Caulfield School of Information Technology

Postgraduate Student/Staff Meeting No. 2, Semester 1, 2013

Minutes of Caulfield School of Information Technology Postgraduate Student Staff Meeting held on 7th May 2013, 12.00pm.





Voula Apos

Michelle Ketchen

Chris Ling

Rob Meredith
Michael Morgan

Steve Wright


Arinjoy Biswas

Jeff Chen
Annelie De Villiers

Haley Heo

Ishita Nautiyal

Susmit Nayak

Ivan Yososaputro


Judy Sheard

Grace Rumantir


Mohsen Faryabi


Michael Morgan opened the meeting at 12.00pm and welcomed all to the second meeting.

Arinjoy (MIT Professional)

FIT5171 -System validation and verification, quality and standards.
The lecturer is still experiencing technical difficulty with audio. The lecturer does wear a lapel microphone, however students still find it difficult to hear him.
Action: The school will forward the feedback to the lecturer and will speak with the FIT Technical Service Manager, Ben Doubleday to see if audio equipment can be improved.

FIT5168 Semi-structured data management.
Return of marked assignments is too long. Students would prefer if the tutors could return assignment within two weeks of submission or if the next assignment specs can be released earlier. Currently assignments have not been returned after 3 weeks.

Some students are also having problem with software licencing. XML Writer Version 2.7. Trial licences run out after 30 day trial. Software is available in the labs, however students would like the option of having software licensing so they can test from home.
Action: The school will forward the feedback to the lecturer. Michael Morgan will also raise these assignment guidelines to academics in the next School meeting. The School will speak with the FIT Technical Service Manager, Ben Doubleday to see if licenses can be made available to students.

Ivan (MBIS)
FIT5158 - Customer relationship management and data mining.
Lecturer, David Dowe and tutors, especially, Mark Ciotola are very engaging and actively post replies in Moodle.
Response: School to forward positive feedback to lecturer.
FIT5180 - Business and legal issues in project management.
Unit content may overlap with other undergraduate units taught at the Business and Economics Faculty.
Action: The school will forward the feedback to the lecturer.
Response: Lecturer to meet with the student and discuss in further detail.

Jeff (MBIS)
FIT5157 - Services science.
Students feel that a tutor’s feedback is not helpful. The tutor has been approached by students about this. Students feel that tutor may not be across the unit content as expected.
Action: The school will forward the feedback to the lecturer.

General Feedback
Lecture attendance by tutors.
Students find that tutors that attend the lectures seem to be more across the unit content that has been discussed in the lecture. It also seems to help when Lecturers are running out of time and skim lecture slides, the tutors can go over those slides in the tutorials. This seems to work well in unit FIT9005, Computer architecture and networks, where the lecturer informs the tutor of material that needs to be expanded on in the tutorial.

It was all agreed on that another student staff meeting should be scheduled just after the exam period.
Action: Voula to schedule meeting.

End Meeting 12.30 pm.