Cathedral House, Great George Street,
Leeds, LS2 8BE
Tel: 0113 245 4545
Fax: 0113 245 3626
Priests::CanonMichael McCreadie (Dean)Cathedral Office: Tel: 0113 2454545
Rev Fr Martin KellyOpen: 8.30am-4.00pm Mon.,Wed. & Frid.
Rev Fr. Michael McLaughlinCathedral Secretary: Mrs Rebecca Phillips
Deacons: Rev Mr John LytheMusic Office: Tel: 0113 244 8634
Rev DrMichael MkpadiDirector of Music: Benjamin Saunders
Religious Sr. Beatrice Ogbonna, DMMMAssistant Dir. of Music: Chris McElroy
SistersSr. Martin Raphael Akpan, DMMMCathedral Organist: Julie Tanner
3RDSUNDAY OF EASTER 22ndApril 2007.
Day / Feast / LiturgyTimes / Mass Intention
Sunday / Saturday Vigil / 6.00pm
6.00pm / Allan Armitage
Patrick Conway
Prop Pop
Priest’s Intention
Monday / St. George (Patron of England) / 8.00am
6.30pm / Mary Hartington
Mary Gordan
Holy Father
Tuesday / 8.00am
5.30pm / Deceased members of SFO
Eamon McCrink (LD)
Priest’s Intention
Wednesday / St. Mark (Evangelist) / 8.00am
5.30pm / Willie Walsh
Priest’s Intention
Sr. Mary Luceat Nwaiwu DMMM (LD)
Thursday / 8.00am
5.30pm / Barbara Lynch (RIP)
Mary Morris
Priest’s Intention
Friday / 8.00am
5.30pm / Intention of Martin Joyce
Christopher Groake (A)
Priest’s Intention
Saturday / 12.00 noon / Bishop’s Intention
Sacrament of ReconciliationExposition of the Blessed SacramentAngelus & Rosary
Mon – Fri 11.00am – 12.15pmMonday – Friday: 3.00pm – 5.00pmMonday – Friday: 12 noon
4.30pm – 5.00pm
Saturday: 10.30am – 11.45am Vespers: Mon – Fri at 5.10pm (Sung: Tue, Wed, Thus)
4.30pm – 5.30pm
Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity No 249404
Hymns: 270,278
9.30amSung Mass
Missa in simplicitate: Langlais
Ave Maria: Perosi
O mysterium ineffabile: Lalouette
11.00am Solemn Mass
Missa O quam gloriousum:Victoria
Rex tremednae majestatis: Mozart
Cum sanctis tuis: Mozart
Organ: War March of the Priests: Mendelssohn
The new Music List for the Summer Term is available at the back of Church.
Sr. Mary Luceat Nwaiwu DMMM (LD), Mary Gordan, Mary Flanery (LD), Kevin Barker (RIP), Cecilia Armitage (A) (2), Tommy Heraty (LD), Bridges Conway, Christopher Groake (A), Paul Black, Roy Stuart (RIP), Holy Souls, Jim Courtney (A), Margaret Lassche, Thomas & Mary McDonagh & Carmel, Thanksgiving to Sacred Heart & Our Lady, Int. of Martin Joyce.
OFFERTORY ENVELOPES: The new offertory envelopes (pink) began on Easter Day. Please collect your new envelopes from the back of church. If you do not have a set of envelopes and would like to join this scheme please complete the form in the green leaflet entitled “Our Weekly Giving to the Church” and return it in the envelope provided.
MASS TO CELEBRATE THE 80TH BIRTHDAY OF HIS HOLINESS POPE BENEDICT XVI: This special Mass, celebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, Archbishop of Westminster and Concelebrated by the Archbishops and Bishops of EnglandWales, will be held tomorrow - Monday 23rd April at 6.30 p.m.in the Cathedral.
COFFEE & TEA AFTER 11.00 A.M. MASS: All are welcome to attend in the Cathedral Hall. The main entrance to the hall is opposite The Light.
CONFIRMATION: The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered on the evening of Friday 8th June by Bishop Roche. In preparation there will be a series of meetings for candidates at Cathedral Hall. Please see Fr. McLaughlin after Mass is you missed the initial meeting last week. The Enrolment will take place next Sunday at the 9.30am Mass.
MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE: All couples marrying in the Catholic Church are required to attend a marriage preparation course. The next course in Cathedral Hall will be held over three sessions from 9.30 a.m.-2.30 p.m. on Saturdays 28th April, 5th26th May 2007. Further details available from Rev. Michael Mkpadi on 0788 4197261. Before booking on this course please ensure that you have discussed your wedding intentions with your parish priest and the priest who will conduct the wedding.
LEEDS DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: This year’s pilgrimage will be from Friday, 6th-July to Friday 13th July 2007. The cost will be £525 & insurance. Please contact Tangney Tours (01732 886 666) or Sheila Ambler (01937 845 835) for further details.
LEEDS ASYLUM SEEKERS SUPPORT NETWORK: desperately need more people to become volunteer hosts for their Short Stop scheme. Short Stop hosts provide a bed for the night for refugees asylum seekers who have nowhere else to stay. Particularly looking for volunteers who are able to accommodate men. Further information from Kirsty Lambert on 0113 380 5689.
This is an organ recital by David Saint from St.Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham.
WE WELCOMEinto the Family of the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism: Harriet Catherine Mary Williams and Ella Kathleen Juniper.
We pray for Chris Stevens who will be ordained by the Bishop to the Permanent Diaconate on Saturday 28th April at 12 Noon.
A CONCERT on Sunday 29th April at 4.00pm by the boys & adult choirs of the Cathedral with the Leeds University Symphony Orchestra. Mozart Requiem.
CONGRATULATIONS to Robert Gatenby & Francesca Lowe who were married at the Cathedral on Saturday.
Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity No 249404