C. Maciag (Student Representative), A. Leach, J. Hoehn


D. Hershey (Chairperson), M. Archbell (Teacher Representative), N. Tymciew, S. Taylor, M. Saunders, D. Doughty, J. Brassor


J. Fraser welcomed everyone and brought regrets from D. Hershey.

Approval of the Minutes

The minutes of the November 1, 2017, meeting were accepted on motion of j. Hoehn, seconded by A. Leach.

Student Representative Report

C. Maciag, Co-President of Student Council, informed Council that there will be a Valentine Semi-formal on Thursday, February 15. Council members will be writing the names of all Bear Creek students on hearts that will be posted in the Forum. The Forum is being decorated for Valentine’s Day.

Plans for Relay for Life, being held in May, have already begun. Student representatives will be attending a Jamboree in Vaughan on February 27, to assist with fundraising efforts.

Semester 2 has started and students seem to be settling in to their new schedules.

Teacher Representative Report

No Teacher Representative Report was received.

Principal’s Report

As the Semi-formal is taking place on Thursday, February 15, any Council members that would be available to volunteer would be appreciated.

Starting on February 27 a traveling museum of items from Vimy Ridge and Juno Beach will be at Bear Creek. The museum will be at the school until March 9. Please plan to attend. Our next Council meeting (March 7) will be held during this exhibition, if you are interested in seeing the artifacts. There will also be two evenings available for the community to visit.

March 7, the Skills Competition will be held at Bear Creek with, potentially, 12 students involved. The winners of this event will attend the Skills Canada competition in Toronto in May.

March 19, 2018, Progress Reports will be sent home with students.

Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on March 22, 2018.

The Elementary and High School Science Fair is being held at Bear Creek on April 7, 2018.

The 2017-2018 Grade 12 Commencement will be held on June 28, 2018. With this is mind all graduating students are being asked to submit their volunteer hours’ sheet or making sure they are going to be completed before the end of June.

Prom will be held at Tangle Creek on May 25.

There is a new Administrators Procedures Memorandum (APM) regarding student field trips. There will be changes to the field trips that will be allowed. There are ‘high risk activities’ that may not be allowed (i.e., involving water activities). Please keep in mind that the changes have been made for the safety of all students and staff.

School Action Plan – this is a fluid document but one that includes improving student scores in literacy and numeracy. There is a literacy coach that was available for grades 9 and 10 students that provided support for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). There was a focus on applied grades 9 and 10 math. Students are finding that the new method of teaching math called ‘Spiral’ math is being well received. Students find that by reviewing the different math strands more often helps with their comprehension. The Plan has a focus on Communication, well-being and equity/diversity.

Bear Creek is fortunate to be hosting a large number of international students. This provides an opportunity for staff and students to recognize a learning curve with students who do not have English as their first language.

Other Business

The Drama Festival will be held in the spring.

Future meeting dates are: March 7

April 4

May 2

June 6


The meeting adjourned at 7:22 pm on motion by M. Dunn, seconded by J. Fraser.

The next meeting of the Bear Creek School Council will be:

Wednesday, March 7, 1018, at 7:00 pm in the Career Centre


M. Abram,J. Fraser,M. Hermiston,


November 2017 minutes/MAH