Tom's Creek United Methodist Church

10926 Simmons Road

Emmitsburg, MD 21727

6th Annual Fall Craft Show

Vendor Application

Saturday, November 10, 2018






Phone: ______


Products to be sold:______

Cost of Space is: $30.00 each **Does NOT include Table** (NON-REFUNDABLE)

**There is only (1) Direct Sale Company per Vendor Space**

Number of Spaces needed:______Electric Needed: ______add’l$5.00

Number of Tables needed $5.00 ea: ______Scavenger Hunt: ______add’l$5.00

(One Table per vendor space) ***See Page 2 for Details***

Total enclosed: $______

Make checks payableto:Toms Creek United Methodist Church

Please return signed application and money to:

Christine Shaffer

141 West Baltimore Street

Taneytown, MD 21787

APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY October 27, 2018. Set up begins at 7:30am and vendors must be ready by 8:45am


By signing this application you agree to comply with all provisions of this document.

Questions? Contact Christine Shaffer @ #443.205.3200 or email

Fall Craft ShowVendor Instructions

  • Event will be held Saturday November 10, 2018 from 9am-2pm.
  • Spaces are $30.00 each ~**Does NOT include Table**
  • Access to electric hook up is an additional $5.00
  • There is only (1) Direct Sale Company per Vendor Space
  • Event will be held indoors in the downstairs fellowship hall and upstairs Sunday School rooms of the church.
  • Doors open at7:30am on Saturday the 10th and set up must be complete by 8:45am.
  • Please send payment in as soon as possible. Spaces are limited. Spaces are assigned on a first come first serve basis.
  • We must receive payment to reserve your space. No space is considered held without payment.
  • Vendors are expected to stay until 2pm. Please do not pack up early unless event coordinators instruct you to do so.
  • Vendors are expected to cover or drape their tables to give a nice, neat orderly appearance.
  • Vendors must keep their area neat and clean and throw away all trash at end of event. Please do not leave any trash behind.
  • Contracts cannot be reassigned or transferred. Subletting all or part of your space is not permitted.
  • Vendors are expected to use good judgment in their choice of wholesome merchandise. No suggestive or obscene items should be sold.
  • We will only accept one vendor of each product. i.e.: only one Mary Kay, one Tupperware, one Pampered Chef, etc.
  • After you have unloaded your vehicle please move your vehicle to the gravel parking lot across the street from the church to make room for customers.
  • We reserve the right to reject any application. All decisions made by Tom’s Creek United Methodist Church are final.
  • Tom’s Creek United Methodist Church will use reasonable care to protect exhibitors from loss, however, Tom’s Creek United Methodist Church will be in no way responsible for the safety of exhibitor’s property in case of theft, fire, accident, or other events.
  • Vendor fees are non-refundable.
  • Vendors will receive an email when their application have been received and accepted.

***Scavenger Hunt Details:

Each person (shopper) will be offered a program at arrival which will have a list of vendors who wish to participate in this. Shoppers then must walk around and get those vendors who are participating to initial or sign next to their name and then turn it in when they leave for a chance to win a VISA Gift Card. It’s a fun way to get the shoppers to visit as many vendors as possible, and it’s great for the participating vendors because it gets a lot of shoppers to their booths. If you’re interested, the “scavenger hunt” spaces are an additional $5.00.