4. What Are the Three Different Types of Plate Boundaries, Describe Each Type?

1.What evidence did Alfred Wagner use to support his theory of continental drift? Cities move further away from each other 2. Why do you think people didn't believe continental drift theory when Wagner first explained it? Because he sounded insane 3

Iag/Aig Regional Conference on Geomorphology 2011


A. the Importance of the Long View (Space and Time) in River Restoration

A. The importance of the long view (space and time) in river restoration.Rivers can be studied in their present state and at a specific location and this will yield only an instantaneous snapshot of the river at a point in space and time. If we are using

G342 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

G342 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy Name:______.Assoc. Prof. A Jay Kaufman.Crystal growth.Kinetics of halite dissolution.PURPOSE: Any mineral-water reaction occurs as a series of steps that can be described as follows: a) the reactants, for example hydrogen

Science 6Th Unit 1Geology (Week 7) Rock Cycle Student Name: ______ _____

Science 6th Unit 1Geology (Week 7) Rock Cycle Student Name: ______ _____.NOTE: You will conference with the teacher after you have completed your Pretest Analysis form and begin working on your choice board

International Tectonic Map of the Arctic at 1:5M Scale Temar-5000

International Tectonic Map of the Arctic at 1:5M scale TeMAr-5000.TeMAr is one of several geological maps compiled in CGMW project Atlas of Geological Maps of Circumpolar Arctic at 1:5 М scale (to 60º N)

Reacting to an Emergency

Cambridge College Humanities Department.Reacting to an Emergency!.The Pisco (Peru) Earthquake of 2007.In this game you will be in the role of Peruvian President.Your job is to react to information as it arrives in real time , taking.decisions that could save lives.INITIAL INFORMATION

Subduction & Trenches

Subduction & Trenches.The Aleutian Islands.What rock composed the tectonic plate that formed the Aleutian Islands?.Name two pieces of data (observations) that conclude that the plates are both composed of the same type of rock

Office Information Systems 251 Office Experience Practicum

HISTORICAL GEOLOGY.Fall 2007 Tue Thu 12.00 01.20 PM 3 credits.Instructor name: Dr. Graziela da Silva.Office location: 234 Beauregard.Office hours: Tue 3 4 PM; Thu 2 4 PM or by appointment

Chapter 12 Section 2

Chapter 12 Section 2.Types of Volcanoes.I. What controls the explosiveness of a volcanic eruption? Two main factors control whether or not a volcanic eruption is explosive or not. One factor is the amount of water vapor and other gases trapped in the

Reconstruction of Porosity Profile in an Offshore Well

Reconstruction of porosity profile in an offshore well.G. Montegrossi (*), O. Vaselli ( ), B. Cantucci( ), F. Quattrocchi ( ).*) CNR-IGG, Sezione di Firenze, La Pira, 4 50121 Firenze (Italy

Guatemala Paleoseismicity: from Late Classic Maya Collapse to Recent Fault Creep

Nature Scientific Reports.Supplementary information to.Guatemala paleoseismicity: from Late Classic Maya collapse to recent fault creep.By Gilles Brocard, Flavio Ansemetti and Christian Teyssier.S1- Agua Blanca: detailed tectonic description

Ausis Module: Seismic Waves

AuSIS Module: Seismic Waves.To introduce to students the fundamental seismic waves, how they propagate through the earth and how we observe them.There are three fundamental types of seismic waves.1. Compressional waves

Paper Title (Maximum Two s4

The Italian Geological Geoportal: an example of INSPIRE thematic framework.C. Cipolloni, V. Campo, M.P. Congi, D. Delogu, M. Roma, R. Ventura, C. Zonetti.Geological Survey of Italy - ISPRA, Roma, Italy

Meanders Are the Characteristic Bends Within a River That Are Generally Found in the Middle

Meanders are the characteristic bends within a river that are generally found in the middle section of a river. They can vary in size, but generally have a deposit of various sized material on the inside of the bend called a slip off slope or point bar

School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University

Investigating landslide hazards and potential impacts on dam safety using multi-platform SAR imagery and hydrodynamic model.School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University.In partnership with British Geological Survey