Eleventh Annual



on Romance


March 31-April 2, 2005

Eleventh Annual

Carolina Conference on Romance Literatures

Sponsored by:

The Graduate Romance Association at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, the Consulate of France in Atlanta, Graduate and Professional Student Organization at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, The Student Congress of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Department of Comparative Literatures, the Center for European Studies, and the University Center for International Studies, and the Department of English and the Institute for Latin American Studies

Conference Coordinators

Coordinators: Rebeca Olmedo, Allison Connolly, Amy Chambless, and Erica Fontes

Special Recognition is given to the following individuals

and their offices for their assistance and support:

Dr. Erika Lindemann and the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, the Graduate Romance

Association, Dr. Amadou Koné, Dr. Antonio Vitti, Dr. Gustavo Pérez Firmat

Thanks is given to the following individuals

and organizations for their help:

Mary Jones, Tom Smither, Celeste Yowell, Sheena Melton, Dr. Rosa Perelmuter, Dr. Frank Domínguez, Tatiana Seeligman, Ashlee Headrick, Elsa Filosa, Manhal Dandashi, Briana Lewis, Matt Harper, Kevin Hunt, Garrett Christian and Brandon Lee at Terra Dotta.

We would also like to thank the panel organizers and chairs, the participants,

and the graduate students and faculty of the Department of Romance

Languages and Literatures who volunteered to help when it was needed.

Thursday, March 31st, 2005

Registration Student Union 2510

Water and coffee will be available all afternoon in Student Union 2510.


Student Union 2510


Rebeca Olmedo, Allison Connolly, Amy Chambless, Erica Fontes

2:00 - 3:30 pm
3201 Student Union
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Texts and Contexts
Chair and Organizer: Rosa Perelmuter, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Rosa Perelmuter, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Texts and Contexts Garcilaso (no el Inca) en Sor Juana "
Veronica Grossi, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
"La dimensión interartística y teatral del arco de Sor Juana"
Amy C. McNichols, McDanielCollege
"The Theater of the Gods in the Works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz"
3203 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado: Estética, política, y memoria en la poesía y narrativa hispanoamericana del siglo XX
Chair: Linda Maier, University of Alabama at Huntsville
Maria Mudrovcic, Michigan State University
"Borges: Viaje al fin de esa patética iluminación "
Joaquín Rodríguez-Barberá, Sam Houston State University
"Recreación de la Memoria de mis putas tristes"
Marissa Cordoba, University of Notre Dame
"Respiración artificial: unpresente clandestino"
Greg Dawes, North CarolinaStateUniversity
"Neruda y la superación del anarquismo "
3502 Student Union
Nineteenth Century Perspectivesin French Literature
Chair: Christina Chabrier, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Emily Cranford, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Dans le mal se trouve toute volupté : le mélange de l'amour et de la mort dans Les Fleurs du Mal "
William Allen, FurmanUniversity
"Philanthropes et désespérés: Sentimentality and Indifference in Baudelaire, Hugo and Gautier "
John Mazaheri, Auburn University
"Ambiguité et paradoxe dans La Messe de l'Athée de Balzac"
3509 Student Union
Creating a Spanish National Image: Relations of Text, Memory and Identity
Chair: Juan Carlos Martín, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Alla Fil, New York University
"Prácticas turísticas en España: guías oficiales y discursos no autorizados del turismo de ocasión "
Joaquín Eduardo Bueno Ramos, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
" Lembrar / Esquencer: Galicia and the Construction of Spanish Civil War Memory in Three Texts by Manuel Rivas "
3515 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado: Cubanidad and the Hurricanes that Drive Cuban History
Chair: Justo C. Ulloa, Virginia Tech
Marina Elías
"Marginality and ‘Universal’ Cubanidad in Two Stories of Lino Novás Calvo"
Candide Carrasco, Nazareth College
"Lobas de Mar de Zoe Valdés: al asalto de lo falocrático"
Rubén Gómez Lara
"Visiones de La Habana en dos novelas de Zoé Valdés"
3:45 - 5:15 pm
3203 Student Union
Sixteenth Century Spanish Prose
Chair: Frank Dominguez, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Carol Harllee, JamesMadisonUniversity
"Reading Men Reading Women: The Gendered Reader of the Sixteenth-Century Spanish Dialogue"
Michelle Gravatt, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"The Sword as Symbol and Nexus in Amadís de Gaula "
Paola Giacobbe, State University of New York at Buffalo
"La Fuerza del Secreto"
3205 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado:Re-Writing History: Class, Ethnicity, Gender and Nation
Chair: Millicent Bolden, SamfordUniversity
Uchenna Vasser, DillardUniversity
"Representation and Identity: (Re)Writing a Historiography of the African Presence in the Americas "
Jorge Marbán, College of Charleston
"Ricardo Batrelly Manuel Arbelo: perspectiva social y visión de la realidad en dos crónicas de la guerra cubana de 1895-98 "
Patricia Swier, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Gendering Nations: An Examination of the (Gendered) Struggle for Power and the Formation of Ambiguous Male National Subjects"
Elda Stanco, Hollins University
"De novela: Los culebrones y las ciudades de Boris Izaguirre en Azul petróleo "
3509 Student Union
Culture, Politicsand Spectator Identification in Italian Cinema
Chair: Silvia Boero, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jason Cisarano, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Flat Characters, Mass Confusion, and Spectator Participation: A Different Mode of Realism in Quattro giornate "
Laura Orsi, DukeUniversity
"Figurine di Giovanni Robbiano e La lingua del Santo di Carlo Mazzacurati: due Italie del nord a confronto "
Silvia Boero, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Political Commitment and Satire in Mimi Metallurgico by Lina Wertmuller "
3515 Student Union
Mesa Redonda: ¿Allá atrás se acaba el mundo? Explorations of Latin American Literature in the New Millenium
Chair: Stuart Day, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Esther Garbara, DukeUniversity
Mari Pino del Rosario, GreensboroCollege
6:00-7:00 pm
Toy Lounge
Spanish Keynote Address: Bilingualism and Its Discontents
Gustavo Pérez Firmat, ColumbiaUniversity
Toy Lounge
Buffet Dinner following keynote address
Friday April 1, 2005
8:00 - 9:00 am
2510 Student Union
Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30 am
2511 Student Union
Exploring the Senses
Chair: Hassan Melehy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Charitos Stephane, ColumbiaUniversity
"The Smell of Books: Scents, Odors, and the Act of Reading"
Anna Bachman, DartmouthCollege
"Sonorous Silence in Stéphane Mallarmé's The Afternoon of the Faun"
3203 Student Union
Demitificar la historia para no caer en los errores de ayer: Una crítica revisión del pasado dictatorial
Chair: Beatriz Lomas, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Karen Berg, College of Charleston
"Caricature and Transcontextualization of Francisco Franco in Javier Marías' Negra espalda del tiempo "
Kathleen Vlieger, LynchburgCollege
"The Demythification of Felipe II in Carlos Muñiz's Tragicomedia del serenísimo príncipe don Carlos "
María José Borderá-Amérigo, Randolph-Macon College
"Demonios en el jardín (1984) o la deconstrucción del imaginario familiar del franquismo"
3205 Student Union
Narrative Form: The Aesthetics of Time, Space and Character
Chair: Linda Saborío
Susan Carvalho, University of Kentucky
"The Sex Industry and the Oil Industry: Reproductive Spaces of Representation in Laura Restrepo's La novia oscura"
Mark C. Aldrich, DickinsonCollege
"A Passion for Brevity: Rafael Pérez Estrada and the Reinvention of Rain"
Hosun Kim, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"La imagen cinematográfica y la pintoresca en En noviembre llega el arzobispo de Héctor Rojas Erazo"
3509 Student Union
Forms of the Feminine in Boccaccio
Chair: Elsa Filosa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Neal McTighe, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Generating Feminine Discourse in Boccaccio's Decameron: The Valle delle donneas Julia Kristeva's Chora "
Elsa Filosa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"De mulieribus claris:New Portraits of Women"
3515 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado: Auto-retrato en la poesía latinoamericana contemporánea
Chair: Oralia Preble-Niemi, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Oralia Preble-Niemi, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
“Los autoretratos de Gioconda Belli en su poesía"
Constanza Gómez-Joines, DurhamTechnicalCommunity College
"Olga Orozco by Olga Orozco"
Tatiana Seeligman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“La vida como obra de arte: Purgatorio de Raúl Zurita"
Ronald Friis, FurmanUniversity
"No sé cuál de los dos escribe esta página: Portraiture in the Poetry of Homero Aridjis "
10:45 am - 12:15 pm
2511 Student Union
Modern Italian and Italian-AmericanWomenWriters
Chair: Simona Muratore, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Simona Muratore, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Il Pulcino di IdaBaccini "
Cole Schultz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"La Americana: the Role of Language in Identity Formation"
3201 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado: Espacio femenino: Escritoras hispanoamericanas
Chair: Leonor A. Ulloa, RadfordUniversity
Maria Arenillas, University of Notre Dame
"La fantástica intimidad en los relatos de Silvina Ocampo "
Martha Alexander, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Unmasking Female Gender Roles as Social Myth in the Second Act of Rosario Castellanos' El eterno femenino "
Diana Battaglia, Centro de Estudios de Narratología
"La cocina: Un espacio de transformaciones en la escritura femenina "
3203 Student Union
Latin American Confrontations: Madness in Machado de Assis and Homosexuality in Theater
Chair: Patrícia Fuentes Lima, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Marco de Oliveira, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"A Razão da Loucura na Obra de Machado de Assis "
Toby Weisslitz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Innercultural Confrontations: Homosexuality and Machismo in Latin American Theater”
ReginaSantos, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
"Scientific discourse in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Machado de Assis' The Psychiatrist "
3205 Student Union
Resistencia a la historia oficial
Chair: TBA
Maria Gonzalez-Davis, OxfordCollege of Emory University
"El Carnaval y lo grotesco como armas frente a la represión en Cien años de soledad "
Adriana Martinez-Fernandez, MichiganStateUniversity
" Poder y periferia: reflexiones sobre las protagonistas femeninas de Arráncame la Vida y Eccentric Neighborhoods"
Natalia Ruiz, Michigan State University
"Interrogatorios en las cárceles salvadoreñas: negociación y representación femeninas en los márgenes de la revolución"
3515 Student Union
Francophone Perspectives
Chair: Jean Faustman, Chestnut Hill College
Jean Christine Faustman, ChestnutHillCollege
"Time, the Timeless and the A-temporal in Chamoiseau's Chronique des sept misères "
Pierrot Kasongo Bajika, University of South Africa
"Les obstacles du développement africain dans Les soleils des indépendances de Ahmadou Kourouma"
Steve Puig, Université Lyon III
"Batouala de René Maran: une préface à la négritude? "
3509 Student Union
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twentieth Century Spanish Poetry and Theater
Chair: Ceceilia Cavanaugh, ChestnutHillCollege
Brant Bynum, ConverseCollege
“The Family Unit: A Microcosmof Society”
Ann Cerminaro-Costanzi, ChestnutHillCollege
“The Text as Body/The Body as Text: An Approach to Vicente Aleixandre’s Espadas como labios and La destrucción del amor”
María Cristina Mabrey, University of South Carolina
“De vista con Ernestina de Champourcín y Luis Cernuda: Una nueva lectura de ambos poets de la Generación del 27"
Cecelia J. Cavanaugh, ChestnutHillCollege
“Portrait of the Scientist as a Playwright: Language, Spectacle and Audience Participation in Pío del Río Hortega’s Arte y artificio de la ciencia histológica”
12:30 - 2:00 pm
2:00 - 3:30 pm
3201 Student Union
Mixed Messages in Modern and Postmodern Latin American Theater
Chair: Ruth Hill, University of Virginia
Ruth Hill , University of Virginia
"Money, Matrimony, and Mixture in Nineteenth Century Latin American Theater"
Katherine Ford , EmoryUniversity
"Fragmented Multiplicities: La noche by Abilio Estevez "
Maria Teresa Sanhueza
"La imagen femenina en Muñeca (1924) y Amanda y Eduardo (1931) de Armando Discepolo "
3203 Student Union
Primeras letras: De las Carolinas al Perú pasando por México
Chair: Charles Moore, Gardner-Webb University
Charles Moore, Gardner-Webb University
"Nothing Could Be Finer?: El discurso del fracaso en las crónicas deJuan Pardo y Juan de la Vandera en las Carolinas y Tennessee, 1565-67 "
Laura Hunt, University of Kentucky
"Religion, Gender, and the Super Natural in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz "
Maria Barbon, University of Washington
"El júbilo de la nación indica: Indian Celebrations of the Spanish Monarchy in Late Colonial Lima"
3515 Student Union
Translating the Poetry of Miquel Martí i Pol: A Bilingual Reading in Catalan and English
Chair: Tatiana Seeligman
Lourdes Manyé, FurmanUniversity
The Art of Translating Poetry
Wayne Cox, AndersonCollege
A Bilingual Reading of Selected Poems
3:45 - 5:15 pm
3201 Student Union
Homenaje a Maria Salgado: Recital de poesía
Chair: Rita Martin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
3203 Student Union
Female Subjectivity: Femme Fatale, Angel or Cyborg
Chair: Cristina Casado, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Candice Bosse, MichiganState Unviersity
"Techno-colonization, the Cyborg, and Emotive Harmony"
Ana Corbalán, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"La readaptación delmito de Carmen en el cine de Almodóvar"
Eva Maria Flores-Ruiz, University of North Carolina at Chapell Hill
"Incienso y azufre, lo irreconciliable de la feminidad en El embrujado de Valle-Inclán "
3515 Student Union
Convergence of East and West in French and Francophone Literature
Chair: Dominique Fisher, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Michael Rulon, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"(De)Gradations of Alterity: Race, Masculinity, and the Africanist Presence in The Thousand and One Nights and Voyage en Orient"
Heather McNeil, VanderbiltUniversity
"Kohl Rimmed Eyes and Seductive Veils : The Myth of the Exotic Womanin Nineteenth Century France"
Patrick Laude, GeorgetownUniversity
"Marguerite Yourcenar's "Eastern Knowledge" in the Nouvelles Orientales "
Manhal D Dandashi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Ca existe? Defense and Illustration of Pre- and Early-Modern Orientalism”
5:30-6:30 pm
Toy Lounge
Wine and Cheese Reception
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Toy Lounge
French Keynote Address:
Bilingualism, Dialogism and Emancipation of the African Novel
Amadou Koné, GeorgetownUniversity
8:00 pm
Potluck Dinner in honor of Dr. María Salgado
At the home of Dr. Frank Domínguez
Directions in participant folder
Saturday April 2, 2005
8:00 - 9:00 am
2510 Student Union
Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30 am
3201 Student Union
Female Voices in 17th and 18th Century French Literature
Chair: Carol Sherman, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sarah Cantrell, M.A. French Languages and Literatures, VanderbiltUniversity, 2002
"Education or Subjugation? Putting Molière's Les Femmes Savantes on Trial "
Rudy de Mattos, The University of Texas at Austin
"Women's Memoirs of the French Revolution: The Construction of a Counter-discourse"
Ann Schnell, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Les Liaisons les plus dangereuses "
3205 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado: Identity, Cultural Conflict and Marginalization
Chair: Kerri Muñoz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Michele Shaul, Queens University of Charlotte
"Miguel Angel Asturias Mulata de Tal as a Microcosm of Global Cultural Conflict "
Elizabeth Bruno, UNC-Chapel Hill
"Ni chicha ni limonada: The Fractured Identity of She / Ella in Dolores Prida's Coser y cantar "
Laura Demaria, University of Maryland, College Park
" Viajes desplazados en el fin de siglo: el itinerario de La canción de las ciudades"
Gabriel Barreneche, RollinsCollege
"Luis Rafael Sánchez's Flying Bus: The Collapse of Cultural Borders at 35,000 Feet "
3501 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado:The Lyric Poetic Voice: Nature, Journey and the Beyond
Chair: Kathleen McGregor
Carolyn Lukens-Olson
"Lorca'sStrugglewith Duende on theShoresof LakeEden"
Kathleen McGregor
"Ernestina de Champourcin's Poetry of Exile"
Ruth Budd, LongwoodCollege
"The Poetic Universe of Julieta Dobles And Her Readers "
10:45 am - 12:15 pm
3201 Student Union
Transitions: From Adolescence into Adulthood or Van Gennep's Successful Territorial Passage
Chair: Abel Muñoz Hermoso
James Hussar, University of Notre Dame
"The "Missed Steps": Unrealized Renunciation in Carpentier's Los pasos perdidos"
Andres Echarri, University of West Georgia
"Dislocación y sutura: Menor-Sujeto y Menor-Objeto en dos relatos de Julio Ramón Ribeyro"
Abel Munoz-Hermoso, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Chronotope and Bildungsroman in El chico que imitaba a Roberto Carlos (1996), by Martín Casariego, and Héroes (1993), by Ray Loriga "
3203 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado: Art and Visual Poetry: Mexican Muralism, Cubism and Cinematic Montage
Chair: María Salgado
Helene de Fays, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Reading Roque Dalton's Las historias prohibidas del Pulgarcito as a movie "
Emilia Sciarra-Laos
"José Juan Tablada: Visuality and Orientalism in Li-Po y otros poemas"
Candelas Gala, WakeForestUniversity
"Creacionismo, cubismo y las ciencias: el caso de Gerardo Diego"
Paul Politte, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Bringing Revolution into ‘Focus’: Siqueiros and the Mechanized Art of War in Retrato de la burguesía"
3205 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado:Personal History and Historical Consciousness
Chair: Kevin Hunt, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Carmenza Kline
"Delirio de Laura Restrepo"
José de Piérola, University of California, San Diego
"The Reverse of History: The (re)construction of history in Estrella distante by Roberto Bolaño and Soldados de Salamina by Javier Cercas "
Barbara Clark
"Camila's Views: The Life, Work, and Theoretical Writings of Camila Henríquez Ureña "
3515 Student Union
Imprisonment and Refuge in French Literature, 17th-20th Centuries
Chair: and Organizer: Ashlee Headrick, University of North Carolina atChapel Hill
Franck Dalmas, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Coeur, Temps and Monde: The Poetic Prisons of Jules Supervielle in Le Forçat innocent"
Ashlee Headrick, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"The Prison in the Refuge: Scudéry's Célinte and Graffigny's Zilia "
Briana Lewis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Behind Stone Walls: Refuge and Prison in the Works of Stendhal and Hugo "
12:15 - 1:15 pm
1:30 - 3:00 pm
3201 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado:What's Love Gotta Do With It?
Chair: Elizabeth Bruno, University of North CarolinaChapel Hill
Kerri A. Muñoz, UNC Chapel Hill
"Love and War in the Poetry of Otto René Castillo "
Elizabeth Rousselle, XavierUniversity of Louisiana
"The Erotic as Power in Poetry by Excilia Saldaña and Nancy Morejón"
Shannon Hahn, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Love's Power of Destruction and the Struggle for the Individual in Rosario Castellanos' Poesía no eres tú "
3203 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado:Teatralización y teatralidad: Convenciones, lenguaje, temas y mecanismos
Chair: María-Begoña Caballero García, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Beatriz Lomas-Lozano, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"El lenguaje en Don Juan"
Cristina Casado Presa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"El teatro del humor de Enrique Jardiel Poncela y las comedias de Noel Coward: Paralelismos y diferencias "
Daniel Zalacain, SetonHallUniversity
"El ‘cuerpo-teatro’ de Virgilio Piñera "
Trisha Heatherman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Griselda Gambaro's Theatre through the Lens of the Other: an analysis of La malasangre"
3205 Student Union
Homenaje a María Salgado: Del Siglo de Oro al Modernismo
Chair: Juan Carlos González Espitia, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Alejandro Mejias-Lopez, IndianaUniversity
"Don Quijote y el modernismo "
Santiago Daydi-Tolson, The University of Texas at San Antonio
""'La princesa está triste. . .' ¿Quién será la princesa?’ "
Daniel Murphy, HollinsUniversity
"The Feminine Enigma in Rubén Darío "
Juan Carlos González Espitia, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
" José Asunción Silva y su mal gálico"
3502 Student Union
Risi, Chiara, Ferreri, Flaiano, De Santis, and the Canon: Let's Call the Whole Thing Off
Chair: Matthew Harper, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Luca Barattoni, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Riscrivendoil canone: dipendenti e indipendenti nel cinema italiano"
Matthew Harper, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Silvanaand Gilda: The Femme Fatale inRiso amaro"
Andrea Mirabile, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Piero Chiara e Dino Risi: le luci del bestseller e le ombre della morte ne La stanza del vescovo "
Lisa Mason, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Ferreri's Cinematic Adaptation of Ennio Flaiano's Melampus "
3509 Student Union
Memory and New Consciousness in Brazilian Literature
Chair: Marcelo Amorim, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Isabel Ferreira, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Afro-Brazilian's new consciousness "
Patricia Fuentes Lima, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Os valores da Bossa Nova na obra de Tom Jobim: a verdade tropical e a estética da simplicidade "
Luciana Namorato, University of Oklahoma
"Memory and Cultural Encounters in Bernardo Carvalho's Mongolia"
3515 Student Union
French Literature: A Twentieth Century Mosaic
Chair: Kathleen Smith , KalamazooCollege
Christopher Rivers, MountHolyokeCollege
"Settling Their Differences in the Ring: British Bulls vs. French Puppet-Men in Louis Hémon's Boxing Novel Battling Malone"
Paul Wilkinson, PacificLutheranUniversity
"And What about the Revolution?: Prévert's Groupe Octobre Poems "
Stepien Agata , The Univesity of Rhode Island
"The Love of Art and the Art of Love: Reading the Ethical and the Aesthetic in RolandBarthes's A Lover's Discourse: Fragments"
Kathleen Smith
"A Postcolonial Le Clézio: Le Procès-verbal Revisited "
3:00 - 3:30 pm
Toy Lounge
3:30 - 4:30 pm
Toy Lounge
ItalianKeynote Address: Neorealist Encore? Remaking Contemporary Italian Cinema
Antonio Vitti , WakeForestUniversity
6:30-10:00 pm
Cocktail Hour and Banquet at Holiday Inn, 1301 N Fordham Blvd, Chapel Hill