Castle Project Instructions

Your Task: You will construct a model of a real historical castle using everyday objects found around your house. European, Japanese, and any other real historical culture with a like style of fortified dwelling are all eligible for the project. Spending money on materials, etc. is not expected. Use your imagination to find a new use for those everyday objects like rocks, dirt, Styrofoam, cardboard, scrap wood, Pringles cans, left over paint, carpet scraps, plastic, etc. (Note: Legos, Mega Blocks and the like are not allowed)

Construction Steps:

  1. View You Tube Castle Resource videos, take notes, and use the Internet to find additional information about a specific historical castle to recreate. Chose a specific real castle and ask teacher permission. Please do not duplicate another’s choice.
  2. Sketch pictures or find and print of at least three views of what your historical castle looks like. Three views means the front, side(s), and top down. Due Monday ______
  3. Draw or print a detailed blue print of your castle including dimensions, scale, proportions and colors. Graph paper will be provided to help with this. Due Monday ______
  4. Record a running list of materials and tools needed during construction. Due Friday ______
  5. Journal your actual construction. As part of the journal, include your frustrations, successes, plan of construction methods plus necessary changes, help contributed from family member, etc. Calendar dates and process along with the amount time expended each time for planning, gathering, construction work, finishing work and presentation work are required to be included in the journal. Journal progress check on Friday ______. If you don’t journal as you proceed, the lack of end result detail will be obvious. Final journal due Friday ______
  6. Write your presentation talk. Include lots of your chosen historical castle information and just a tiny amount on your construction process.
  7. Practice your talk (at home) and time it. Review Castle Rubric requirements about Oral Presentation.
  8. Presentations are 3-5 minutes length. Remember, students tend to talk faster during the real presentation in front of the class.
  9. Bring your castle to school on ______(not earlier). Presentations are also on ______
  10. Please remove your castle from the classroom or library when so instructed.
  11. Double-check all requirements on this sheet and the Project Castle Rubric. Did you forget something?
  12. This is a 300-point project.