Name: ______Per: ______

Causes of the Civil War (Ch. 17) People

For each definition, identify the person being described. People have full names. All names need to be spelled correctly and capitalized.

1. ______Lawyer from Illinois who debated Douglas for the Illinois Senate seat in 1858 and lost; he ran for President on the Republican ticket in 1860 and won

2. ______Senator from Massachusetts who fought to for the passage of the Compromise of 1850 and defended it in Congress

3. ______Missouri slave who began his legal quest in 1846 to gain his freedom, with the Supreme Court announcing its decision against him in 1857

4. ______Senator from Kentucky; worked on his last compromise in 1850

5. ______Democrat elected President in 1856; spoke against secession but did nothing to stop it.

6. ______Former Senator from Mississippi who became the only president of the Confederate States of America in February, 1861

7. ______Kansas abolitionist who led raids against a pro-slave town killing 5 men; led his followers to attack the federal arsenal Harpers Ferry, Virginia, he planned to lead a slave revolt in Oct 1859, he failed and was tried and executed for murder and treason

8. ______Senator from South Carolina who made his final defense of the South and slavery in the Senate debates for the Compromise of 1850

9. ______In 1856, he was the 1st Republican candidate for president, even though he didn’t win the election it showed the power of the new Republican party

10. ______Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court who wrote the decision in the Dred Scott case; was nominated by Andrew Jackson in 1835

11. ______Senator from Illinois who helped Clay get the Compromise of 1850 passed; created the Kansas-Nebraska Act; debated Lincoln for the Illinois senate seat in 1858; ran for President on the northern Democratic ticket in 1860 but lost