Casa das Rosas holds a new exhibit about PhiladelphoMenezes visual poetry

After 14 years of the poet's death, his widow and artist Aly Ana offers poems and books-objects to illustrate the trajectory of the writer.

Casa das Rosas - Haroldo de Campos Poetry and Literature Space, institution of the Secretary of State for Culture, administered by the Institute POIESIS hold from May 30 to August 31 a tribute to the poet PhiladelphoMenezes with the exhibit Goma de MascararSabor Mental.

The exhibition curator AnaAly, artist and widow of PhiladelphoMenezes, highlights the importance of the work of the poet, which will present a meeting of visual poetry, book-objects, sound poems and hyper-media, of which she was many times the art finalist. The exhibition is a good opportunity for many people to remember and know other's work and PhiladelphoMenezes, who died in 2000.

PhiladelphoMenezes was a poet, essayist, translator, editor, theorist and promoter of national and international events which brought together poets making room to spread new genres and directions of contemporary world poetry. Menezes also held in Sao Paulo Cultural Center an exhibitioncalled Intersign Poetry (1985) and the 1st International Exhibition of Visual Poetry (1988) in São Paulo.

The poet had a law degree from USP and he was also a professor, a master and a PhD in Communication and Semiotics at PUC /SP. Tireless researcher, Menezeswas part of the vanguard of experimental visual and audible poetic movement in Brazil and in Europe, also the author of a respected critical work. His concept of "poetry intersign" put in new terms the relationship between image, sound and gesture, posing new discussions about the world of experimental poetry.

Menezes also pioneered the creation and dissemination of sound poetry in Brazil. In 1990, on behalf of the research for his PhD thesis, maintained contact with intellectuals such as Umberto Eco, Henri Chopin and Eugen Gomringer, and younger artists dedicated to experiments in this type of composition. According to Ana Aly "Philadelpho was a breeder for whom the theoretical reflection has always been an essential complement to artistic production."


Goma de MascararSabor Mental - Exhibition of Poetry PhiladelphoMenezes

Curator: Anne Aly

From May 30 to August 31

Casa das Rosas - Haroldo de Campos Poetry and Literature Space

Near Brigadeiro Subway Station –ate 37 Paulista Avenue

Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 10pm;

Sundays and holidays from 10am to 6pm.

Patropi parking: at 74 Alameda Santos (except Sundays and holidays)

Phone: (11) 3285-6986 / (11) 3288-9447


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Press Office - Casa das Rosas - POIESIS

Dirceu Rodrigues: (11) 4096-9827 and

Deborah Nazari: (11) 3285-6986 ext.206 and

Karina Miller: (11) 4096-9857 and

Press Advisory - State Secretary of Culture

Renata Beltran: (11) 3339-8164 and

JamilleMenezes (11) 3339-8243 and