Agenda Item: Plenary 15
Labor and Social Protection Network Meeting Summary Report
Purpose: Consideration
Submitted by: LSPN Coordinator
/ 34th Human Resources Development Working Group Meeting Moscow, Russia5-10 February 2012
APEC Labor and Social Protection Network Meeting
Summary Report
8-9 February, 2012
The APEC Labour and Social Protection Network (LSPN) Meeting was held on 8-9 February 2012 during the 34th APEC Human Resource Development Working Group (HRDWG) in Moscow, the Russian Federation.
The Chair and LSPN Coordinator, Jason Coutts (Australia) and host economy co-chair, Alexey Vovchenko (Russia) welcomed delegates. Twelve economies were in attendance: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia, Chinese Taipei and the United States. David Dowell from the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), and Sylvain Giguere and Francesca Froy from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) were welcomed as observers.
The LSPN reviewed and accepted the agenda with minor amendments.
Special forum on factors affecting employment elasticity, high quality jobs, labour productivity and participation
The forum began with an invited presentation from Sylvain Giguere and Francesca Froy from the OECD and its Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) program, which focusses on policy implementation and cross-cutting approaches.
The presentation concerned “Building more and better quality jobs in the recovery: unleashing the potential of employment policy”, during which they discussed LEED’s recent work and main findings in this and other areas of their program, highlighting the role of local flexibility in policy delivery and the formation of collaborative networks. A wide-ranging discussion was held, revealing some common areas of interest between LSPN members and LEED. There was strong interest in future collaboration on suitable projects.
In response to the OECD presentation, New Zealand discussed the skills and productivity challenges that their economy is facing, highlighting the demographic challenge. Australia also provided an update on its approach to building quality employment in priority regions.
Updates by APEC Member Economies on labour and social protection issues and developments
Network members present short updates on labour and social protection developments in their economies. Presentations included: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia, Chinese Taipei and the United States. Some common themes included skills mismatch, the engagement of youth, and demographic challenges.
LSPN would investigate opportunities to collaborate on ageing-related projects with other APEC working groups.
Latest statements of APEC Economic Leaders and discussion on the medium-term workplan for LSPN
The Chair made a short presentation summarizing the main points of relevance to the LSPN emerging from the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Honolulu and the APEC 2012 priorities. This led to a brief stocktake of LSPN’s progress in relation to the HRD Ministers’ Action Agenda for 2011 to 2014 – LSPN has made progress on many items in the action agenda to date, with new projects also in the pipeline. Member economies were encouraged to consider the items in the action agenda in developing new projects; with LSPN to continue to monitor its progress against the action agenda over the coming year.
The Russian Federation outlined an initiative on the development of flexible employment and provision of favorable conditions, and databases on job vacancies, to match family responsibilities with employment, consistent with the APEC Russia priorities for 2012 as outlined during the HRDWG plenary session on 8 February 2012. In developing the issue, it was proposed to elaborate proposals on effective private-public partnerships in social and labor fields through the Russian initiative. Member economies welcomed the Russian efforts made in this area.
Reports on completed or current projects
A number of member economies updated LSPN on recent or current projects.
· APEC Forum on HRD: inclusive growth, focusing on disadvantaged youth (Japan)
· Promoting inclusive growth through social protection (US/the Philippines)
· Effective labor market signaling (the Philippines)
· APEC skills development promotion project (China)
· APEC Green Skills Symposium (US)
There was a general discussion on project surveys and it was agreed that a calendar of project dates and deliverables be prepared across the LSPN projects to better sequence activity.
Rebuilding following the Canterbury Earthquake
New Zealand discussed the impact of the recent natural disasters in their economy, the range of strategies being used in the rebuilding process and the labour market implications.
Presentations on proposed new projects
A number of member economies outlined new project proposals and sought the active support and participation of other members:
· Entrepreneurship skills development for the unemployed by APEC public employment services (Russia)
· Building natural disaster response capacity - sound workforce strategies for recovery and reconstruction (Australia)
· APEC forum on measures to the socially vulnerable for realising inclusive growth (Japan, self-funded)
· APEC vocational training project in cooperation with enterprises (Japan, self-funded)
· Skills mapping across APEC economies (Australia).
Partnerships and engagement
On behalf of the LSPN, the Chair thanked representatives of ABAC and the OECD LEED program for their participation in the meeting, which will provide a strong basis for future collaboration. The OECD agreed that there were many areas of common interest and that they look forward to working with LSPN.
Other business
The Lead Shepherd introduced the draft HRWG proposed workplan for 2012 and sought feedback from member economies.
LSPN noted their need to select a new LSPN coordinator and deputy, which they would do out of session before the next HRDWG annual meeting.
Meeting Conclusion
On behalf of the LSPN, the Coordinator again thanked Russia for hosting the event, and both the APEC Secretariat and Russian staff for their hard work leading up to and during the meeting.
The record was agreed.
The meeting closed at 16:50.