CAVY Skillathon 2015 Study Guide

Age Divisions: Junior (8-11) Intermediate (12-14) Senior (15-18)

Exhibitors will participate in age-based Skillathons. This study guide includes all topics an exhibitor might be tested on. Youth will only be tested on a portion of these items at Skillathon.

STATION 1 – Record Book

Paper record keeping book found at the Extension office or online:

STATION 2 – Livestock Kit Testing

All Ages- Anatomy- rump, hindquarters, loin, back, shoulder, crown, ear, eye, face, nose, mouth, chest, front feet, hind feet, side of body

STATION 3 – Quality Assurance

You will be asked about Good Production Practice (GPP #2) “Establish and implement an efficient and effective health management plan.”

Junior- Be able to identify proper nutrition for a healthy pet cavy.

Intermediate & Senior- Know and understand a VCPR (Veterinarian-Client-Patient-Relationship). Be able to identify proper nutrition for a healthy pet cavy.

STATION 4 – Interview about Project


Describe age, sex, and price of your cavy

Describe breed and group of your cavy

Type, amount, and frequency of feeding

Areas of animal cage set up to improve in the future

How much time do you spend with you cavy a week


Describe breed, group, age, sex, and price of your cavy

Six pillars of character- name and describe

Examples of unethical cavy care

Handing a Cavy A: Pg. 47

General Health A: Pg. 48

Show Classes Pg. 68


Describe breed, group, age, sex, and price of your cavy

Common Diseases A: Pg. 49

Vitamin C A: Pg. 46

Ventilation A: Pg. 36

Breeds of Cavies A: Pg. 21

STATION 5 – Skills Knowledge

Junior- Basic Animal Care

Housing supplies

What to look for in- hair, eyes, ears, toenails, weight

Describe your cavy’s temperament

4 Groups of Breeds A: Pg. 21

How to select a healthy Cavy A: Pg. 21

Why not cedar shavings A: Pg. 35

Food to avoid A: Pg. 45

Intermediate-Showmanship Best Practices

Showmanship attire

Animal records- type and importance of

Confirmation and Type A: Pg. 28

Faults of Cavys A: Pg. 29

VCPR A: Pg. 53

Grooming for show A: Pg. 60-61

Examination A: Pg. 63-65

Senior- Situational Word Problem Topics Pick one worth 4 points

Common Diseases A: Pg. 49

Quarantine A: Pg. 49

Gestation A: Pg. 55

Mating- monogamy vs. colony A: Pg. 55