Ingham GSRP Advisory Council Meeting
June 12th, 2015
9:15-11:15 AM
Ingham ISD-Thorburn Education Center
- Welcome and Introductions
- Ingham Preschool Updates
- Splash Page
- Showed splash page and explained why we added it
- Will be helpful for families to start exploring before filling out the application
- Kick back survey showed that parents are interested in more info about preferences and program options
- Preferences
- Handed out preferences page and requested additions and up
- Enrollment Questions
- Communication has been very good this year, much less calls about status updates-saying haven’t heard yet
- Mark children as enrolled in real time because it allows us to prove that families have been enrolled by Federal Poverty Level
- Special Education Evaluation Referrals- will be adding a way for families to indicate if they would like to have their child evaluated for a disability or delay on the online application
- Potentially liked to Build Up Michigan (Formerly Project Find)
- Outreach opportunities- Looking for volunteers-Sign up on table during meeting- email Wendy Boyce if you would like to sign up
- Potter Park Zoo Days- July 7th and 8th
- 3 ½ hour shift at our outreach table
- Back to school health fair-Week of August 17th
- Families can come and get vision/hearing screenings/vaccinations/ community resources
- Past Outreach- Be a Tourist in Your Town 5/30/2015
- Feedback was that people are becoming more familiar with preschool options
- Legislative Updates
- Transportation Funds
- Changed language from “the lesser of” projected transportation costs or $150 per slot, to “no more than” projected costs or $150 per slot
- Old language made it so IISD had to give back Transportation money because not everyone provided transportation for GSRP, new language will potentially allow IISD to have a larger pool of funds that can be distributed differently and will allow sites that use transportation to be better reimbursed
- Administrative Cap
- Revised from 2% for ISD and 5% for Sub-recipients to 4% for both ISDs and Sub-recipients.
- Means a reduction in 1% funding for Sub-recipients Administrative Costs
- Will find out more about allocations and timelineon ISD/MDE call- Tuesday 6/16
- Ingham GSRP Data Review
- PQA- MDE requirement to look at county wide data to begin determining professional development opportunities, goals, etc.
- Three year trend (see PPT)
- Each work group discussed one portion of the PQA data and shared out
- Competitive Process Rubric/Slot Distribution
- Handed out Competitive Process Rubric to each program with individual scores and shared county wide scores
- Early Childhood Specialist Updates
- Creative Curriculum Training and TS GOLD Training
- IISD Early Childhood Specialists will attend the Train the Trainer session for Teaching Strategies
- Will allow them to provide support for new teaching teams, existing teaching teams, program director training
- Training Preferences Survey
- Survey was handed out with questions regarding training dates for teaching staff and administrators
- New Teaching Strategies products
- TS GOLD Plus-
- new online planning tool that allows teachers to link new anecdotes with planning tool, links with assessment data, can drag and drop schedule pieces, allows to put in assessment levels while teaching, approximately $250 per classroom right now, ISD working to get a lower price. Allows to link automatically to study guides, Intentional Teaching, Mighty Minutes. Will be purchased through the ISD when you purchase the TS GOLD. Follow link for more information:
- Fidelity Tool Kit-
- Creative Curriculum and TS GOLD- would be helpful for admin during teacher observation along with rubric for scoring, for the teacher it will break down components of curriculum to ensure curriculum is used with fidelity. Follow link for more information:
- Updates
- Social-Emotional Workgroup
- Part of GSC
- Met in April with 30 in attendance.
- How can the community support socio emotional health of EC
- Trauma 101 training June 23rd through WMU Located in Holt, still can register- 3 weeks ago Corrie Mervyn emailed a link
- Birth to 8 guide available on Family Learning Connection Website- Behavior section
- Family Learning Connection
- Link on IISD website
- Program Updates
- Mobile Learning Activity at Hawk Island- Information handed out
- TS GOLD interfacing with Illuminate Ed Update
- Working to add TS GOLD info
- Data from TS GOLD won’t be paper copy only, will be added to Illuminate Ed where all their k-12 info goes
- DO NOT Delete any children from TS GOLD for this school year- Corrie will let sites know when it is OK to delete
- 15-16 GSRP Advisory Council Structure Input
- Survey was given to get feedback on frequency, content and scheduling the 15-16 Advisory Council Meetings