L Mouse BB 2Nd Edition Vol 3: Ch 21: Mouse Models of Inherited Human Neurodegenerative

Fox J, Barthold S, Davisson M, Newcomer C, Quimby F, Smith A, eds. 2006. The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 2nd edition Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, CA.Volume 3 - Normative Biology, Husbandry, and Models.Ch 21 Mouse Models of Inherited Human Neurodegenerative Disease, pp. 673 - 689

MCW PGA Microarray Protocol

Microarray Protocol.Gretta Borchardt.Anne E. Kwitek, Ph.D.Microarray Protocol-RNA Sample Preparation Procedure. In a collaborative effort between the PhysGen (MCW) and TREX (TIGR) Programs for Genomic Applications, we are isolating tissues from the rat

Initial Notes Before the Start

Non-radioactive Southern blot Protocol for telomere length analysis in plants.Steps in Days 1-3 are essentially modifications of the current radioactive TRF protocol used routinely in the Shippen lab (Texas A&M University, TX, USA).1.Use CTAB method for plant genomic DNA extraction

PCR Amplification of Plant Trnl And/Or Matk Ctdna Gene Regions

PCR amplification of plant trnL and/or matK ctDNA gene regions.Hannah Cohen and Molli Bauke 6/2012, after Logan Higgins.To amplify the trnL and/or matK region of plant chloroplast DNA. When we are harvesting root tips in the field, it can be difficult

Creating Zebrafish Transgenics

Creating zebrafish transgenics.1. Choose appropriate oligos to amplify genomic region of interest. My advice on oligo length is to range between 25 and 30 nucleotides with 50% G/C. Make sure you have fresh (less than 1 month) Spectinomycin plates for step 7

Movie Questions: Pollination

Focus Questions: Alex Zomchek s Presentation or Pollen Nation.1) What were your impressions of the presentation or movie?.2) Why is beekeeping so important?.3) What are some problems that beekeepers face in maintaining their hives?

Cell Communication Webquest s2

Cell Communication (Signal transduction).* We have now learned (through our cell projects and Ch. 7 of the text) how cells can transport chemicals and molecules into and out of their boundaries, as well as changing the molecular construction of the molecules

Microbiology by Davis and Dulbecco

Medical Bacteriology MIC 460.Professor: Ali A. Al-Salamah.Online Textbook of Bacteriology by Todar.Microbiology by Davis and Dulbecco.Human Bacteriology by Michael Wilson Translated to Arabic by Al-Salamah and Shebel.Laboratory Exercises in Medical Bacteriology by Al-Salamah and zaid (in Arabic)

Chapter 11 How Genes Are Controlled

Chapter 11 How genes are controlled Day 1.CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION OPERONS, DIFFERENTIATION, DNA PACKING, AND X INACTIVATION.1. What is gene regulation and why is it important?.2. What is a good analogy for an operon?.3. Define the following vocabulary words and then label them on the diagram;


Topic 21: COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CELLS CHEMICAL (LECTURE 33).1. Know the different kinds of chemical signal molecules.2. Understand the concept of second messenger and hormone signal amplification.3. Understand how the chemistry of a hormone determines where in the cell its receptor is located

Isolation of Mononuclear Cells (Mncs) and CD34+ Cells from Bone Marrow Or Peripheral Blood

SupplementaRY information: MaterialS AND Methods.Isolation of Mononuclear Cells (MNCs) and CD34+ Cells From Bone Marrow or Peripheral Blood Samples. For in vitro experiments, Bone Marrow (BM) or Peripheral Blood (PB) Mononuclear Cells (MNCs) were isolated

Online Supplementary Material s2

Online Supplementary Material.Group I-intron trans-splicing and mRNA editing events in mitochondria of placozoan animals.Gertraud Burger, Yifei Yan, Pasha Javadi and B. Franz Lang

Chapter 30 Non-Vertebrate Chordates, Fishes, & Amphibians

Chapter 30 Non-vertebrate Chordates, Fishes, & Amphibians.Foldable #1 OUTSIDE: Phylum Chordata.INSIDE: (Key Concept page 767): A chordate is an animal that has, for at least some stage of its life: 1-a dorsal, hollow nerve cord, 2-a notochord; 3-pharyngeal


HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY November 2011 Midterm REVIEW.This is the cavity of the body referring to most of the skull.The navel is______to the spine.group of cells with common function

Additional Data

Additional Data.Lipid synthesis.One of the important traits distinguishing the domain Archaea from the two other domains of life relies on the structural characteristics of their lipids 1 . Indeed, archaeal lipids contain hydrocarbon chains formed by

Chromosomal Microarray, Postnatal, Clarisureâ Oligo-SNP Letter of Medical Necessity

Chromosomal Microarray, Postnatal, ClariSureâ Oligo-SNP Letter of Medical Necessity.ATTN: <Medical Director/ Physician Name>, M.D.<Institution/Insurance Company>.<Street Address>.<City>, <State>, <Zip>.RE: <Patient Name>.DOB: <MM/DD/YYYY>