Cary High School Imp Club Meeting

February 8, 2015

Meeting Minutes

Present: Sherri Phillips, Ken Kinsey, Robin Bunting, Mary Hill, Anna Booth, David Booth, Lea Webb, Michael Dunphy, Debra Ryan, Janet Trotter, Michelle Gensler, Diane Dulaney, Michelle Lovell, Bill Davidson, Michelle Mendel

Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm by Imp Club President, Ken Kinsey.

Quorum confirmed and minutes from the January minutes were asked to be approved as read. Motion made by Robin Bunting, seconded by Michelle Lovell.

Membership Report: Sherri Phillips

Nothing new to report. Ken would like to offer 22014-15 athletes a pass for $20. Sherri will make a flyer and have them available at the first Spring sporting event or by mail previous to that.

Mike reported that Sourjorni Winterton is the new Rep for or Sports Passes that will be donated through Strawbridge. Sherri will order before she graduates.


March 2 is first set of spring games. February 28 will be clean-up day. We will move items down to main concession stand.

Ice machine is not working. Mike will check on this.

April 16 is a Stunt event.

February 17 is a possible Varsity Boys game; will need concession help.

We really need more parent participation, so Robin Bunting is going to create a “sign-up” letter for coaches to present to parents. Hopefully this will help.

Had a brief discussion for increasing/decreasing food prices; decided to leave them as they are.

Spirit Wear: Lea Webb

We will sell some in the 2000 bldg. during Curriculum night on 2-19-15 from 6-8pm. Sherri & Lea will setup and sell.

After Spring Break, Lea will work with Mike concerning Rockit Wear. We all would like to give it a try and just have a limited quantity of merchandise available at games.

Below is the list of board member coverage needs for concession & spirit wear sells:

Boys Soccer-Lea

Softball- OPEN

Varsity BB-Mary


Boys Lacrosse-Robin

Women’s Lacrosse-Dunphy

Track- Ken & Sherri

Please get someone to cover if you cannot be there for a game.

Sponsorships: Ken Kinsey

Sponsorships Packages are now available online. If you talk to anyone interested, please refer them to Katche. Just a reminder that per the new agreement, teams will not be allowed to go out and secure their own sponsorships.

New banners were hung in the gym.

Programs: Robin Bunting

There is a link on the website for parents/vendors to purchase add, plus a flyer will go out to all families of spring athletes through coaches. Parents showed no interest in the Winter Program or did the fans. We are under contract so we have to do a Spring Program, however, next year we will just do a Fall program. Date for Team pictures is February 27th. Ken will let Katche know.

Web site: Ken Kinsey

Registration for Spring is now open.

February 10 is the last Ticket-to-play date.

Rent-An-Imp: Debra Ryan

May solicit Art Department to help out with Stenciling/painting the IMPS. The plan is to go ahead and put the IMP Stencil is various places so Debra only has to fill in names and numbers.

Treasurer report: Michelle Lovell

Financial documents were given to each member for review. We have spent what we have made this year and we are currently in the negative. Our next lease payment of $2131 is due May 1st and we need to purchase a new popcorn machine.

Tax Refund should be in mid-March. Looking at 5K return, so will order popcorn machine after that.

We make $724 on the average at a Quad game. Last week, week, we made $931. In comparison, Non-Quad games, we average $240 for girls & $350 for boys. So we really do profit from the Quads and definitely need to have them staffed.

Cost for reconditioning football helmets is $3636. If football players buy their own helmet, CHS has to recondition it and parents will have to sign a liability form. We will keep it and they can have it back when the graduate or no longer play.

Ken talked to Coach Kirst about ordering 12 new helmets per year instead all at one time.

Stunt Team will be added to accounts. Tryouts are March 2 and the first competition is April 1st.

AD Report: Mike Dunphy

Most of the raffle tickets are in; drawing will be Friday night which is Senior Night.

Saturday Mike is having a coach’s men’s/women’s basketball meeting. We should be in the playoffs.

Men’s Lacrosse uniforms have been purchased. May need help from the IMP Club with this.

Girls Lacrosse had 13 to show for the interest meeting. There needs to be between 16 -20 for a team, so we may cancel girls Lacrosse this year.

Spring Clean-up is February 28. Please come and help.

April 11 or 18th will be the Spring Sports Fundraiser. Softball wants to do a BBQ, so we will let them do it instead of the IMP Club. Other sports will also be doing there fundraisers that day, so it will hopefully be a good turn-out.

Motion made by Debra Ryan to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Michelle Mendel. Meeting adjourned at 8:48 pm.

Minutes submitted by Sherri Phillips

IMP Club Secretary/Membership Chair