MAY 7, 2013

4:00 P.M.

ATTENDANCE Mayor Rob Ware and Councilmembers Peggy Allgood and Ken Landers were present. Nellie McCain arrived at 4:10. Mary Littlejohn and Robin Clements were absent.

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ware called the meeting to order.

SPLOST UPDATE The applications for SPLOST projects are due by May 10th. The Council agreed to submit an application for funds to renovate historic Fannin Hall. Allgood asked if the City could submit any more projects. She would like to push for a city-wide historical project. Mayor Ware stated that this would dilute the potential for Fannin Hall to be chosen as a SPLOST project. A presentation will be made to the SPLOST Committee. It would not be appropriate for the Mayor to make the presentation as he was an ex-officio member. Mayor Ware will ask a Councilmember to make the presentation. Ben Carter, architect, will assist with the presentation and power-point.

ARCHITECTURAL An architectural study was done on Fannin Hall and other buildings by architect Ben

STUDY Carter, who presented the Council with the architectural/engineering report. The estimated cost for the renovation of Fannin Hall is $2,590,436.90. Carter stated that the auditorium is not suitable for renovation and his determination is that it should be torn down.

FIRE DEPARTMENT MOTION: Ken Landers made a motion to approve the purchase of a new flag pole at the
FLAG POLE REQUEST fire department not to exceed $500. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All vote yes..

CEDARTOWN FIRE A request was made by the Cedartown Fire Chief whose residence is in the Jackson

AND RESCUE Chapel area. The insurance rates are up because these residences are so far away from

REQUEST the Polk County Fire Department. He would like to make this area a part of the territory for automatic aid from the Cave Spring Fire Department. This request must be made to Polk County and the City’s obligation to Floyd County takes precedence. There has been no concrete discussion about this.

MOTOR VEHICLE Mayor Ware reported to the Council that due to time constraints, he signed, on behalf

TITLE TAX of the City, the agreement with Rome, Floyd County and Cave Spring for the new motor

AGREEMENT vehicle title tax complying with House Bill 386-Code Section 48-5b-1 which meets the requirements of an intergovernmental agreement. This tax will be replacing some of the lost revenue due to motor vehicle sales no longer being subject to sales tax.

MOTION: Peggy Allgood made a motion to approve Mayor Ware’s signature on this agreement. Ken Landers seconded the motion. All voted yes.

BUDGET CALENDAR Mayor Ware presented Council with the budget calendar.

REQUEST- Gary Crook sent a letter to Council requesting permission to house laying hens on his

GARY CROOK property inside the City limits of Cave Spring. Attorney Zack Burkhalter will research this request and give Council a written opinion.


MAY 7, 2013


D.D.A.- RESIGNATION The D.D.A. will advertise for a new board member by way of newspaper, website and

OF DONNA STAPLES word of mouth. This appointee must be a business owner or operator. This will be on the agenda for the June meeting.

FIVE YEAR UPDATE The Councilmembers received a copy of the update and accomplishments. The public

OF COMMUNITY hearing will be at the next regular meeting May 14th at 6:00 p.m.




ADJUSTMENTS A discussion was held.

MAP ADVERTISMENT A map company is requesting Cave Spring to advertise at a cost of $369 for a small

REQUEST- GREATER advertisement. This will be discussed at the next regular meeting. The City Clerk will

ROME CHAMBER determine if the wording can be changed.


PURCHASE AWARD- This will be a regular meeting agenda item.


ADJOURN Mayor Ware adjourned the meeting.




