Catholic Out of School Hours Care Coordinator
Excellent professional development opportunities are now offered for on-the- job training and mentoring for suitable applicants for current Supervisory roles within our network of Catholic Out of School Care centres. Applicants need to display aptitude for a leadership and supervisory role to effectively manage our COSHC services in the Diocese of Parramatta in a caring, supportive and innovative work environment.
Key accountabilities are:
- Lead and motivate staff in the provision of a Catholic Out of School Hours Care (COSHC) program and Vacation Care program in a cooperative team environment, while supporting the Catholic ethos
- Effectively plan, organise, coordinate, control and participate in the day-to-day operations of the care programs
- Manage effective community development processes to support children and families in the Parramatta Diocese to enhance identified social outcomes
- Support the effective financial management of Catholic Out of School Hours Care to deliver cost effective services
Essential Criteria:
- Support of Catholic ethos
- Degree in Primary Education / Diploma in Children’s Services or OOSH, an approved equivalent or commitment to achieving this qualification
- Willingness to take on the role of Nominated Supervisor for the service
- Strong commitment to the provision of quality child care in a genuinely caring environment
- Experience and demonstrated skills in planning, coordinating and implementing quality child care programs and services for children aged 5 to 12 years
- Demonstrated ability to effectively manage, lead, develop and motivate staff
- Skills in child care administration and operational systems, including Child Care Benefits claims
- Experience in budget preparation and financial management of a child care service
- Computer literacy
- Demonstrated effective communication, report writing, problem solving and organisational skills
- Adaptability and flexibility, including the preparedness and willingness to work at different COSHC/Vacation Care sites when required
- Understanding of community development issues and the issues related to disadvantaged families, including Aboriginal families and families of a non-English speaking background
- Knowledge of National Education and Care Regulations , National Education and Care Law, National Quality Framework for School Aged Care and National/State Codes of Practice and Standards affecting services for children aged 5 to 12 yrs
- Current First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis Certificates (or willing to obtain) and Class C Driver’s License
Salary and Conditions:
Salary and conditions will be based on Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award 2010.
Applicants must provide contact details including email addresses of three (3) referees, one of whom must be a recent employer, from whom confidential reports may be obtained.
Written applications, including a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae addressing the criteria, are to be sent to the Human Resources Officer, Personnel, Catholic Education, Diocese of Parramatta, Locked Bag 4, North Parramatta NSW 1750 or by email to by Friday 3 June 2016.
General Application Form
(to be attached with Resume and other Documents)
Position Applied for
Surname ______
Preferred Name______
Christian Names ______
Former Name (If Applicable) ______
Home Address______
______Postcode ______ / Address for Correspondence
Phone & Email
Private ______Business ______Mobile______
How did you find out about this position?
Please complete and return with your application and a full resume to:
HR Officer
Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta
Locked Bag 4North Parramatta NSW 1750
Privacy requirements – employment collection notice
1. WhenyouapplyforthispositionyouwillprovideCEDP(throughourschools,CatholicEarlyLearningCentres
(CELCs),Catholic OutofSchoolHoursCare services(COSHCs) andoffices)withpersonalinformation.
2. Ifyouprovideuswithpersonal information,forexampleyournameandaddressorinformationcontainedonyour resume, wewillcollecttheinformationinordertoassessyourapplication.Wemaykeepthisinformationonfileifyour applicationisunsuccessfulincaseanotherpositionbecomesavailable.
3. OurPrivacy- Statementsetsouthowyou mayaccessandseekcorrectionofyourpersonalinformationthatwe hold aboutyouifyouareunsuccessfulfortheposition.However,theremaybeoccasionswhenaccessisdenied.Such occasionswouldincludewhereaccesswouldhaveanunreasonableimpactontheprivacyofothers.OurPrivacy- Statementalsosetsouthowyoumaycomplainabouta breachofprivacyandhowwewilldealwithsuch acomplaint. OurPrivacy-Statementisavailableat:
4.We maydisclosethiskindofinformationtothefollowingtypesoforganisations:theCatholicEducationCommissionof NSWandtheCatholicCommissionforEmploymentRelations.Wewillalsodisclosethisinformationwithyourconsent orasrequiredorauthorisedbylaw.
5. Wearerequiredtoconductacriminalrecordcheckandcollectinformationregardingwhetheryouareorhavebeenthe subjectofanApprehendedViolence OrderandcertaincriminaloffencesunderChildProtection laws. Wemayalsoelecttocollectpersonalinformationaboutyouinaccordancewiththeselaws.
6. Wemayuseserviceproviderswhoprovidecertainservicestousandourstaffandstudentsincludingdatastorageand contemporaryonlineteachingtools.Wemayprovideyourpersonalinformationto suchserviceprovidersinconnection withtheprovisionoftheseservices.Ourserviceprovidersmaystore,or process,dataoutsideAustralia,includingintheUnitedStates,Singapore,Irelandandpossiblyothercountries.Weendeavourtofindwhere theseprovidersstore theirdataandupdatethiscollectionnoticeassuchinformationbecomesavailabletous.Inaddition,ouremailserviceprovider maystoreandprocessemailsintheUnitedStatesorinanyothercountryutilisedby Google.
7. Ifyouprovideuswiththepersonalinformationofothers,weencourageyoutoinformthemthatyouaredisclosingthat informationtousandwhy,thattheycanaccessthatinformationifthey wishandthatwedonotusuallydisclosethe informationtothirdparties.
8. Youmayobtainfurtherinformationfromthefollowing:
• Forour schools:theschoolprincipal
• ForourCELCs:theCELCdirector
• For ourCOSHCs:theCOSHCsupervisor
• Forouroffices: PrivacyOfficer:
How to Apply
Applicant information
- Address your formal letter of application to:
Mr Gregory B. Whitby - Executive Director of Schools
- Supply resume, including Academic Record and employment details
- Supply response to each essential position requirement criterion
- Supply details of three (3) referees (numbers and email address), including current employer, from whom confidential reports may be obtained.
- All application materials to be received by close of business on the due date
- Send all application materials to:
HR Officer
Catholic Education Office Diocese of Parramatta
Locked Bag 4
North Parramatta NSW 1750
- Those who are applying by email please email:
Catholic Education Office Diocese of Parramatta (CEDP) invites appropriately qualified and experienced applicants who are committed to the ethos of Catholic Schools to apply for advertised positions.
CEDP is committed to the principles of merit selection ie selecting the best person for the job and to the core values of the system vision statement, ‘to be open, inclusive and just’.
To assist in selecting the right person based on skills, knowledge and experience, it is important that your application provides all relevant details. Please consider the following information when preparing your application.
Please note: this information is to be read in conjunction with specific documents that apply to every advertised position. They can be found on our website or by calling the contact person named in the advertisement.
A selection committee decides who is to be interviewed based on the information that you present in your application.
It is very important that your application is clear and concise, and indicates how your knowledge, skills, experience and relevant work history (paid or unpaid) support your application.
So when applying for a position always include:
- a completed application form,
- a brief resume detailing your employment history, education and qualifications, and
- details of how you meet the individual essential and desirable criteria as stated in the “Position Criteria” document. For example:
Essential Criteria:
Demonstrated ability to deal with staff at all levels of the organisation.
In my current role, I not only deal with peers providing policy and procedural advice, I also provide financial information and advice to senior staff within my Division, including the General Manager and Director.
The advertisement will state where to forward your written or electronic application, and the date by which it is to be received.
Your application will be acknowledged in writing as soon as it is received.
Approximately one week after the closing date a selection panel of a least three members will shortlist the applications, inviting for interview the applicants who best meet all the selection criteria.
Applicants who aren’t invited for interview will receive a letter notifying them that they are unsuccessful.
If you are being invited for interview you will receive a phone call advising you of the time and location. Interview questions are based on the selection criteria and the key accountabilities so be prepared to give examples of your work experience, skills and knowledge, and how these relate to the position you are applying for.
After the interviews are conducted referees will be contacted on the applicant(s) the panel deems most meritorious, so include at least three work referees – ideally from your current employer or supervisor, or the most recent ones.
Following the referee checks the selection panel will make a final recommendation on whom to appoint based on the merit of the written application, the performance at interview and the referees’ comments. This is forwarded to the Executive Director of Schools for approval.
Once approved, the successful applicant will be telephoned and a verbal offer made, with a written Letter of Appointment to follow. Unsuccessful applicants are notified by mail.
Successful applicant(s) will be subject to the requirements of current NSW child protection legislation. For further information on the legislation visit the website . Specific Parramatta Catholic Education requirements will be advised at interview.
POSITION TITLECatholic Out of School Hours Care Coordinator / CURRENT POSITION HOLDER
Financial & Administrative Services / FREQUENCY OF REVIEW
COSHC Operations Supervisor / DATE LAST UPDATED
June 2015
The Catholic Out of School Hours Care Coordinator works within the Financial and Administrative Services Team of the Catholic Education Office.
Financial and Administrative Services delivers a range of services and high level advice and proactivity in the area of Finance, Office Administration, Facilities and Procurement.
This position supports the system strategic intents of improving learning outcomes for all students and promoting a professional and rewarding working life for teachers.
Key accountabilities are:
- Lead and motivate staff in the provision of a Catholic Out of School Hours Care (COSHC) program and Vacation Care program in a cooperative team environment, while supporting the Catholic ethos
- Effectively plan, organise, coordinate, control and participate in the day-to-day operations of the care programs
- Manage effective community development processes to support children and families in the Parramatta Diocese to enhance identified social outcomes
- Support the effective financial management of Catholic Out of School Hours Care to deliver cost effective services
- Support of Catholic ethos
- Degree in Primary Education / Diploma in Children’s Services or OOSH, an approved equivalent or commitment to achieving this qualification
- Willingness to take on the role of Nominated Supervisor for the service
- Strong commitment to the provision of quality child care in a genuinely caring environment
- Experience and demonstrated skills in planning, coordinating and implementing quality child care programs and services for children aged 5 to 12 years
- Demonstrated ability to effectively manage, lead, develop and motivate staff
- Skills in child care administration and operational systems, including Child Care Benefits claims
- Experience in budget preparation and financial management of a child care service
- Computer literacy
- Demonstrated effective communication, report writing, problem solving and organisational skills
- Adaptability and flexibility, including the preparedness and willingness to work at different COSHC/Vacation Care sites when required
- Understanding of community development issues and the issues related to disadvantaged families, including Aboriginal families and families of a non-English speaking background
- Knowledge of National Education and Care Regulations , National Education and Care Law, National Quality Framework for School Aged Care and National/State Codes of Practice and Standards affecting services for children aged 5 to 12 yrs
- Current First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis Certificates (or willing to obtain) and Class C Driver’s License
- Foster Gospel values and act according to Catholic ethos
- The Coordinator position requires both direct face-to-face OSHC service care provision per week and at least 7.5 hours administration per week outside of centre opening hours. The balance of time is for centre administration, preparation duties for opening and meetings with staff and key stake holders. The actual hours of the position will vary depending on individual COSHC service structure
- Create and maintain an interactive, safe and caring environment for children, teaching them through modeling and demonstration of appropriate activities
- Treat each child with dignity and respect taking into consideration cultural, socio-economic or other differences that might arise and support the inclusion of children with additional needs
- Foster an enthusiastic teamwork approach, coordinate staff and delegate duties to staff members as appropriate and necessary to achieve objectives within acceptable time frames
- Plan, develop, monitor, evaluate and appropriately adjust programs to assure a wide variety of activities and a quality child care service
- Professionally manage the day-to-day operations of the COSHC centre and Vacation Care including: staffing, rosters and timesheets, induction, staff dress code, programming, enrolment and attendance records, waiting list, cancellations, timely fees billing, fees collection and receipting, finance, operational procedures, dissemination of information, reporting, purchasing, stewardship custody and control of assets
- Work with other staff members and other Coordinators in providing an environment where new ideas are welcome and encouraged and where there is a high level of enthusiasm and teamwork
- Implement and maintain the appropriate risk management and WH&S policies and procedures and emergency procedures to ensure the health and safety of children, staff members and visitors of the care service
- Respond appropriately to accidents or emergencies and administer First Aid as appropriate
- Record incidents and medications in terms of policies and procedures, monitor recordings and manage the safe custody and control of medications out of reach of children or unauthorised access
- Maintain a behaviour guidance policy that promotes a safe environment
- Provide feedback to parents/carers where appropriate on their child’s participation at the centre
- Report incidents of suspected abuse or neglect in a timely manner via the Primary School Principal
- Ensure all appropriate records are accurately maintained up-to-date and kept confidential and comply with Privacy legislation requirements
- Liaise with the Catholic Education Office (CEO) and DEEWR to comply with and maintain Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate records and submissions within legislative timelines and requirements
- Ensure continuous compliance with relevant government regulations, guidelines and funding requirements including Education and Care National Regulations, Education and Care National Law, National Quality Framework and My Time Our Place- Middle Years Framework and Quality Improvement Plans.
- Prepare and monitor the budget for the COSHC and Vacation Care centre and manage expenditure within the CEO approved budget, in accordance with CEO guidelines
- Effectively manage COSHC and Vacation care staff and promote staff involvement, and ensure own involvement, in professional development and in-service training opportunities
- Identify and implement promotional opportunities for the centre and include monthly news updates in the school newsletter and participate in the school orientation process for new kindergarten parents
- Liaise with parents and members of the public to ensure the service is presented in a professional and positive manner and is responsive to the needs of the children and their families
- Apply conflict resolution and problem solving techniques to staff and parent conflict
- Liaise closely with the School Principal, school staff , Parish Priest and Parish community to foster a cooperative and productive partnership
- Assist with interviewing and appointment of staff members in accordance with CEO staff policies
- Maintain knowledge and understanding of the priorities and strategic intent of the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta system of schools
- Comply with and ensure application of Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta policies and procedures
- Complete other duties as required by the Director of Financial and Administrative Services and the Executive Director of Schools.