Case Study One

Case Study One

Case Study Two

Activity / Description / Reps/duration / Frequency / Rest (time between sets seconds) / Exercise Mechanics/ Muscles involved
Flexibility / Quadriceps stretch
-patient lies supine on back with one foot against wall
- a towel is placed between foot and wall
- patient slides foot down wall bending knee as far as possible (foot, knee and hip should remain aligned) then back up again / 10 times down wall and 10 times up / once per day / N/A / -quadriceps (flexion) and hamstrings (extension)
Flexibility / Contracting
-patient sits with legs extended
-contracts quadriceps and attempts to put leg into full extension / 3 times 10 sec / Once per day / 30 sec / - hamstrings, quadriceps (contraction)
Flexibility / Standing knee flexion/seated knee flexion
- Patient is standing may use wall for support
- grabs foot behind back and pulls toward buttocks
- or patient is seated with ankles crossed
-affected knee is anterior
- patient attempts to flex affected knee / 3 times 15 secs / Once per day / 30 sec / - quadriceps stretch
Strength / Short arc quad stretch
- towel roll is placed under knee in partial flexion
- patient is seated or lying supine
-objective is to extend knee , then return to original position and repeat / 10-12 reps for 2-3 sets / Every other day / 30 secbetween sets / -quadriceps
- significant ACL stress
Strength / Hamstring curls (prone)
-patient lies prone with foot over edge of table with knee is in full extension
- knee is flexed as far as possible / 10-12 reps, 2-3 sets / Four times per week / 30 sec between sets / - hamstrings – resistance is greatest in first portion movement
Strength / Hamstring curls (standing)
-Patient stands support by non involved leg and hands on wall/table
- affected knee is then flexed as far as possible / 10-12 reps, 2-3 sets / Four times per week / 30 sec between sets / - hamstrings – maximal resistance at end portion of movement
Stability / Standing unilateral balance
- patient is standing
- balances on one foot / 3 times 1 minute each / Every day / N/A / Glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, tibialis anterior and posterior, pronator longus and brevis, gastrocnemius and soleus
Stability / Anterior/ posterior balance on a foam roller / 3 times 1 minute each / Everyday / 30 sec rest between sets / Glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, tibialis anterior and posterior, pronator longus and brevis, gastrocnemius and soleus
Stability / Calf raises to static balance
-plantarflex and dorsiflex the ankle up and down / Hold for 15 secs, 3 times each / 3 times per week / 30 sec rest between sets / Soleus and gastrocnemius, quadriceps, hamstrings
Plyometric / Lateral jumps back and forth to the sides / 30 secs, 2-3 sets / 3 times per week / 60 sec rest between sets / Glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, tibialis anterior and posterior, pronator longus and brevis, gastrocnemius and soleus
Plyometric / Anterior/ Posterior jumps back and forth / 30 secs, 2-3 sets / 3 times per week / 60 sec rest between sets / Glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, tibialis anterior and posterior, pronator longus and brevis, gastrocnemius and soleus
Functional / Walking down and up stairs / N/A / Through out the day / N/A
Functional / Walking without crutches / N/A / Thoughout the day / N/A

Case Study Three

Activity / Description / Reps/ Duration / Frequency / Rest / Exercise Mechanics
Flexibility / Gastrocnemius stretch
- straddle position with extremity to be stretched behind opposite extremity
-lean and push against the wall with body while back extremity remains extended at knee / 3/ 20sec per side / Four times a week / N/A / Gastrocnemius
Flexibility / Achilles stretch
-patient loops towel around toes and pulls foot into dorsiflexion
- knee bent at 25 degrees / 3/ 20sec per side / Four times per week / n/a / Achilles tendon
Flexibility / Soleus stretch
- straddle position with extremity to be stretched behind opposite extremity
-lean and push against the wall with body while back extremity remains is slightly flexed at knee / 3/ 20 sec per side / Four times per week / N/A / Soleus
Strength / Patient sits in a chair with bare feet
- towel is placed under feet
- bunch towel towards yourself with toes
heel must remain on the floor / 2-3 sets / Four times per week / 30 sec rest between sets / Plantar aponeurosis, extensor digitorum, extensor hallucis, tibialis anterior
Strength / Stability board
- patient tries to balance on a stability board / 3/ 1 minute each / Four times a week / 30 sec rest between sets / Peroneus longus and brevis, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, tibialis anterior and posterior,
Strength / Calf raises
- unilateral and flex and extended variations / 3 sets of 20 / Four times a week / 30 sec rest between sets / Gastrocnemius and soleus
Stability / Stability Board
-patient tries to balance on a stability board / 3/ 1 minute / Four times per week / 30 sec rest between sets / Peroneus longus and brevis, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, tibialis anterior and posterior, gastrocnemius and soleus
Stability / Hopping exercises
- patient tries to hop in various directions unilaterally
- straight line, forwards backwards, circular, zig-zag, side to side / 30 secs, 3 sets / Four times per week / 30 sec rest between sets / Peroneus longus and brevis, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, tibialis anterior and posterior, gastrocnemius and soleus
Stability / Standing unilateral balance
- patient is standing
- balances on one foot / 3 times 1 minute each / Every day / N/A / Glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, tibialis anterior and posterior, pronator longus and brevis, gastrocnemius and soleus
Plyometric / Skipping
-patient skips with focus on vertical displacement and explosive eccentric contraction / 1min 3 times
-up and down a hall / Every other day / 45-60sec / Glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, tibialis anterior and posterior, pronator longus and brevis, gastrocnemius and soleus
Plyometric / Unilateral lateral hopping
-patient hops on one foot from side to side, back and forth, / 30 secs, 3 sets / Four times per week / 30 sec rest between sets / Peroneus longus and brevis, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, tibialis anterior and posterior, gastrocnemius and soleus
Functional / Climbing up Stairs
-patient climbs stairs / On flight of stairs / Periodically throughout the day / n/a / Glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, tibialis anterior and posterior, pronator longus and brevis, gastrocnemius and soleus
Functional / Figure Eights (forwards and backwards)
-patient travels in a figure eight pattern at progressively increasing speeds / 2-3 in each direction / Periodically throughout the day / n/a / Glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, tibialis anterior and posterior, pronator longus and brevis, gastrocnemius and soleus