Cause and Effect Relationships1

Cause and Effect Relationships


This purpose of this essay is to discuss cause and effect relationships. There will be three examples used to discuss cause and effect relationships. They are: getting hired for a job, getting married and having a baby. All of these three basic examples are based on cause and effect relationships and will clearly illustrate the connections that are formed amongst cause and effect relationships. First, I will begin with some general background as to what exactly is defined as a cause and effect relationship and then proceed to illustrate that with the examples previously mentioned.


Cause and effect relationships are based on a cause which results in an effect. The cause is something that has happened and/or has occurred. Once this cause has occurred, then there is an effect which results. The following example that I will discuss of getting hired for a job will clearly illustrate the cause and effect relationship that occurs.

Getting a Job

The cause that is involved to reach the effect of getting a job is filling out applications in order to receive the job. One must also conduct the cause of searching for their desired job and/or employment that they want to have, as well as consider such factors that are involved with the cause such as the pay level, lifestyle involved with the job, as well as potentially the commuting distance from home, as well any budgetary factors that are inherent with the job such as lunches, cost of gas or clothing costs. Once all of these factors are worked into the cause of selecting and applying for specific employment and the necessary cause of creating a winning resume is achieved the next step is the effect of receiving the interview for the desired job. Once the cause is completed of successfully going through the interview process for the job because all of the necessary research has been done on how to do interviews well, as well as research regarding the company’s profile, objectives and hiring needs, plus corporate structure and lifestyle – the effect is that a job offer will be given and the end result of this effect will be that a job will be had which is the ultimate effect of this cause and effect relationship.

Next, I will discuss the cause and effect relationship of getting married.

Getting Married

I myself have not ever been married; however this cause and effect relationship is based on the usual formula which is common knowledge throughout society. Two people meet and fall in love – this is the cause. They may meet in a variety of ways as in through work as previously mentioned above, through mutual friends, or even at a party. The subsequent cause is that through the successful courtship period, the man usually asks the woman to marry in the traditional and more common scenario and then once the marriage ceremony is complete after much planning (there are now even jobs for wedding planners), by the end of the marriage ceremony and the departure for the honeymoon, once the honeymoon night is over if the marriage has not been consummated previously then the couple is then legally married. This is the cause and effect of love and marriage.

Next, I will discuss the cause and effect of having a baby.

Having a Baby

Again, I have not ever had a baby, however the cause and effect relationship for conceiving a baby can be taught even in Biology class.

First, the literal cause is that the man’s sperm connects with the egg of the woman and this creates a little dot that is the beginning of life. Once the baby has a chance to form into more of a human being over nine months full gestation, then the baby is born and the cause of the sexual act is the creation of a human baby which is the effect.

Now, I will conclude.


This purpose of this essay was to discuss cause and effect relationships. There were three examples used to discuss cause and effect relationships. They were: getting hired for a job, getting married and having a baby. All of these three basic examples are based on cause and effect relationships and clearly illustrated the connections that are formed amongst cause and effect relationships. First, I began with some general background as to what exactly is defined as a cause and effect relationship and then proceeded to illustrate that with the examples previously mentioned.