Setting in place a nutrition policy or adding these aspects to your health and safety policy, demonstrates your positive attitude towards healthy eating and your intention to sustain any programmes of change.
The following is a simple draft of a basic nutrition policy that you might wish to adapt for your workplace.
Nutrition policy for (name of organisation) ______
Effective from______
Healthy eating has been shown to be beneficial in reducing the risks of several conditions including Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease.
This organisation recognises the importance of providing staff with healthy choices in a hygienic environment and undertakes the responsibility of ensuring that issues surrounding nutrition in this workplace are addressed.
This policy has been drafted through a working group, made from members of this organisation, after consultation with the whole workplace. This working group will be responsible for ensuring the success and sustainability of this nutrition policy.
General Principles
This nutrition policy seeks to guarantee staff
- access to healthy foods
- education on healthy eating
- facilities to safely store and reheat meals
- opportunities to work in partnership with other organisations for mutual support around healthy eating
- a healthy eating ethos where positive messages around healthy food and cooking are promoted
- a pleasant atmosphere where the social aspects of eating, such as respecting the value of mealtimes, are maintained
- water provision
- support in leading an active life
Staff will be informed 60 days in advance of the introduction of this policy.
Monitoring this policy will be carried out twelve months following its implementation. Staff will be consulted about the results of the monitoring and review.
Catering facilities
Catering staff will receive accredited training on Healthier Foods and Special Diets so that they understand the importance of healthy eating in the workplace and how to deliver healthy eating strategies and messages.
A wide variety of fruit, vegetables and breads will be available. Main meals will be based on the Eatwell plate.
Vegetarian options based on peas, beans, lentils, eggs or quornwill be offered on a daily basis.
Cooking methods will ensure excess fat is removed, and recipes are adapted to ensure oils, salt and sugar are used sparingly.
Fruit, vegetables and salads will be offered at the lowest possible price and marketed in a positive manner.
Changes to the policy
Twelve weeks written notice will be given of any changes made to the policy. The workforce will be consulted as soon as practicable prior to proposed changes.
Nutrition policy (July 2012)