HQ 084006

May 4, 1989

CLA-2 CO:R:C:G 084006 VEA

CATEGORY: Classification

TARIFF NO.: 8905.10.10

Ms. Taina Ranta

Lannen Konepaja

SF-27820 Iso-Vimma (Saky La)


RE: Classification of multipurpose vessel (Watermaster)

Dear Ms. Ranta:

In a letter dated January 6, 1989, you requested a ruling

on the tariff classification of the Watermaster, a multipurpose

vessel, imported from Finland under the Harmonized Tariff

Schedule (HTS).


The literature submitted with the ruling request states

that the Watermaster is a multipurpose vessel designed to

preserve, restore, and rehabilitate lakes and inland waterways.

The Watermaster performs tasks in three different areas,

environmental management, construction, and maintenance of

waterways for leisure-related activities. In the area of

environmental management, the watermaster rehabilitates

eutrophic rivers and lakes, and provides landscaping and flood

control. It also performs such technical work as removing pulp

fibers and sunken logs, laying underwater pipe and cable,

managing industrial water areas, reservoirs, and special civil

engineering water projects. The Watermaster is also designed

to perform several functions related to maintaining waterways

for leisure activities. These include: constructing boating

routes, channels and marinas, rehabilitating bathing beaches,

and improving shorelines and banks.

The vessel has a steel frame. It comes with several

attachments, including a pump and hoe bucket, discharge pipes,

a spout, and digger and inspection equipment. It is self-

propelled by a diesel engine which operates a propeller

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through a transmission. The dimensions of the Watermaster are

as follows. The vessel is 10.2m in length; 3.2m in width and

weighs 14.1 tons.

You submit that the Watermaster should be classified in

subheading 8905.10.00 as a dredging vessel, the navigability of

which is of secondary significance compared to its main use,

under the HTS. The following is our decision on the issue.


Whether the Watermaster is properly classifiable as a

dredger or other vessel the navigability of which is subsidiary

to its function under heading 8905, subheading 8905.90.50, or

subheading 8905.10.00, and subject to a free rate of duty.


The General Rules of Interpretation (GRI's) govern

classification under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the

United States. GRI 1 provides, "for legal purposes,

classification shall be determined according to the terms of

the heading and any relative section or chapter notes, and

provided such headings or notes do not otherwise require,

according to the following provisions...."

The relevant heading and subheadings at issue in this case


8905 Light-vessels, fire-floats, dredgers,

floating cranes, and other vessels the

navigability of which is subsidiary to

their main function; floating docks;

floating or submersible drilling or

production platforms:

* * * * * *

8905.10.00 Dredgers

8905.90.50 Other

* * * * * * *

According to GRI 1, in order to be classified in 8905, an

article must (1) be a vessel, such as a light-vessel, fire-

float, dredger, floating crane, or other vessel, and (2) be the

type of vessel for which navigability is subsidiary to its main


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The article at issue in this case meets these criteria.

It qualifies as a dredger since its primary function is

removing earth or objects from the bed of a body of water.

Also, the vessel's navigable function, i.e. its use as a means

of transportation over water, is secondary to its main

function. The Watermaster primarily functions as a work

machine and is designed to perform certain work-related

functions to the body of water on which it is placed, or to the

surrounding land areas. These functions include removing pulp

fibres and sunken logs, managing industrial water areas and

reservoirs, constructing boating routes, channels, and marinas,

rehabilitating bathing beaches, and improving shorelines and

banks. Although the Watermaster is also capable of performing

other secondary or related functions, such as laying underwater

pipe and cable, it is primarily a dredging vessel.

You should be aware that the coastwise laws (i.e., 46

U.S.C. App. 883, 289, 316(a), and 316(d)) and the law

prohibiting the use of a foreign-built dredge in the United

States (i.e., 46 U.S.C. App. 292) may affect the permissible

use of the Watermaster. If you have further questions in this

regard, we suggest that you write to: Mr. B. James Fritz,

Chief, Carrier Rulings Branch, U.S. Customs Service, Room 2137,

1301 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 22209.


The Watermaster is properly classifiable as a dredger the

navigability of which is subsidary to its main function, in

heading 8905, subheading 8905.10.00 and subject to a free rate

of duty.


John Durant, Director

Commercial Rulings Division

allums library

6cc: Area Director, New York Seaport
