Monday—July 20, 2015

·  Meeting called to order by President Kottke at 5:31 p.m.

·  Roll call

o  Members: P. Kottke, P. Dercks , J. Nyhuis, H. Kopf, A Patterson, M. Murphy-Steinke, T. Marcoe

o  Staff: S. Green, B. Doyle, C. Klassy, J. Hungerford, Marcie Zimmerman

o  Others: J. Holzman, N. Straks, S. Morell, S. Lewis

·  Pledge of Allegiance

·  Mrs. Patterson, seconded by Mrs. Kopf, moved to accept the June 8, 2015 school board minutes. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Financial report is filed with the clerk.

·  Mr. Dercks, seconded by Mrs. Murphy-Steinke, moved to approve the warrants through June 8, 2015 as presented. Motion carried: 5 ayes, 0 noes, 2 absent.

·  Public Input – None

·  Mrs. Holzman, from Johnson Bus Company, presented the 2015-16 transportation contract with a very minimal increase. Mr. Dercks, seconded by Mrs. Patterson, moved to approve the contract as presented. Following board discussion, Mr. Dercks, seconded by Mrs. Patterson, amended the motion to approve a two year, non-revolving contract with the 2015-16 increase as presented. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Ms. Zimmerman, Ag Teacher/FFA Advisor, shared with the Board the $250 grant that she received from the WI Associated Agriculture Association. This will be used towards landscaping and cooking tools.

·  Principal Doyle shared with the Board the reading pilot program called Wonders that they were piloting during the 2014-15 school year. This was no cost to the district and they decided to put a hold on that program and move forward with the Reader Writers Workshop. Staff will be attending a conference in August to learn more about this program.

·  Mrs. Patterson, seconded by Mrs. Marcoe, moved to approve an additional 16 hours a week para-educator for our 4K program. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mrs. Kottke, seconded by Mrs. Kopf, moved to approve an additional 28.75 hours per week para-educator in the special education department at the MS/HS. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mrs. Murphy-Steinke, seconded by Mr. Dercks, moved to approve the 2015-16 Smiles 4 Life contract. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mrs. Patterson, seconded by Mrs. Kottke, moved to approve the 2015-16 CESA 6 Effectiveness Contract. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mr. Dercks, seconded by Mrs. Marcoe, moved to change the August 17, 2015 school board meeting from 5:30 to 5:00 p.m. in order to accommodate the MS/HS Open House at 6:00. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Administrator Green shared with the Board ideas to share the brand, mission statement and the strategic plan. The final plan will be approved this fall and then the administrators will share with the community their plans.

·  Administrator Green presented a donation from the OEA (Oakfield Education Association). Since ACT 10 the teachers union has dissolved and they distributed the money they had in their organization within the district. This donation will go towards the new gym. Mrs. Patterson, seconded by Mrs. Kopf, moved to accept the $400 donation from the OEA. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent. The Oakfield School Board would like to thank the teachers in our district for their generous donation.

·  Mrs. Murphy, seconded by Mrs. Patterson, moved to accept the resignation of Rachael Arkins as the Physics/Chemistry teacher. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mrs. Patterson, seconded by Mrs. Marcoe, moved to approve Ashley Carus as the new Kindergarten teacher and Scott Stephany as the Oakfield Elementary Custodian as presented. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mrs. Murphy-Steinke, seconded by Mrs. Patterson, moved to give a wage increase of $.75 to the childcare employee that just completed her childcare certification. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mrs. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Dercks, moved to approve the fall coaches as presented.


Head Varsity – Corey Rickert Head Varsity – Tony Fink

Varsity Asst – Scott Liebelt JV – Jenny Thompson

Varsity Asst – Ethan Kintzler JV2 – Katie Wiese

MS – Kirk Tapp Volunteer – Mike Andrews

MS – Matt Kottke Volunteer – Morgan Post

Volunteer – Matt Henning

Volunteer – Matt Shafer

Motion carried: 7ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent

·  Mrs. Kottke, seconded by Mrs. Patterson, moved to accept the resignation of Ryan Ramstack as the assistant wrestling coach as presented. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Administrator Green wanted to update the Board that the sixth grade students will not be taking the impact test for concussions with the rest of the school. This is a difficult test for students that age.

·  Principal Klassy updated on events happening at the Middle School/High School including this is the last week of summer school, staff development trainings have been very good and are very thankful for them, and on Wednesday, August 19 at 6:00 p.m. there will be a sixth grade cook out orientation for the students and their parents.

·  Principal Doyle updated on the activities at the elementary school including the cleaning going on this summer, staff development training that is firing up the staff and the childcare is busy this summer transitioning the students with more field trips.

·  Administrator Green informed the Board that there is no district report card this year, there will be a lunch increase, and shared some concerns on the last week of school activities at the MS/HS.

·  Next School Board Meeting will be Monday, August 17, 2015 at 5:00 p.m., Oakfield MS/HS.

·  Shana Lewis, from Strang, Patteson, Renning, Lewis and Lacy, presented Board Member Roles and Responsibilities.

·  Mrs. Kottke, seconded by Mrs. Patterson, moved to adjourn at 8:33 to contemplated executive session pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(f) to discuss the financial, medical, social or personal histories of local public officials, including compliance with policy and law, which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories.. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jackie Hungerford, School Board Secretary