Cathedral Church of the Nativity
Vestry Minutes
October 17, 2011
Attending: Pam Bayliss, Tom Brandt, Garry Bruchok, Carl Chegwidden, Dick Guyer, Barbara Iannelli, Tom Kolepp, Kim Plyler, Richard Sause, David Swartz,
Lee Snyder, Joy Thiel
Absent: Bill Krueger, Phillip Rizzo, Ray Vernon
Clergy: Dean Tony Pompa
Interim Treasurer: Dee Montgomery
Following fellowship and dinner our meeting was called to order.
Ministry Focus: Sesquicentennial
Dean Pompa reported that he invited Tori Aitchison and Ray Vernon to update us on the plans for our Sesquicentennial but they were not able to make it this evening. We will move their report to next month. He said that plans are being made and events being put on the calendar. The Vestry needs to be part of the conversation.
Things Done and Left Undone—Strategic Road
Dean Pompa suggested that the Vestry review our “Light on the Path” document. There was discussion and conversation on those things we accomplished those things that we didn’t accomplish. There wasn’t enough time to go through the whole document. The Dean suggested that we read two at a time and have some conversation about it. We started with #1 of Leadership Development and went through the list. There was discussion on various ways we communicate our activity throughout the Cathedral. It was mentioned that we have created venues for that communication with our weekly eblasts that has the Cathedral’s calendar in it and it shows us what happens with the ministries. The Dean mentioned our SWEEPS list. We also have our weekly bulletin and Parish Visitor. Dean Pompa talked about having a ministry of the month or highlighting the ministry of the month. Signage also was discussed. The other topics relating to the Leadership Development were talked about such as developing a succession plan for those serving in existing ministries, creating a training process for leaders and ministry participants, encouraging those involved in ministry groups to adopt a structure of prayer, support, nurture, training and assessing peoples gifts and passions and encourage involvement by matching such to ministries and leadership roles.
Approval of Minutes: Sr. Warden, Kim Plyler
A draft of September minutes was reviewed. Carl Chegwidden made a correction on page 4 under UTO Grant. Change to: The grant has to. The minutes will be amended and final copy sent to the Vestry. A motion was made to accept the minutes as amended. It was seconded and all were in favor.
Treasurer’s Report – Dee Montgomery
Dee Montgomery reported that we are still two months behind in our assessment. Garry Bruchok questioned the type of fund raising we are doing that reflects a negative number. Dee Montgomery said it is a bookkeeping issue and explained how the Giant Grocery Card accounting is done—we have to sell the cards and pay the invoice for the purchase of those cards in order for us to sell them. There was discussion on how the accounting should be reflected so that we can see where we are each month.
Tom Kolepp pointed out that on this month’s Treasurer’s Report there is an answer to the question he had last month and it’s #1 in the footnote on page 4 of this report. He said it references account 4001 – actual pledges received for 2011 are $458,000. The anticipated budgeted amount was $539,000. The gap between that is $81,000 -- what we received in pledges is $81,000 short from what we budgeted. Not only are we banking on the room rentals, etc. but we were banking on $81,000 more in pledges. He said that we already know that we’d be taking money out of our endowment so that just points out that the gap that we have on the very top line.
Dean Pompa interjected reminding the Vestry of what he said last month – that $40,000 of that $80,000 has historically come from one person and that did not come and probably is not going to come. The Dean said this person is not able to do it and this needs to be noted in going forward.
The Dean also mentioned that this year for pledge income we did some projecting and there were 25 folks who typically pledge who did not pledge. Those pledge expectations were placed in that number--those folks are giving. He said that some of that other $40,000 is going to be represented in the non-pledged income and we need to be aware of this. We need to talk to Bill Korp about making that more evident so that we can look at that.
Dick Guyer stated that fund raising with the negative number showing up is an expense for an asset--that we have the cards and as we sell those cards that asset account goes down. We realize income and it goes against the disbursement too. Tom Kolepp suggested that Bill Korp create a Special Account. This way will know exactly where we are with the fundraising income.
Let it be noted here in the minutes:
That we should run the purchase of the gift cards through Special Accounts and the fund raising line should only reflect the actual cash that we raise. If we buy cards and sell them, then that amount from that should show up there. If we rent the room for $1,000 and we have $500 in expenses, then $500 would show up in this line. But there needs to be the accounting for it in the background so we can see the ins and the outs.
The motion was made to accept the minutes subject to audit. It was seconded and all were in favor.
Standing Committee Reports
1. Property Committee – Richard Sause & Lee Snyder
· Renovations: Richard Sause reported that the work is moving forward very well. He said they finished the repointing of the south gable—it’s cleaned and repointed. They are working on the capstones. They started on the west gable and are looking at the condition of the belfry much more closely.
Richard talked about how we manage the costs and how decisions get made. He said they have a process by which changes or adopting of any of the contingency items or options are approved--at least two people from Nativity, either himself, Lee Snyder or Jim Hoolehan, as well as the architects. They keep track of costs as changes get made. Richard noted that they have never budgeted for the stone at the apex that supports the cross. For some reason it was omitted by all of them—it was added--it’s called an apex. He said they also decided to switch the cross itself to a different material. It was going to be cast stone but was changed to limestone.
Richard reported that they made a decision at the Property Committee to restore the tracery of the rose window rather than replace it. It hasn’t been formally approved yet but that’s the direction we’re going in. Richard said that the tracery show up as a $114,000 item and that budget item was for replacement. We will save about $80,000 by restoring it rather than replacing it. That decision will be made after they see the condition of what is there. Regarding the stained glass work, they are still fine tuning this but the contractor is moving a little bit more slowly in terms of passing out information back and forth to us. He said they have asked him to refine the costs for doing the rose window. It’s not moving forward as timely as Richard would like but it’s still moving in the right direction.
Richard said that since they put up the scaffolding behind the west gable, the contractor and Sal Verastro have both asked them to reconsider the reconstruction of the belfry. Richard said they’ve been around the issue many times—to reconstruct or not reconstruct. Reluctantly they will be reconsidering. He said the issue is that the belfry is in much worse shape than they thought. With the scaffolding up they can touch and feel it and see that there is more damage than what was initially thought. They also had some doubts about rebuilding it without getting a structural engineer to work on the rebuilding if it gets done—mainly because they would never build a belfry that way today. It would be bad engineering practice to just put it back up the way it is. They are also concerned about having an opening for the belfry (the bell) – and this is why he actually thinks we should reconsider it. Richard said the architectural significance that we took into consideration before was for the belfry with an opening in it. But they think that’s a long-term liability to have the opening because that’s the path in which water can get into the wall. It was suggested to reconstruct without the opening but then you lose architectural significance and it doesn’t lo0k the same anyhow.
Richard also mentioned that they are considering some work on the narthex. He said there are three separate issues. One is where it ties into the old wall. He said it probably wasn’t done as well as it should have been so there’s potentially leaking area there. Richard said they are thinking about repointing the narthex and making it look like the south gable because now they look much different. The cost for doing that is about $6,000. He said there’s also a question about maybe getting some leakage from the front of the narthex wall--the actual gable in the narthex. Richard said they are trying to get some new information on this new item.
Richard Sause said that they asked the contractor to give them an estimate of what can we do with $80,000 since we didn’t have to spend it on the tracery. He gave them an area that he could repoint on the building and it’s essentially the entire east wall of the church to be repointed for $80,000.
· Lighting: Lee Snyder
Lee Snyder was asked what the update is on the lighting in Sayre Hall. He said tomorrow the they will start the removal of the asbestos. Our cost $1500. Lee described how the removal will take place. West Side will then install the lighting.
2. Communications and Technology Update: Nothing new to report.
3. Finance Committee – Tom Kolepp: Nothing new to report.
4. Personnel Committee – Garry Bruchok: The Committee will be meeting at the end of October and will report next month.
5. Budget Committee – Kim Plyler
Kim reported that they will be having a meeting the week of November 3.
Action Committees
· Church Growth – Barbara Iannelli
Barbara reported they had an organizational meeting last month. They will be meeting next Thursday.
· Shawnee Property – Dick Guyer for Ray Vernon who was absent.
Dick Guyer reported that it was a small meeting. They kicked around some ideas. They were raising it, making it a parking lot, and maybe a school. Kim Plyler suggested that there has be more than three people on it. Ray Vernon will be inviting a couple of people to join them. The purpose is for it not to be just Vestry. Barbara Iannelli suggested that if a school is considered that Cid Spillman would be a good contact for consulting on this. Barbara also mentioned that there was a survey done a few years back and that an adult day care and/or child day care were highly recommended. Kim Plyler asked that the Shawnee Group come up with these ideas and present to the next Vestry meeting.
· Fund Raising – Kim Plyler, et al. – No changes from last month.
Old Business – Sr. Warden Kim Plyler
· Communicating: What, how and who is communicating.
Barbara Iannelli will do Vestry Snippets. Topics were discussed.
New Business
Kim Player reported that she and Tony had a visit from a film crew who would like to use Bethlehem as a central location to film a movie. The movie they want to produce discusses both spiritual as well as paranormal subject matter, for example: UFO’s, etc. and these different things from a scientific archeological perspective. They were scouting in Bethlehem and fell in love with our church. They would (1) like to do a photo shoot on November 5 and, if we approve them to do the photo shoot outside the building and some of the inside places, want to know what would be the suggested donation amount that they could donate to us for doing that, and (2) could they rent our space for three months to actually do the pilot for this television show. There was discussion with many questions, suggestions, and answers. They also would need to rent a room they could use as a conference room. The Vestry agreed on yes to the photo shoot and suggested to negotiate from $3,000 for the day with $1,000 as the lowest donation.
Information – Dean Pompa
(1) Dean Pompa mentioned that at the Diocesan Convention we learned more about the extent of the flooding in the northern part of the Diocese, particularly in Pittston, there are many people still out of their homes. At the Convention, there was a goodwill last minute invitation to delegates to bring a gift card from stores like Home Depot, Lowes, etc. that people would need. The Dean feels we should also respond in some way. In the In-Gathering Letter that went out this day, he suggested everyone to bring a gift card with their pledge card.
(2) The Dean invited the Vestry to prayer for Cal Adams who has cancer and also his wife who was just diagnosed with cancer. Pam Bayliss will be purchasing a card and the Vestry will sign and send.
Calendar Review
· October 22: Altar Guild Annual Meeting
· October 23: Homeless Shelter Potluck
· October 29-30: Fall In-Gathering
· November 6: Methodist/Episcopal Service
· November 12: Renewal Assembly
The meeting was adjourned.
The next Vestry meeting is Monday, November 21 at 6:30 PM.
Respectively submitted,
Deb Smith
Deb Smith, Cathedral Administrator & Assistant to the Dean
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