March14, 2016

  1. Attendees: Board memberspresent wereDavid Brickley,President;Tony Faresich, V. President;and David Crowle, Secretary. Paul Viscount, Treasurer was absent. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM. A quorum of the Board was present. Dave Phillips of SMS Property Managementwas present.
  1. Minutes from Previous Meetings: A motion to approve the minutes from the January 18, 2016 Board meeting was made byTony Faresich. Dave Crowle seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion and the motion was carried.

3.Manager’s Report:

  1. The AR Aging Summary Report to 2/29/16 was reviewed. Dave P noted that 12 unit owners were behind in their payments on 2/29. Of these, 6 units were withthe Attorney for collection, two of which are on a payment plan. Late notices have been sent to those unit owners who are behind in payments. Forty-twounit owners’ accounts are paid in advance.
  2. The Summary of Checking/Savings Accounts was reviewed. Total cash on hand in the various accounts as of 2/29 was $302,119.74. Of this amount, $28,978.00 is in the operating/checking account and $273,141.74 is in the Chase & Milford Bank reserve savings accounts. To date, $150,000 has been advanced on the Milford Bank Loan for the waler project.
  3. A copy of the check detail report through2/29/16 was distributed and briefly reviewed. There were no questions or comments.

d.A summary of expenditures vs. budget for FY 2016to 2/29/16was presented and reviewed.

4.Old Business

a.Dock Waler Replacement– Dave P. noted that Beaver Marine is on-site continuing working. Materials for C-dock has been delivered and is being installed. D-dock has been ordered and delivery is anticipated around beginning of April. The goal is up in the air if we can finish everything this Spring. We will know better in a few weeks. Dave P. provided an updated estimate of costs to complete the project.

b.Ice damage repairs – Dave P. noted that the replacement floats have been ordered and are scheduled to be delivered in early April and installation would coincide with completion of the waler project.

c.Flagpole purchase– Dave P. recommended that a cheaper smaller flagpole be purchased and installed on the lower deck in the vicinity of the barbecue grills. Installing a large flagpole on the upper decks is getting too costly. A smaller 20 foot pole mounted on the lower deck would cost under $1,000 vs $2,500 + installation for one on the upper decks. The Board agreed that would be a simpler solution.

d.Security System and Access Control Bids – Dave P. presented the revised pricing from the 2 finalists from earlier bids to install new cameras in the parking lot and upgrade/replace the access control system for the far gate. After reviewing the bids, it was determined that Land and Sea Security offered the best pricing and equipment for the proposed project. The work would include adding 3 new cameras in the parking lot, replacing and relocating the 4 cameras mounted on the clubhouse and replacing the old Keri Control System for the parking lot gate. CCM would install all conduit and wiring from the clubhouse to the parking lot and install an electrical panel and outlets in the storage shed. The approximate cost of the cameras is $4,300, the approximate costs for the new Keri System would be about $7,700 and the costs of the new wiring, conduit, etc would be about $4,000 – $5,000. A motion was made by Dave Crowle to move forward with the work. The motion was seconded by Dave Brickley. All members present voted in favor of the motion and the motion was carried.

5.New Business

a.Slip Numbering– Dave P. presented a quote from Marine Accessories Co. to manufacture and supply vinyl dock numbers for each of the slips. The cost to number al the slip would be approximately $1,500.00. SMS staff would install them. A motion was made by Tony Faresich to move forward with the work. The motion was seconded by Dave Crowle. All members present voted in favor of the motion and the motion was carried.

b.Slip Fendering Costs – The board discussed the option of fendering all the fingers. Per the last meeting, it had been decided to no longer allow members to fasten their own array of fendering, etc on the docks. With all new walers, etc. it was felt it would be in the best interest of the marina long term to install vinyl fendering on all of the fingers. Dave P provided some initial pricing on the fendering. The Board discussed the pros and cons of either having the individual members pay for their own fendering or to pay for it out of Association funds so that the marina would appear consistent and to avoid member doing their own thing. The Board directed Dave P to obtain bulk pricing for different fendering options and colors for the next board meeting.

c.Bathymetric Survey – The bathymetric survey of the Cove and the entrance channel near the point was completed. The survey shows areas where some silting has occurred and where trouble spots are. This will continue to be monitored to plan for future dredging.

d.August “Rendezvous”–Dave Crowle has set a date for a club rendezvous in August. The date set is the weekend of August 13 at Strong's Water Club & Marina in Mattituck Inlet on Long Island. Dave P will send out a flyer to all members to encourage them to cal and reserve a slip for the event. More details on the event will be sent to unit owners with upcoming monthly newsletters. The event will be BYOB and Pot Luck Dinner 6:30pm - Sat Night. August 13th. There will be a Caswell Cove Volleyball Tournament Sat 2:00pm. Dave C noted that all members should have the option to arrive on Friday and spend the weekend.

e.Security – Dave C also requested that Metrogurad Security be contacted to provide parking lot security on Memorial Day weekend to start the season off on the right foot and hopefully send a message to all members, guests, etc that security is a number one priority this year.

6.With no further new business to discuss, Dave Brickley made a motion to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

The next meeting will be April 12, 2016

Prepared By: SMS Property Management, LLC. 4/3/16

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