Spring Camporee 2007 / SRD
/ Salt River District
Spring Camporee, April 20-22

Camporee Information Packet


Welcome to the Salt River District Camporee. Camporees provide an opportunity for Leaders to sit back and relax while program is provided for your scouts. Some of our Camporees are competitive while others are just unique experiences that help the troop to have a varied program with a little less effort. The resources of the District are brought together to do more than what a troop can do by itself. It‘s also a chance to visit with other troops, see what they have and talk to them about what they do so you can expand your knowledge and skills to make your program the best it can be.

So take advantage of this opportunity and put Camporee dates on your annual planning calendar and join us for the challenges, the fellowship, and the fun that is the Salt River District Camporee.

The Staff wishes you an enjoyable experience at Camporee. To ensure this we ask that you convey to you scouts the following:

Strict adherence to the scout oath and law will be expected.Radios, TVs, CD players, PDA’s, IPODS, Gameboys, electronic games, and the like are not permitted.

Leave No Trace is our goal and we need to be continually aware of what the large numbers of vehicles and people do to any area we use. Camping and Wilderness areas are shrinking every day. We can best protest these areas by parking in designated parking areas and ensuring that we use campfire and toilet facilities that have been provided for our use and not make any such facilities of our own. Please do not leave vehicles in your campsites. How can one night matter? Well consider that most of these areas are frequented by hundreds of campers nearly every weekend and all too many have the same thought. That’s 52 new oil spots a year or 52 spots of ground exposed to the heat, exhaust and weight of a vehicle. It’s not the one night that hurts it’s that there are too many other like minded people that think they are the only one doing it. Lead the Outdoor Code; don’t just give it lip service. Be a role model to your scouts and maybe we can slow the loss of this beautiful wilderness for future generations.

We must respect it and protect the area while we are there just as we would any personal property. Please be a good example of the BSA and leave the area cleaner than you found it.

A map provided in the packet will show where HQ is located and the general layout of the facility we are using. Event location information will be available at Camporee.

Have any Questions?

Call or E-mail Roy Hollis at 602-989-4605,

Troop Instructions

Check In

Please have an Adult check in before heading to a camp site. Campsites will be assigned and can be changed at the last minute. Patrol Rosters are due no later than the Morning Flag Ceremony though it would be nice to have them Friday night. We will use these lists to charge your troop. Patches will also be counted by these lists. Cars may be driven to the camp site to drop off gear, but please move the vehicles out of the camp site by TAPS. We will be taking a walk around camp and deducting Troop points for vehicles left in campsites.

Cracker Barrel

The Cracker barrel is for Adult Leaders and the SPL. Please do not bring Patrol leaders or other scouts. Food and space is limited. This is where you will be able to get the last minute details for events and activities. This is where you can also get questions answered. Please be prompt as we will start promptly. This is designed to be short and sweet so that you can spend some time talking to your fellow scouters or just getting back to your campsite.

Morning Flag Ceremony and Uniform Inspection

There will be a flag raising ceremony per the schedule. Please have your troop lined up at the designated area (available at the Cracker Barrel and/or HQ) at the scheduled time. Uniform inspection is for Troop Pride. We will have 100% Uniform Inspection awards for all troops properly in uniform at the Flag Ceremony. Volunteers for the Flag Raising and to take the Flag Retirement are requested. Attendance of the full troop at the Flag Raising is worth 10 troop points so get your units there on time.

This is where all the last minute announcements and patrol starting assignments will be given so at the very least have an Adult leader or SPL at this activity!

Campsite Inspections

The Campsite Inspection form is included in this packet for your use. Like at summer camp have your SPL inspect your site before he leaves for the events so that he can compare his own inspection to the one our commissioner will be performing during the morning events

SPL Challenge

The SPL challenge will take place after the events have completed so they can compete with their patrols. The challenge has both physical and mental aspects and will be about 1 hour long. All Scouting requirements are fair game and there will likely be some scouting trivia to see how much they know about scouting in general. Have your SPL report to HQ for the start of the Challenge.

Event Time

Please tell your patrols to be prepared for the events. They will need the required patrol items and many of those are per scout so they need to either each have a day pack or fanny pack or the patrol will need to have one pack with all the items per scout. Points will be deducted if the event staff has to supply your scout with something on that list for the event. Also make sure the scouts have a watch and do not be late for each event or they will lose points.

Scout Spirit and patrol leadership and cooperation are part of the score. Have them practice their patrol yell and give it proudly when asked at each event. Don’t forget the Patrol Flag and fly it proudly as well.

Troop Time

Please be sure that your scouts are aware of the camp boundaries, your boundaries and make sure that they stay aware of the time. It is very important that your patrols are ready and at their first event at the scheduled time after lunch and that your troop is lined up at the scheduled time for campfire.

Camporee Campfire

The OA will be putting on our campfire. Instructions as to where to have your troop for the lead in will be available at Cracker Barrel. We would like to have skits and songs from the troops to intersperse between the awards. Please let HQ know or the Campfire MC know if your troop has a skit or song for the campfire,

Check Out

Please make sure that your campsite is clean, fires are cold, and nothing is left behind. Please check any facilities like ramadas, picnic tables, and latrines to make sure they are also clean. If your site is not better than you arrived then you will hear about it! Please stop by HQ to make sure that all paperwork is completed and pick up patches, ribbons, etc. Please fill out the evaluation forms that are given you. They are very important for future planning.


In addition to the items needed for a successful weekend encampment, the following items will be required and need to be carried by each scout for the competitive events:

One big positive ‘Let’s Have a Good Time’ attitude per scout

Pocket Knife (Don’t forget the Totin’ Chip)

Patrol Flag and flagstaff.

Some small line for lashings (Per person, parachute cord or equivalent, 10-20 feet)

Paper (small spiral bound notepad would be perfect), Pen or Pencil

Fire making stuff, (Steel & flint or a friction device and tinder, Matches, No lighters)

Patrol 1st Aid Kit, Flashlight, Signal Mirror

Canteen or Water bottle (1 per person)

Neckerchief or Bandana (1 per person)


Fire Starter kit like a BSA Hot Spark


Troops must bring their own fire wood for campfires.

Troops must provide their own tents, cooking facilities and other comforts

The camp will provide Porta-Potties. It wouldn’t hurt to have some extra T.P.

Not all campsites may have tables (depending up where the camporee is) nor may they have a ramada for shade so plan accordingly. Call ahead to find out what you may expect.



16:30 – 22:00 / Arrive, Check-In, and Set up your camp.
22:00 / Cracker Barrel, SPL and Scoutmaster; don’t miss it!
22:30 / Taps


06:00 / Reveille
07:00 – 7:30 / Breakfast, Clean-Up Prepare campsite for inspection, Register any late arrivals.
07:30 / Flag Ceremony, Announcements, Uniform Inspection.
08:30 – 9:00
09:10 – 9:40
9:50 – 10:20
10:30 – 11:00
11:10 – 11:40
11:50 – 12:20 / Morning Events, Campsite Inspection,
12:20 – 1:00 / Lunch
1:00 – 2:00 / SPL’s Challenge
2:00 – 5:00 / Afternoon Activities – Troop Free Time
5:00 – 6:45 / Dinner
6:45 / Line up for OA Lead In
7:00 – 8:30 / Campfire
10:00 / Taps

If you depart on Saturday afternoon or evening, please stop by HQ and make sure that someone there knows your unit is leaving.


07:00 – 09:00 / Reveille, Breakfast, Pack-Out, Arrange for departure inspection.
09:00 – 9:30 / Time set aside for Scout’s Own. ~~~ QUIET IN THE CAMP ~~~
9:30 – 12:00 / Departures after campsite inspection.

Event Preview


Scouts will be making a knot stick displaying all the scout knots.


Patrols will be challenged to build a scaffold based on the tripod base. All lashings will be required.


Patrols will be competing on a laid out course with a few challenges and twists. The scouts will need to know how to use a compass and know what their pace is.

No Impact Camping

What’s wrong with this campsite? The patrol will list all the things they can find that violates No Impact protocol

Emergency Triage

When things go wrong will you be prepared? A first aid challenge to save the injured in the outback.


A classic challenge to get a fire going and might include some cooking or other tests of fire use skills. What to bring:BSA Hot Spark, Fire building safety knowledge, Fire building skills

All requirements through First Class are fair game for Events.


Troop Award

10 pts for SPL & SM attendance at the Friday night Cracker barrel.

10 Points for full troop attendance at the Flag Raising Ceremony (Uniform Inspection is separate and not part of score).

100 pts for Campsite Inspection.

SPL Challenge

There will be an award for the top three SPLs.

Patrol Awards

Each Event has 100 points possible.

There will be an Award for the top three Patrols for each event.

1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Awards for Best Patrol overall.


Troop # ______Campsite # ______

Each item is worth 10 points each.

Points / Inspection Items / Comments
Tents are arranged by Patrol. All tents are zipped closed, personal gear stowed or inside the tent. ALL GUY LINES ARE MARKED WITH SAFETY RIBBON.
Patrol Duty Rosters posted and Patrol Menus posted. (5 pts each)
Troop gear is stowed neatly.
Kitchen Area clean and neat. (If no Kitchen area then it is Clean and Neat!)
Food is properly stored (If no food storage visible then assume it is properly stored.)
Campfire circle shows evidence of proper fire treatment.
First Aid Kit is easily accessible and is clearly marked.
American flag is properly displayed and Troop flag is displayed. (5 pts each)
Surrounding area is free of trash and the Latrine is neat and clean.
Exceptional campsite that exceeds basic campsite requirements
Examples of an exceptional campsite include, but are not limited to:
a. A removable gateway
b. Campsite definition
c. Useful camp gadgets (Lashed items)
Total Points Awarded


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