What can you do to help you r child be successful at school?

1. Expect your child to write all of the following in their Agenda Book daily and bring it home to show you.

* what was done in each class.

* If there is an assignment, expect the child to be specific about page numbers, problem or question numbers, title of worksheet, etc. “None” if there is no homework.

This information is on the board in all core classes.

2. If it is not done, you or your child can always visit our team website, .k12.in.us/Domain/1040, and look under our “Daily Homework Assignments (Homework Hotline)” section.

3. “I did it at school.” If the child has a problem getting their work completed and turned in, have him/her bring the assignments home to show you they are completed.

4. Check the RDS Online Parent Portal for your child’s grades and assignment scores frequently. It is effective to check it with the child and ask them questions.

5. “I can’t find it.” “I left it at home.” Help the student organize their binder/folders every couple days...daily may be necessary!

6. Check in with the teacher periodically. Email is the most efficient way to stay in contact. If you wish to leave a voicemail, please dial (219) 663-1507 and the extension of the teacher you would like to contact.

Subject Teacher Email Ext .

Math Mr. Shih 12201

Science Miss Crossley 12250

Lang Arts Mrs. Motkowicz 12202

Soc Studies Mr. Thomas 12210

RTI - LA Mrs. Murphey 12206

RTI – Math Miss Elmore 12213