Extension educators identify, validate and gain access to information sources, interpret information, and sometimes repackage information to help others understand and apply knowledge. Keeping technology skills updated is essential for transforming information into usable educational materials and to communicate effectively with a broad range of colleagues and clientele. As technologies evolve extension educators need to be up-to-date on new and emerging technologies so that they can offer learning in interactive and appropriate ways. Extension educators should be continuously engaged in new modes of learning such as online, blended, flipped (lectures online with face-to-face activities) and technology enhanced face-to-face experiences, in order to adapt to the changing needs of their audiences.


Has basic computer and software skills, for example:

1) Is comfortable with windows and various methods for organizing files.

2) Responsibly updates software and protects the computer from attacks.

3) Is skilled with Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel, and Publisher.

4) Can add and track events in the Events Management System.

Appropriately uses available tools for communication.

1) Uses Outlook email and the calendar effectively.

2) Can use OWA—the Outlook Web Application.

3) Knows how to install and use Lync.

4) Knows how to access and use Zoom.

5) Uses social media as appropriate for communicating information.

Appropriately uses available tools for sharing and managing information.

1) Is comfortable finding information in and adding things to SharePoint.

2) Understands and uses, as appropriate, the ‘S’ drive and the ‘U’ drive.

3) Is familiar with the MSUE website, and how to ‘Find an Expert’, search the Bookstore, and find topic-related information.

4) Is familiar with the OD website and all the information found there.

5) Knows how to access and use Google tools—drive/docs, hangouts—under the MSU banner.

6) Knows how to search for and checkout books, CDs, online recordings and other resources in the online Professional Development & Multicultural Library.

7) Can promote educational materials through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Vimeo - as appropriate.

8) Knows how to use technology resources such as web sites, social media, and online learning experiences in order to build communities of engaged learners.

Appropriately uses educational technology, for example:

1) Uses Adobe Connect effectively for participatory webinars and meetings.

2) Uses PowerPoint effectively for visual impact.

3) Uses TurningPoint effectively for participant engagement.

4) Can effectively use a course management system—such as Moodle or Desire to Learn (D2L)—for creating and offering online courses.

5) Knows how to request the MSUE Video Conferencing system for remote workshops and meetings.

6) Produces TV/radio educational programs where appropriate

Appropriately uses and contributes to eXtension:

1) Understands the mission and value of eXtension for the work in MSUE.

2) Participates as an ‘Expert’ in the Ask an Expert system, when appropriate.

3) Actively participates in a Community of Practice, as appropriate.

4) Knows how to search for information using various eXtension search tools.

5) Knows how to share webinars through ‘Learn’, and search its archive for recordings on a variety of topics.


1) Visit and become familiar with the resources, policies and personnel at the ANR TS website:

2) Learn how to use Adobe Connect through Dr. Luke Reese’s basic training, and a help facilitate a meeting in Adobe Connect.

3) Sign up for an eXtension ID:

4) Enroll in a free course offered by eXtension Campus:

5) Enroll in the free Desire2Learn online training course and watch at least one video in each of the main areas of focus (creating content, communication, assessment):

6) Use the eXtension ‘Learn’ system to attend webinars and watch archived webinars: .

7) Use the Events Management System to register for workshops:

8) Identify a program to promote or implement by radio or TV: visit a local TV/radio station to identify a contact person; learn more about this technology and how to access it.

9) Familiarize yourself with one new tool, practice its use, and have a colleague provide feedback.

10) Familiarize yourself with office equipment available at your office and practice using the equipment.

11) Checkout one of the books below from the online Professional Development library:



Bozarth, J. Better Than Bullet Points: Creating Engaging e-Learning with PowerPoint. 2008.

Collison, G., B. Elbaum, S. Haavind, and R. Tinker. Facilitating Online Learning: Effective Strategies for Moderators. 2000.

Palloff, R.M. and K. Pratt. Collaborating Online: Learning Together in Community. 2005.

Rheingold, H. Net Smart: How to thrive online. 2012.

Watkins, A. 75 e-Learning Activities: Making Online Learning Interactive. 2005.


Allen, M.W. Michael Allen’s Guide to E-Learning. 2003.

Aragon, S.R. (ed.) Facilitating Learning in On-Line Environments. 2003.

Bender, T. Discussion-Based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning. 2003.

Elbaum, B., C. McIntyre, and A. Smith. Essential Elements: Prepare, Design, and Teach Your Online Course. 2002.

Levine, S.J. Making Distance Education Work: Understanding Learning and Learners at a Distance. 2005.

Rice, W. Moodle 2.0 E-Learning Course Development: A Complete Guide to Successful Learning Using Moodle. 2011.

Salmon, G. Etivities: The Key to Active Online Learning. 2002.