Case Study Individual Service Funds – Shropshire County Council

Shropshire has been offering Individual Service Funds (ISF’s) since 2010 and now has around 539 people using an ISF’s. There are approx 90 providers on their ISF Framework which includes both domiciliary care providers and supported living providers. This includes providers who offer both - who also work with Council managed packages via CM2000.

Shropshire has developed an operating model which sees an asset based approach making best use of community networks, friends, family and volunteers right from the start via its Let’s Talk Local sessions.

Where someone may require more help, a needs assessment is completed which determines eligibility and the creation of the support plan begins. This plan first of all focuses on all elements of wider community support as well as any costed support. For any costed aspects of the support plan a discussion then takes place about the different ways to take a personal budget; e.g. Direct Payments, Council Managed or ISF and information is provided so the individual can make an informed choice.

Regardless of whether it is council managed or an ISF, all funded domiciliary care provision is sourced through a new Adult Social Care Brokerage service. One lead broker is on duty each day using an interactive live platform that providers can access via secure log in.

Shropshire model:

·  produced a Fact Sheet on ISF’s for the public

·  have an accreditation process for ISF providers which involves a visit from Contracting and checks on key requirements(such as, recruitment, safeguarding, contingency)

·  looked at how they can improve the auditing of ISF’s to ensure providers are using the ISF flexibly and in line with support plan outcomes

·  introduced the ability to “ bank hours” for extra flexibility

·  moved from ISF paper agreements to electronic agreements, to speed up process

·  require ISF providers to produce monthly statements to the service user

Shropshire Council is continuing to develop and evaluate the scope of their ISF offer with input from their Making it Real Board. For more information contact: