Catholic Women’s League
St. Gabriel Parish
Burlington, Ontario
General Meeting
April 18, 2016 – 7:00 p.m.
Present: 14 Members and 1 Guest
Business Meeting
President, Anne Walden, welcomed everyone and asked Patty Huschilt to lead us in an opening prayer. Patty led the League Prayer.
Anne W. mentioned that there were obituary notices for three priests on the sign-in table for anyone to read. She asked if anyone had good news to share:
Alma Robinson - had a wonderful Caribbean Cruise
Anne noted that she has had a return of a virus from a couple of years ago and has blurry vision so asked that we excuse her if she is slow reading.
Recording Secretary, Anne Cholewka, asked for help reading the three sets of minutes that are to be approved as she has a cough.
- Minutes of the November 23, 2015 meeting were read by Helen Crooker and approved on a motions made by Anne C. and seconded by Pearly Chan.
- Minutes of the February 22, 2016 meeting were read by Elaine Herod, who recorded them. They were adopted on a motion by Morag Wilson and seconded by Helen. Anne C. thanked Elaine for taking notes in February when she was away.
- Minutes of the March 21, 2016 meeting were read by Anne C. and approved on a motion made by Anne C. and seconded by Elaine.
Anne W. noted that there was no meeting January 17, 2016 because of a snowstorm. She asked that this be noted in the minutes. This is the reason the November minutes were not read/passed at that time.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Helen Crooker reported on the account balances. She indicated that membership is up to 76 paid members now.
Helen read thank you notes received for the following donations:
- Shifra House
- Canadian Food for Children
President’s Report
Anne Walden
Diocesan Convention – May 13-15 – Anne will be going for part of Saturday and Sunday. As in the past, some members may wish to go for part of the convention. She doesn’t think the meals will be worth the price, though.
Anne asked Patty to organize the Crowning of Mary for our May 16th meeting as she is Spiritual Convenor and suggested that she get others to help as needed.
After returning home from her trip, Anne received a number of lengthy reports from Diocesan and she has emailed them to some members. They are very long but she did make note of a request for 12 hours of prayer on May 4. It can be done on our own at home or at the church. She was not sure, though, if the 12 hours are to be consecutive.
Anne also received a petition for palliative care – she will leave it out for members to sign.
Correspondence – Elaine Herod, Corresponding Secretary
- Reported that she sent cards – to Ruth Breton, who is ill, and also to Deacon Randy to thank him for a great job with the mission. Elaine noted that a card was already sent to Helena Marsalek.
Convenor Reports
Spiritual – Patty Huschilt
- For May 4 – could we make a commitment to pray in our homes? Perhaps commit to doing a rosary. It is important for us to participate. Members agreed to pray at home rather than come to the church.
- Patty suggested that we do a spiritual bouquet for Fr. Piotr for his anniversary in May.
Membership – Gloria Nardi-Bell
- Noted that Helen already provided the membership numbers in the Treasurer Report.
Education – Lotte Fekete
- Shared a story about nobody doing a job – just because everybody thought somebody else would do it.
- Brought in an article about a suggestion to change confession from private confession to a group format.
- There was some discussion about how people feel about euthanasia and also about aids that should be available to keep track of elderly people with dementia who wander away and things to keep them safe as well.
Health - Pearlie Chan
-After reading an article on FaceBook, she noted that when people go to the hospital it is important to tell staff about wishes when yourself or parents are really sick. Do you/they want CPR to resuscitate or intubation? There is a slim chance of survival and on the very frail damage is caused that is painful and then they die anyway. Make sure family and friends know what your wishes are.
Community Life - Morag Wilson
- Had nothing to report at this time.
Christian Family Life – Marguerite Birett
- Explained that she has taken over Christian Family Life from Joanne Matters who is working full time now and could not continue as convenor.
- Choir update - Marguerite approached St. Marks about the possibility of a children’s choir. A note was sent home to explain that parents would need to bring the children to church. They have a choir that sings at school masses and the plan was to have the children sing the same songs at the Saturday masses at church. Only one response was received to the notes that went home. Marguerite said that the one child could come and sing with her but that didn’t work out.
Anne W. – suggested we update the list of Executive. It is useful for making calls. Anne C. will look for the previous list to make the updates so it can be distributed. We also need a list of members – for phoning for things like meeting cancellation.
Rummage Sale
- Elaine – enquired about putting a notice in the Post – she also called about SNAPPED, but was too late for the date (she was sick). They suggested adding it to the online calendar – Jane Michael will follow up to ask that it be put on the online calendar.
- Elaine went to 2 other rummage sales on the weekend at St. Stephan’s and Appleby United – both had ads in the Post.
- It was felt that it would be worth it to put an ad in the Friday Post when most people read about garage sales and rummage sales – Elaine will put it in.
- Patty will put a big sign in front of the church and also has signs for Upper Middle Road and Brant St.
- Patty – will look after jewelry. The items will be bagged – people will pay at their table.
- Patty also suggested selling soup and buns starting at 11:00 - $2.00 – also have available for workers – some members offered to make soup or chili.
- Maria – who serves coffee after the Polish masses offered to make coffee – so that could be available as well.
- Helen will look after the table with the money.
- Helen can open the hall on Thursday for donations.
- Patty will put out a list for members to sign up when they can help.
- Patty suggested having a 50/50 draw as well but it was decided not to try this.
- There was some discussion about floats and how to set up for the event.
Other Business
Anne Swale – shared something happy. She had a note from Marie Young who said that Larry is about the same but more content being close to family. They miss all their friends in Burlington, though.
The meeting was adjourned on a motion by:
Pearly – 8:20 p.m.
Minutes by: Anne Cholewka