1. Determine Your Ayurvedic Constitution.
  2. Fill out the following worksheet. Know that this is only a preliminary assessment and that your clarity will grow as you progress. Circle, highlight or mark off the description that best describes your experience of how your body functions. Only mark one response in each row. There are 8 questions. Add up your column and at the bottom, write down your total responses out of 8.
  3. After filling out the charts do the math and determine the percentage of each dosha in your constitution. To determine the percentages of each dosha in your constitution add together the number of marks in each column for the three charts below. Also, add together the total number of your responses. For each column, divide the number of marks by the total number of responses. This gives you the percentage of each dosha in your constitution. For instance, if there were 20 total responses and in the vata column you had 10 marks, in the pitta column you had 7 marks and in the kapha column you had 3 marks, you would divide 10 by 20 and you total percentage of vata dosha in your constitution would be 50%. You would divide 7 by 20 and the total percentage of pitta in your constitution would be 35%. You would divide 3 by 20 to determine the amount of kapha. This would be 15%. The total must equal 100%. Note that this only an approximation and that greater clarity will be achieved as you go through the first level of the program.
Summary of the Physical Functional Characteristics of the Doshas
Appetite / Variable with extremes. Often skips meals but may get more anxious or irritable when that happens. / Consistently strong and you can eat at any time.Skipping meals creates more sharpness, irritability and anger. / Consistently low. You are undisturbed by missing a meal.
Digestion / Tends toward gas, constipation or bloating. / Tends toward loose stool, diarrhea or burning. / Tends to feel heavy after eating.
Elimination / Stools are hard, you may strain to eliminate and skip days. / Stools are soft, loose and there are 1-3 times per day. / Stools are soft, regular, 1 time per day and may contain mucus.
Sweat / Minimal / Profuse with a strong odor / Profuse with a pleasant smell
Temperature / Feels cold easily. / Often feels warmer than others. / Not affected too much by temperature.
Skin / Dry, scaly, thin / Oily, rashes, red / Clammy, moist, thick
Menses / Irregular, light
2-4 days. / Heavy, regular, 3-5 days. / Moderate, regular, 5-7 days.
Sleep / Light, restless, awoken easily by noise and it is difficult to go back to sleep. / Light, awakens easy due to noise but also falls back to sleep easily. Awakens ready for the day. / Heavy, difficult to awaken.
Total / /8 / /8 / /8
Summary of the Physical Structural Characteristics of the Doshas

For each structural characteristic, write down your best guess of which description comes closest to describing you. If you are not sure, it is fine to leave that one blank. At the bottom of the table add up each column and note the number in that column relative to the total number of questions that you responded to. As you go through the course, you will practice evaluating the shapes of various body parts. This is just preliminary.

Vata / Pitta / Kapha
Face / Oblong, narrow / Angular / Round
Eyes / Small / Deep set, medium / Large
Nose / Small, narrow bridge / Medium, medium bridge / Large, wide bridge
Lips / Narrow / Medium / Wide
Complexion / Dusty, gray / Rosy, ruddy / Pale
Hair / Scanty, coarse, dry / Fine, oily, early gray / Full, coarse, oily
Skin / Dry, thin / Medium, oily / Thick, soft, moist
Bones / Narrow, long / Medium / Thick, short
Neck / Long / Medium / Short
Hand / Rectangular palm,
long fingers / Square palm,
medium fingers / Square palm,
short fingers
Nails / Thin, fragile / Medium, strong / Thick, strong
Weight / Light or variable / Moderate / Heavy
Body Build / Ectomorph / Mesomorph / Endomorph
Total / / / / / /

Summary of Doshic Personality Characteristics

For each personality trait, write down your best guess of which description comes closest to describing you. If you are not sure, it is fine to leave that one blank. At the bottom of the table add up each column and note the number in that column relative to the total number of questions that you responded to. As you go through the course, you will practice evaluating various personalities This is just preliminary.

Trait / Vata / Pitta / Kapha
General Nature / Independent / Leader / Supporter
Mental Tendency under Stress / Becomes scattered or overwhelmed. / Becomes more intense and sharp. / Stable, less affected or more quiet.
Focus / Lack of focus. Difficult to finish projects / Highly focused, works on projects and tasks until they are complete. / Stays focused and works slowly on tasks and projects.
General Attitude / Excited, bubbly or scared, timid. May go back and forth in extremes. / Adventurous, daring, bold, passionate / Quiet and generally obedient.
Moods / Light hearted with mood swings / More serious and can be intense / Calm or melancholic
Decision Making / Often indecisive or impulsive. Changes their mind often. Unsure. / Quick decisions and sure of themselves. Do not change their mind often but will consider new information. / Slow decisions. Once a decision is made it is least likely to change.
Speech / Speaks quickly. / Clear speech and convincing. May be argumentative. / Slow speech.
Emotion Tendency when Stressed / Nervousness, anxiety, worry / Anger, intensity, resentment, jealousy / Sentimentality, lethargy, lack of inspiration, withdraws, melancholy
Totals / / / / / /

Determine the Percentages

Vata / Pitta / Kapha
Functional Total
Structural Total
Personality Total
Total Marks for each Dosha
Total Responses

3. Determine the Nature of Your Imbalance (Vikruti)

Fill out the following worksheet. Circle, highlight or mark off the description that best describes your experience of the symptoms you experience. You may mark more than one response in each row. If you do not have symptoms in a specific row, do not mark anything in that row.

At the bottom of the table add up each column and note the number in that column. The column that has the most marks signifies the primary dosha of your vikruti. The column that has the second most marks is your secondary dosha. You may have lots of marks in one column or you may have a balance of marks in multiple columns. At the bottom of the chart write the primary, secondary and tertiary in each column. As you go through the course, you will practice evaluating imbalances. This is just preliminary. Your clarity will grow as you go through the course.

Summary of Symptoms and the Three Doshas

Vata / Pitta / Kapha
Digestion / Gas or bloating. Gas is not very smelly. / Burning indigestion or gas that is very smelly. / Heaviness after eating.Food digests slowly.
Elimination / Constipation / Loose stools, diarrhea / Mucus in the stool
Sleep / Insomnia due to anxiety or for an unknown reason / Insomnia due to trying to solve problems / Excessive sleep and difficulty awakening
Menses / Light, skip periods, multiple periods / Intense flow but for only 3-5 days / Excessively long flow
Skin / Dry, scaly / Red, oily, red acne / Weeping rashes, boils
Eyes / Dry / Red / Mucusy, especially in the morning
Body Weight / Weight loss or weight gain that tends to go up and then down. / N/A / Steady weight gain and overweight in most of one’s adult life.
Pain / Strong pain / Burning pain / Dull pain, stiffness
The Mind / Anxiety, alternating anxiety / depression / Anger / critical / Melancholy, mild-to-moderate depression
Primary / Secondary or Tertiary

January 20131