(As approvedby BOM in its meeting held on 4.6.81)
The journeys willbe treated as official, when they are performed:
i)totake officers to place, where official meetings are held, and to bring them back;
ii)totake officers to official receptions etc. where the officers are required to bepresentinconnection with their official duties;
iii)to fetch persons from their respective places of business/residence or to drop then back, where these persons have been invited to attend a meeting in connection with the work of the Corporation;
iv)topick upofficers from their residenceor to drop them backon occasions when they were required to attend a meeting held in a buildingother than their normalplace of dutyandoutside the normal working hours;
v)in cases of emergency, when an officer/member of the staff, onbeing suddenly taken illor on meeting with an accident, is removedfromhis office/place of accident either to a hospital or to his residence.
a) Forofficialjourneyoutside headquarter/station of the officer for which T.A. would be admissible, the use of the staffcarwillnot be allowed exceptunder written orders of the Managing Director. When the staff car is thus used, no charges will be made for the use, but the officers will be entitled only to Daily Allowance under the Regulations of the Corporation in force.
b)In the case of the Regional Directorates/Project Offices forofficial journeys outside the Headquarters/Station of the officer, for which T.A. would beadmissible, no priorapproval of the Head Office is essential to take the vehicle outside the Headquarter buteach Regional Office/Project Office willsubmit a reportabout the movement of the official vehicle out of Headquarter/Station in accordance with the instructionsissuedby Head Office fromtime to time.
Touring Officers of the Corporationmaybeallowed the use of StaffCarfor journeys from residence/office to the Airport/Railway Stationand vice versa, but the officers concerned should not be allowed to draw the mileage allowance, they should be required to give a certificate alongwith their T.A bill whether or not the Staff Car was needed by them.
The use of StaffCarmaybe allowed to the membersandinvitees to the meeting of the General Council, Board of Managementfunction Committees, Sub-Committees, visits to New Delhi/Delhi/Regional/Project Offices in connection with such meetings orotherwork of the Corporation.
i)The StaffCarwillbepermittedto be used on such journeys to a limitedextentprovidedofficial requirements are notaffectedinany way.
ii)Occasional journeys performed byofficers from their residenceto office and vice versa willbe treated as non-duty journeys.
iii)The use of StaffCarwillnotbepermittedfor journeys to places of entertainment, public amusements parties or pleasure trips etc.
iv)1[A rate of Rs.4.50 per kilometerforsmallstaff cars of notmore than 16 hp and a rate of Rs.6.00 per kilometer of big cars of more than 16 hp] willbe chargedfor the use of Staff Car/Jeep on non-duty journeys. The charges at the said rate are recoverable from the officers/members for only the actual distance covered by the officers/members using the staff car.
The charges recoverablewillbeforcompletemiles or kilometers, fraction of a mile or kilometer being rounded offto the next higher integer. The charges so calculated will be rounded of to the nearest multiple of five paise.
v)Detention charges at the rate of2[Rs.3.00]per hour, will, however, beleviableif a StaffCar is detailedfor non-duty purposes irrespective of the detention of the Staff Car being within or outside the normal working hours of the Staff Car. The period of detention will be noted by the officers concerned in their remarks column of the Log Book and detention charges will be recoverable on the basis thereof. Fraction of an hour will be charged on the basis of actual period.
1&2 The rates indicated are as per theStaff CarRules of the Central Govt. (Swamy’s compilation of Staff Car Rules incorporating orders upto June’06) as perdecision of BOM in its 60thmeeting held on 30.10.91 charges for non-duty purposes are tobe recovered as prescribed by the Central Govt. fromtime to time under theStaff Car Rules of the Central Govt.
vi)The StaffCarfor non-duty journeys willnotbe allowed to be used byofficers on leaveexceptunderspecificorder of the Dy. Managing Director.
vii)Officers, should notnormallyuse the StaffCaron such journeys outside the normal hours of duty of the Staff Car Driver, saveinexceptional circumstances, e.g. when officers are tobe dropped at their residenceafterattending a meetingetc. In all cases where the Staff Car is used for non-duty purposes and if during such use the Staff Car Driver becomes entitled to Over Time Allowance, the Over Time Allowance in such cases shall be recovered from the officers/member using the Staff Car in addition to charges for use of Staff Car for non-duty purposes and detention charges.
5-A3[[Notwithstanding anything contained in Regulation 5, Managing Director, NCDC asChief Executive, willbeallowed the facility of use of officialcarforprivate purposes upto 500 kms in a month on payment of the following charges:
4[Cars with air-conditioners(Rs./month) / Others
i) For car upto and including 16 H.P / 560 / 440
ii) For cars above 16 H.P / 700 / 560]
The charges for non-duty journeys in excess of 500 kms in a month will be recovered at the ratesprescribed in Regulation 5.]]
Log Book shall bemaintainedby the StaffCarDriver in the formatAppendix ‘A’, asper the form attached with existing Rules.
Entries in the Logbook should be made in inkorcopying pencil, butpreferably in ink. Entries in the Log book will be completedand signed immediatelyafter the car is releasedby the officer using the staff car.
Officers using the StaffCar should note in the LogBook in their ownhandwriting the mileageat the start and at the completion of their trips after verifying the kilometers and give sufficient particularstoindicate that the journeys were on officialor non-official business.
3Inserted vide decision of BOM in its 33rdmeeting held on 29.3.85.
4The rates indicated are as per theStaff CarRules of the Central Govt. (Swamy’s compilation of Staff Car Rules incorporating orders upto June’06) as perdecision of BOM in its 60thmeeting held on 30.10.91 charges for non-duty purposes are tobe recovered as prescribedby the Central Govt. fromtime to time under the StaffCarRules of the Central Govt.
The entries in the LogBook, in respect of journeys performed, bymembers of the staff, will be counter-signed by an officer of the Corporation. In case of the Managing Director, Dy. Managing DirectorandFinancialAdviser of the Corporation, the entries in the Log Book may be made by their respective PSs/PAs. If the journeys were on non-official business the entries should be countersigned by the officers themselves.
Wherever staffcar is required, requisitions in the formatAppendix ‘B’ (attached with existing Rules) willbe submitted to the Controlling Officer i.e. Dy. Managing Director at Head Office/RegionalDirector at Regional Office andProject Officer at Project Office. To avoid dislocation of the allotments and inconvenience to others, officers will strictly stick to the timings shown in the requisition slip and return within the specified time. If they cannot do so for some reason, the car should be sent back before the due time and if it is desired that the driver should pick them up later on, a second requisition should be filed in and handed over to the Staff Car Driver for orders of the Controlling Officer.
The StaffCar should notnormallybe detained by an officer/member formore than half an hour. In case of officer/member is likely to be delayed for a longer period the car should be sent back to the office, as otherwise further bookings may be dislocated and other officers inconvenienced.
5[The normal working hours of the staffcardriverwillbefrom9.30 A.M to 6.30 P.M with a lunchbreak of half-an-hour from 1.30 P.M to 2.00 P.M.
Note:The Controlling Officer may, however, so prescribe the working hours of the StaffCarDriveraccordingtoadministrativeconvenienceand requirements so that the totalnumber of hours of effectiveduty does not exceed 8½ hours per day. The Over Time Allowance to the Staff Car Drivers will be regulated in accordance with the scale laid down by the Central Government from time to time. No special allowance is admissible to the drivers for cleaning and washing the Staff Car, as such services form a normal part of his duties. NoCleaners should be separately appointed for keeping the staffcar clean and washed.]
- For the administration of the NCDC StaffCar Regulations, the exercise of powersbyRegional Director/Project Officer would besubject to the observance of the instructions that may be issuedfromtime to time by or under the orders of Dy. Managing Director.
5 As amended vide BOM’s decisionin its 30thmeeting held on 2.6.84
Date / Time / MeterReading / MileageCovered / NameDesignation of the Officer / Place of visit / Purpose of journey / Official
Private / Petrol drawn / Signatureand remarks if any.
From / To / Start / End
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Requisition of Staff Car
Slip No.______Dated______
- Name of Officer
- Designation
- Timedate on which
staffcar is required
4.Places likelytobe visited
5.Approximate timefor which
staff car is required
6.Return time of the car
7Purpose for which the car
is required
Signature of the Officer
requisitioning the car
Controlling Officer