Calling the Senate: Pass the America Gives More Act

NPCC Members: You can help by delivering this simple message: “Don't leave Washington in September until the Senate passes the America Gives More Act (H.R.4719). Our communities are counting on you.”

1. Call your Senators’ NY or Washington, DC offices :

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: Washington, DC office: 202-224-4451; New York City office: 212-688-6262

Senator Charles E. Schumer: Washington, DC office: 202-224-6542; New York City Office: 212-486-4430

2. Text your Senators the message above.

3. Write your Senators (sample letter is below)

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

New York City Office: 780 Third Avenue, Suite 2601 New York, NY 10017

Washington, DC Office: 478 Russell Washington, DC 20510

Senator Charles E. Schumer

New York City Office: 780 Third Avenue, Suite 2301 New York, NY 10017

Washington, DC Office: 322 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

Sample Letter

(Feel free to tailor this message to your organization’s experiences and send to both U.S. Senators as a letter on your organization’s letterhead, as the text of an email, or other communication.)

The Honorable ...

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510

RE: Pass the America Gives More Act (H.R.4719)

Dear Senator ...,

I am writing to express strong support for the America Gives More Act (H.R.4719), a bill to promote giving to the work of charitable nonprofits in our community and across the country.

Earlier this summer, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the America Gives More Act by a strong, bi-partisan vote of 277 to 130. The legislation promotes giving back to communities in several ways. It renews and makes permanent expired charitable giving incentives that promote donations of nutritious food to food banks, conservation of land, and contributions from individual retirement accounts directly to charitable nonprofits. The measure would simplify a foundation excise tax, thereby making more funds available for good works. The bill also would permit taxpayers to claim charitable deductions from the previous year up through April 15.

Many in our community feel that Senators should address the pressing needs of our communities – needs that the America Gives More Act seeks to address – before focusing on their own re-election. I ask that you insist that the Senate take up and pass the America Gives More Act before Congress adjourns for the November elections. Our communities are counting on you to help set the priorities where they belong – by putting real needs first.
