(Administrative rule: 24:43:11:02)


School District:
Course Title: / Core Content
Delivery Method / Team Taught / Teacher of Record is:
Individual: Only CTE teacher teaches the course
Teacher Certification
Name on Certificate / Applicable Areas of Certification
Name on Certificate / Applicable Areas of Certification

Internal Use Only:

The following criteria need to be addressed in the curriculum plan and assessment. Each component will be scored based on a scale 0-3. The course must achieve a score of 15 out of 18.

  • 0= inadequate information;
  • 1= does not meet criteria;
  • 2 = partially meets criteria;
  • 3=meets criteria.

Criteria / Score
Curriculum plan is aligned to course specific unpacked content standards
Note: if course does not meet all unpacked standards, it will not be approved
Course syllabus is complete and understandable by parents/students
Curriculum plan addresses the appropriate level of blooms taxonomy
Curriculum plan reflects integration of CTE and core content
Curriculum plan promotes active learning through student interaction
Assessment methods align with curriculum plan
Plan indicates if end-of-course exams, authentic assessment, project-based learning and/or rubrics are used to assess students learning

____ Approved(Maximum of 5 school terms, which begin July 1 of each year.)

____ Revisions needed

____ Not Approved

OCCTE Director Signature Date

Course Syllabus Template

Course Description

Aim:Statement of what students will learn in the course.
Grade Level: / Length:
Topics Covered:

Instructional Philosophy and Delivery Plan


Delivery Method:

Course Goals and Standards

Major Course Projects

Assessment Plan & Grading Scale

Curriculum and Assessment Template

School District:
Course Title: / Core Content

Directions: Write the core content standard number and standard in the first column, CTE standard number and standard in the second column. In the curriculum column summarize the activities that will be conducted to meet the standard. In the assessment column, summarize how the standard is being assessed.

Unpacked Core Content Standard / CTEStandards / Curriculum Plan / Assessment by Standard

Final Assessment Plan

Check at least one of the following types of assessments and write a description explaining the final assessment plan.

end-of –course exams / authentic assessment / project-based learning / rubrics

Last updated on: 11/30/2018