Note for Tuesday, April 10th, 2018

Our school website:
Catholic Schools: “Care for Everyone in Our Common Home”

Welcome back and Easter Blessings!


  • Hot Lunch – Sloppy Joes
  • PSG meeting- this Wednesday, April 11th at 7pm in the library.
  • Your student-led conference booking sheet – due tomorrow
  • Looking for an Early Morning Supervisor - Monday mornings 8:10-8:25am
  • CWL and PSG BURSARY- details below
  • April 18th - Student-led Conference – school is out at 2:00pm- buses will run
  • April 19th - Student-led Conference – school is out at noon- buses will run
  • April 20th– Pro D Day – no school for students
  • April 27th - Grade 6/7Carnival from 6:30-8:00

Easter Reflection

Wishing you Easter Joy! From Henri J.M. Nouwen: “ Joy does not come from positive predictions about the state of the world. It does not depend on the ups and downs of the circumstances of our lives…Jesus says it loudly and clearly: ‘In the world you will have troubles, but rejoice, I have overcome the world.”

HOT LUNCH – Sloppy Joes

Orders for hot lunch are due Wednesday at noon- no later. You may use your hot lunch cards or cash.

Jersey Day in support of Humboldt Broncos families– this Thursday

Our Country has come together to support those affected by the lives lost and show the families that they are not alone. On Thursday, April 12, you’re invited to wear your jersey(any team jersey)to school to show your support. If you do not have a jersey you are welcome to wear green and yellow/gold or a hat with a hockey logo.


Hello, parents/guardians. The Tuition Commitment form sent home today with theTuesdayNote is an ESSENTIAL and MANDATORY form for next year’s planning and dataupdate. Each family is required to fill out the form. It is to be returned by Tuesday, April 16th.Please call the school office if you have any questions. Thank you. School Council

*If your family is NOT returning to St. Joseph’s next September, please write it across the form.


When we were reviewing the attendance for second term for report cards, the number of recorded lates for students was startling! Being there to start the day with the class is so important for: friend check-ins, general information, morning announcements, checking of homework book, and sometimes some extra help by an aide. Late arrivals also negatively impact the learning environment for other students. Everyone runs into circumstances where they get delayed – but if lateness is preventable, it is important to address it. Thank you for your support in this matter. Sincerely, Rosemary McKenzie


Report cards were sent home on March 23rd. Please sign the envelope and return it to the school as soon as possible. Thank you. Your child will be showing you his/her learning next week in student-led conferences.

STUDENT-LED CONFERENCES- April 18th and 19th *

*grade 2 and 7 conferences will be this Thursday

Each student had a Student-led Conference booking form put in with his/her report card before Spring Break. The form is due back to your child’s classroom teacher tomorrow. If you did not receive the form please let the teacher know. We are excited about your children showing you their learning next week! It will be enjoyable!


The weather is warming up our playground is a snowy and mucky mess!! The younger (and older!) students are drawn to the puddles, mud and water. Please send in extra socks, pants, and shoes with your children to save a phone call home for a change of clothes. Thank you.


Thank you so much to everyone who supported the grade seven raffle and bought tickets! We really appreciate it! The winners are as follows:

First prize – handmade twin quilt – Caitie Debruyne

Second prize – $50 Safeway gift card – Kathy Eddy

Third prize – homemade chocolate mousse cake – Kelli Maskiewich

Thanks again! The Grade Seven Class


St. Joseph’s Parent Group is also pleased to offer a bursary of $1000 to any graduating student who attended St. Joseph’s School for at least four years. In the case of more than one applicant, the bursary will be split into two $500 bursaries. For more than two applicants, selection will be by random draw for two $500 bursaries. Contact SSS or our office for further details, including criteria and application deadline.


St. Joseph’s Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada is pleased to once again offer a bursary of $500.00 to a student, who in the past attended St. Joseph’s School, and is graduating from Smithers Secondary School in June 2018. Contact the office for guidelines and criteria. *Deadline for application is May 1st *

ST. JOSEPH’S YEARBOOK - $30.00 each

We are preparing a yearbook!! Your price for the yearbook is $30.00 with the difference being covered by PSG. Advertising will be available with a business card and $25.00.

We would like to get started soon on creating the yearbook, so we need your help. We are looking for photos for the yearbook. If you have any photos that you would like to share please put them on a thumb drive with your name on it. Thanks for your support. Sandy Nixon


KINDERGARTEN: Please be sure that your child has a water bottle and a change of clothes. We are getting into the melting season (very slowly, it is true) and children tend to get wet quickly so a change of clothes is necessary. Thank you.

GR.2:Families wanting the Sacrament of Reconciliation and/or First Communion are to contact the Parish.

GR.6: Camp Emmaus is June 4-8th. We are looking for 2 kitchen helpers for the week and drivers to and from camp on the 4th and 8th. If you are able to help please let the Mrs. Wilson know.

GR.7: The Grade 7 trip fee of $250 is due by April 11th – which is tomorrow!