St. Bernadette Catholic School

Catholic Education Week 2017-2018

Renewing the Promise

This year’s Catholic Education Week theme is “Renewing the Promise.”
The theme for CEW 2018 draws upon previous documents on Ontario Catholic Education, namely, “This Moment of Promise” (1989), “Fulfilling the Promise” (1993) and “Our Catholic Schools” (2006-2007). These three documents, while several years apart from each other, all speak of the unique mission of Ontario Catholic Education, the importance of its shared leadership by all those involved in Catholic Education and the critical role of Catholic Education in contemporary society.
“For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.” Acts 2:39 / Wednesday May 9,2018
Praying the Promise & Prier la promesse
9:30-10:15am: Mrs. Schneider, Mrs. Choong, Mrs. Leitgeb, Ms. Fernandez, Mrs. Rabines (FDK, Gym) Liturgy: Promise Theme
1:20-2:30pm: Mr. Kennific (Gr. 7, Room 209) Haiku Nature Walk
1:45-02:30pm: Mrs. Belobradic, Mrs. Beauchesne, Mr. Curvan (Gr. 1, 1/2 Room 101) Mother’s Day Celebration, science activity
1:25-2:25pm:Mr. Reaume, Mrs. Macaluso (Gr. 2 Front Sidewalk) “I Have Called You By Name” Graffiti Liturgy
3:00-3:30pm: Mme. Shannon, Mrs. Pare, Mrs. Russo-Rocha (Gr 5 Extended French, Library) Renewing“La Promesse” Liturgy
Monday May 7, 2018
Remembering the Promise & Faire mémoire de la promesse
9:30am: St. Bernadette Walk with Jesus
All Grades – Gathering in the Gym, followed by our community walk to celebrate our special gift of Catholic Education. Special presentation; prayer service and dance squad presentations followed by community walk.
11:00 – 11:30am: Mme. Hurst (Gr. 8 Extended French, Room 206) “Parlez-vousFrançais?” / Thursday May 10, 2018
Living the Promise & Vivre la promesse
12:50- 2:05pm: Mr. Reaume (Gr. 4/5, Front Sidewalk) Graffiti – “I Have Called You ByName”
1:50–2:30pm:Mlle. Price, Mme. Manes, Mrs. Doherty (Gr. 5/6, 6, Gr. 5 French, Library)A liturgy in French and English. Activity to follow the liturgy.
2:45–3:30pm: Mrs. Sbrocchi, Ms. Kotulak (Gr. 6, Room 208) Liturgy and Nevelson art activity
Tuesday May 8,2018
The Promise is Within You & La promesseestentoi
9:20-10:00am: Mrs. Kastelic(Gr. 8, Room 202): Collaborative Math Challenge
11:00-11:45am: Ms. Cvetkovic, Mrs. Les (Gr. 3/4 & 4 Library) Praying the Promise
1:15 – 2:00pm: Ms. Zullo, Mrs. Stankiewicz, Ms. Crew, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Pizzimenti-Filipiak
(Gr. 2, 3, 7, 8 Gym)S.T.E.M. – Robotic Inquiry Projects
9:50-10:50am: Mr. Rosha (Computer Lab)Exploring Google Classroom / Friday May 11, 2018
Proclaiming the PromiseAnnoncer la promesse
1:10-1:50pm: Mlle. Brzek, Mme Knez (G. 7 extended French, Library) “You Are Beautiful” video and presentation