Catalog Course Removal Process

Purpose: Process for the removal of a course from active status in the catalog.

Coordination:Coordination is accomplished through Deans Council, the College Curriculum Committee and the Catalog Team.

Beginning of Process:Placing a course into inactive status may be initiated by the instructional dean or in collaboration with faculty.

End of Process:

Course is removed from view in the Catalog.


Inactive Course:A course that has been removed from view in the Catalog and deactivated in Banner.

  • Inactive courses must be approved through the curricular development process.
  • Inactive courses must include an effective date to be removed from view in the Catalog and deactivated in Banner.
  • The Catalog’s effective date for inactive courses is the beginning term of the upcoming Catalog cycle.
  • The Banner deactivation effective date is the first term the course will no longer be offered.

Reasons for placing a course into inactive status may include, but are not limited to:

  • Maintaining discipline currency.
  • Responding to business or industry needs.
  • Eliminating courses from the Catalog which have not been offered in the past two to five years and are not expected to be offered in the foreseeable future.
  • Prefix or course number change*

Discontinued Course: A course that remains in the Catalog even though there are limited or no plans for offering that course during the upcoming Catalog cycle. Discontinued courses will be deactivated from Bannerprior to the first term in which they are no longer offered. Discontinued courses must be approved through the curricular development process.

  • Discontinued courses must include an effective date for when it will be removed from view in the Catalog.
  • The Catalog effective date for discontinued courses is the beginning term of the Catalog cycle following the upcoming Catalog.
  • Discontinued courses will automatically be placed into inactive status in the Catalog on its approved effective date.
  • Discontinued courses must include an effective date for when it will be deactivated from Banner.
  • The Banner effective date for discontinued courses is the first term in which the course will no longer be offered.
  • Discontinued courses must include a comment in the Notes section of the Catalog course description explaining why it has been discontinued.

Reasons for discontinuing a course may include, but are not limited to:

  • Discontinued course is replaced by a new course.
  • Discontinued course is part of a program teach out.
  • Prefix or course number change.*

Static Course: A course that remains in Banner and in the Catalog although it has not been offered or has not made enrollment 3 years prior to and during the previous Catalog cycle. Static Courses are not reviewed or approved through the curriculum development process but each School should review their Static Courses on a regular basis to determine whether or not they should remain as is, be discontinued, or placed into inactive status.

Modified Course: A course that has been revised but maintains its core curricular intent. Types of course modifications may include, but are not limited to:

  • Title change
  • Course description edits
  • Prerequisite change

Modified Courses must be reviewed and approved through the curriculum development process.

*Prefix or Course Number Changes: When a course is assigned a new prefix or course number, the student information system-Banner and the catalog management system-Acalog, require a new course be created even when the core curriculum remains the same. Therefore, the original course must be placed into inactive status in the Catalog or discontinued. In either case, the original course must be deactivated in Banner prior to the first term it is no longer offered.

Banner Course Deactivation: A non-curricular process that removes a course from Banner either because it is being discontinued or it has been placed into inactive status.


Static Course Report – list of courses not offered and courses offered and not made enrollment 3 years prior to and during the previous Catalog cycle.


3 months prior toits presentation to the College Curriculum Committee each School reviews its Static Course Report to determine whether or not each course listed should remain as is, be discontinued, or placed into inactive status. An impact report should be run on all courses listed in the Static Course Report to determine if the courses not being taught are included in any active programs.

As part of the regular curriculum review cycle Schools may identify additional courses to discontinue or to place into inactive status in the Catalog. In both cases, these courses are entered into the curriculum management system for review and approval through the curriculum development process. Courses submitted as inactive or discontinued must be assigned an effective date for when they will be placed into inactive status in the Catalog and an effective date to be deactivated from the Catalog. See above definitions for guidelines.

Once a course is approved as inactive or discontinued it may not be reactivated without first being approved through the curriculum development process.

Rev. 12/10/15