Carol C. Horvitz 09/01/00
Curriculum Vitae Page
Curriculum Vitae
1. Date: January 7, 2003
2. Name: Carol C. Horvitz
3. Home Phone: 305-662-1270
4. Office Phone: 305-284-5364
5. Home Address: 5931 SW 45 Street, Miami, FL 33155
6. Current Academic Rank: Full Professor
7. Primary Department: Biology
8. Secondary or Joint Appointments: none
9. Citizenship: USA
10 Visa Type: N/A
11. Institutional:
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Ph.D. (Biology), June 1980
Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio
B.A. (Environmental Studies), 1972
12. Non-Institutional: none
13. Certification, licensure: none
14. Academic:
2001-2003 University of Miami, Biology Department, Director of Graduate Studies
2000-2003 University of Miami, Director of the John C. Gifford Arboretum
1999- present University of Miami, Biology Department, Full Professor
1991- 1999 University of Miami, Biology Department, Associate Professor
1986-1991 University of Miami, Biology Department, Assistant Professor
1982-1985 The University of Chicago, Barnes Laboratory, Biology Dept. Research Associate
1980-1982 Loyola University of Chicago, Biology Department, Searle Postdoctoral Fellow (teaching postdoc)
15. Non-Academic:
1973-75 Plant Taxonomy Research Technician. Identification of plant specimens and assembly of reference herbarium for the Flora Veracruz Project. Botany Department, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois.
1972-73 Herbarium Technician, Gray Herbarium, Harvard University Cambridge, MA
16. Military: none
17. Books and monographs published:
Horvitz, C.C. and J. Savitz. 1981. Introduction to Dynamic Patterns of Ecology: Laboratory and Field Exercises (166 pp), Burgess Publishing Co., Minnesota.
Horvitz, C.C. 1980. Seed dispersal and seedling demography of Calathea microcephala and C. ovandensis, Ph.D. Thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, June 1980.
18. Refereed journal articles published:
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. 2002. Effects of plant size, leaf herbivory, local competition and fruit production on survival, growth and future reproduction of a neotropical herb. Journal of Ecology 90: 279-290
Horvitz, C. C. and A. Koop. 2001. Removal of non-native vines and post-hurricane recruitment in tropical hardwood forests of Florida. Biotropica 33: 268-281
Slocum, M. G. and C. C. Horvitz. 2000. Seed arrival under different genera of trees in a neotropical pasture. Plant Ecology 149: 51-62.
Horvitz, C.C. and L. Sternberg. 1999. 14C dating of treefalls on Barro Colorado Island (Panama): a new method to study tropical rain forest gap dynamics. Journal of Tropical Ecology 15: 723-735.
Horvitz, C. C., J. B. Pascarella, S. McMann, A. Freedman, and R. H. Hofstetter. 1998. Functional roles of invasive non-indigenous plants in hurricane-affected subtropical hardwood forests. Ecological Applications: 8: 947-974.
Pascarella, J. B. and C. C. Horvitz. 1998. Hurricane disturbance and the population dynamics of a tropical understory shrub: megamatrix elasticity analysis: Ecology 79: 547-563.
LeCorff, J. and C.C. Horvitz. 1995. Dispersal of seeds from chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers in an ant-dispersed neotropical herb. Oikos. 73: 59-64.
Horvitz, C.C., A. Freedman, and S. McMann. 1995. Exotics and hurricane damage in three hardwood hammocks in Dade County Parks, Florida. Journal of Coastal Research. Special Issue No. 21: 145-158.
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. 1995. Spatiotemporal variation in demographic transitions for a tropical understory herb: projection matrix analysis. Ecological Monographs. 65:155-192.
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. 1994. Effects of dispersers, gaps, and predators on dormancy and seedling emergence in a tropical herb. Ecology 75: 1949-1958.
Dirzo, R., C.C. Horvitz, M. Lopez- A., and H. Quevedo. 1992. Effects of gap ages and sizes on understory herb communities of a Mexican tropical forest. Journal of Ecology 80:809-822.
Kaufmann, S., D.B McKey, M. Hossaert-McKey and C.C. Horvitz. 1991. Fruits of Ficus microcarpa: evidence for a two-phase dispersal system involving vertebrates and ants in a hemiepiphytic fig. American Journal of Botany 78:971-977.
Calvo, R.N. and C.C. Horvitz. 1990. Pollinator limitation, cost of reproduction, and fitness in orchids: a transition matrix demographic model . American Naturalist 136:499-516.
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. 1990. Spatiotemporal variation in insect mutualists of a neotropical herb: the myth of tropical stability. Ecology 71:1085-1097.
Schemske, D.W. and C.C. Horvitz. 1989. Temporal variation in selection on a floral character of a neotropical herb, Evolution 43:461-464.
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. 1988. Demographic cost of reproduction in a neotropical herb: an experimental field study. Ecology 69:1128-1137.
Schemske, D.W. and C.C. Horvitz. 1988. Plant-animal interactions and fruit production in a neotropical herb: a path analysis. Ecology 69:1128-1137.
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. 1988. A test of the pollinator limitation hypothesis for a neotropical herb. Ecology 69:200-206.
Horvitz, C.C., D.J. Harvey and C. Turnbull. 1987. The biology of the immature stages of Eurybia elvina (Lepidoptera: Lycaeninae), a myrmecophilous metalmark butterfly. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 80:513-519.
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. 1986. Ant-nest soil and seedling growth in a neotropical ant-dispersed herb. Oecologia 70:318-320.
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. 1986. Seed dispersal of a neotropical myrmecochore: variation in removal rates and dispersal distance. Biotropica 18(4):319-323.
Garwood, N.C. and C.C. Horvitz. 1985. Factors limiting fruit and seed production of a temperate shrub, Staphylea trifolia (L.) (Staphyleaceae). American Journal of Botany (72)3:453-466.
Schemske, D.W. and C.C. Horvitz. 1984. Variation among floral visitors in pollination ability: A precondition for mutualism specialization. Science 255:519-521.
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. 1984. Effects of ants and an ant-tended herbivore on seed production of a neotropical herb. Ecology 65:1369-1378.
Horvitz, C.C. 1981. Analysis of how ant behaviors affect germination in a tropical myrmecochore Calathea microcephala (Marantaceae): Microsite selection and aril removal by neotropical ants, Odontomachus, Pachycondyla, and Solenopsis (Formicidae), Oecologia 51:47-52.
Horvitz, C.C. and A.J. Beattie. 1980. Ant dispersal of Calathea (Marantaceae) seeds by carnivorous ponerines (Formicidae) in a tropical rain forest. American Journal of Botany 67:321-326.
19. Other works, publications and abstracts: all the following are book chapters.
Horvitz, C.C., M. A. Pizo, B. Bello y Bello, J. LeCorff and R. Dirzo. 2002. Are plant species that need gaps for recruitment more attractive to seed-dispersing birds and ants than other species? In. D.J. Levey, W. R. Silva and M. Galetti (eds.) Seed dispersal and frugivory: ecology, evolution and conservation. CAB International Press. Oxon, UK.
Horvitz. C. C. and D. W. Schemske. 1997. Calathea ovandensis. In. E. Gonzalez-Soriano, R. Dirzo y R. Vogt (eds.). Historia Natural de Los Tuxtlas. CONABIO-UNAM. Mexico.
Horvitz, C. C. 1997. The impact of natural disturbances. In. D. Simberloff, D. C. Schmitz and T. C. Brown (eds.). Strangers in paradise: impact and management of Florida’s non-indigenous species. Island Press. Washington, D. C.
Horvitz, C., D. W. Schemske, and H. Caswell. 1996. The relative «importance» of life-history stages to population growth: prospective and retrospective analyses. Chapter 7. In. S. Tuljapurkar and H. Caswell (eds.).Structured population models in marine, terrestrial and freshwater systems. Chapman and Hall.
Horvitz, C. C. 1994. Hammocks and hurricanes: a surprisingly diverse array of non-indigenous plants threaten the natural regeneration of tropical hardwood hammocks after hurricanes. Box 3.7a. In An assessment of invasive non-indigenous species in Florida’s public lands. Technical Report No. Tss-94-100. Department of Environmental Protection. State of Florida. Tallahassee, FL.
Horvitz, C.C. and J. LeCorff . 1993. The spatial scale and dispersion pattern of ant- and bird- dispersed Marantaceae in two tropical lowland rain forests. In Symposium II on frugivores and seed dispersal. (A Estrada and T. Fleming, eds.) Vegetatio 107/108: 351-362.
Horvitz, C.C. 1991. Light environments, stage structure and dispersal syndromes of Costa Rican Marantaceae. Ant-Plant Interactions, ed. C.R. Huxley and D.F. Cutler, pp.463-485. Oxford University Press. New York.
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. 1986. Seed dispersal and environmental heterogeneity in a neotropical herb: A model of population and patch dynamics. In Symposium on frugivores and seed dispersal . (A. Estrada and T.H. Fleming, eds.) Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands. pp. 169-186.
Papers in revision
Tuljapurkar, S., Horvitz, C.C. and J. Pascarella, Growth rates and elasticity in random environments (submitted to Am. Nat, currently in revision per editor’s instructions).
Papers in review
Kwit, C., C. C. Horvitz, and W.J. Platt., Demography of Taxus floridana,
a rare understory conifer (break into two to simplify: for Am J. Bot and Conservation Bio, submitted to Conservation Biology)
Papers in preparation (drafts) for refereed journals
Horvitz, C. C.and J. LeCorff. The exotic flora of the Loire River Valley: are invasives a non-random subset? (for Biological Invasions).
Horvitz, C. C., B. Bello y Bello, R. Dirzo, Variation among sites and species in seed removal by ants in a family of understory tropical herbs (for Oecologia).
Horvitz. C. C. and M. A. Pizo. Variation among sites and species in seed dispersal by birds in a family of understory tropical herbs (Marantaceae) (for Oecologia).
Horvitz, C. C. and J. LeCorff, Effects of gaps on seed dormancy and germination in ant- and bird- dispersed Calathea in two tropical lowland rain forests: a field experiment.
Horvitz, C.C., T. H. Fleming, D. M. McKey, M. Hossaert, R. Seavey, and J. Seavey . and T. Koop. Seed dispersal by birds of exotic and native shrubs in a tropical hardwood hammock and nearby disturbed sites in Everglades National Park (for Florida Scientist).
Other data analyses in progress
Horvitz, C.C. and H.B. Vasistha. The effects of an exotic-removal restoration program on diversity of native trees and shrubs in subtropical hardwood forests after Hurricane Andrew.
Horvitz, C. C. and R. Hofstetter. Soil nutrient dynamics in subtropical hardwood forests after Hurricane Andrew.
Horvitz, C. C. and J. LeCorff, Comparative demography of ant- and bird- dispersed Calathea in two tropical lowland rain forests.
Horvitz, C. C., D. Graham and D. Westcott. Leks of frugivorous Ochre-Bellied Flycatchers (Mionectes oleagineus): Are they hot spots for seedling recruitment of understory plants (Rubiaceae, Melastomataceae, and Marantaceae)?
Horvitz, C.C. and D.W. Schemske. Quantifying heterogeneous selection by animals on plants in a variable environment: a synthesis from six years of plant-animal data on a neotropical herb.
20. Other works (book chapters) accepted for publication, but not yet published:
21. Funded Research Performed:
1999 Pole de Recherche et Innovations de Angers (PRIA), France. 10th Invited Professor Chair. Dynamique des espèces envahissantes dans la vallée de la Loire: caractéristiques biologiques et modélisation. With Josiane LeCorff, co-P.I. at host institution, Institut National d’Horticulture, Angers, France. 126,000 French Francs (ca. $21,800) plus living accommodations. 8/18/99-2/21/00. Funded.
NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. Derek Johnson. A test of metapopulation incidence function parameters: comparisons of predictions from census data and from experimental data. $9,832. 15 months. Funded.
NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. Rachel Beck-King. The effect of seed dispersal by bats on population dynamics of a canopy tree in a spatially explicit river meander landscape. $13,286. 12 months. Funded.
Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust. Submitted with Barbara Hertz, Foundation Relations, «A new vision for The John C. Gifford Arboretum: Center for public education on horticulture of tropical trees and shrubs. $19,939. 12 months. Funded in December, 1998 for 6/1/99 – 5/31/00.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Determination of the distribution of the Schaus’ Swallowtail butterfly throughout its range and the suitability of habitat for recovery of the species. $38,372.52. Sole P. I. Funded 8/1/98-7/31/00.
1997 United Nations. FAO. Non-degree training program in biodiversity measurement and ecological conservation in forest communities in Florida and Costa Rica. Sole P.I. $24,200. 8/30/97- 8/30/98. Funded.
Everglades National Park. Abandoned Farmland Hole-in-the-Donut Restoration Program. Habitat transition model of the Hole-in-the-Donut. $143,876. Submitted 9/22/97. Program discontinued by agency; proposals were returned and were not reviewed.
Everglades National Park. Abandoned Farmland Hole-in-the-Donut Restoration Program. Seed dispersal of exotic and native plants in the Hole-in-the-Donut Restoration Area. $201,798. Submitted 9/22/97. Program discontinued by agency; proposals were returned and were not reviewed.
1996 Pine Bark Beetles: changes in relative abundance after hurricanes and fires. USDI:NPS Everglades National Park Cooperative Agreement. Funded $8,716.29, 1/1/96 to 12/30/96, RA-ship for G. Rob Burgess.
1995 NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant DEB 9423544. Nucleation, seed rain and factors that affect seedling establishment: Do isolated tree taxa differ in their ability to facilitate forest succession on tropical abandoned pastures? (w/ grad student Matthew Slocum) Funded $7,000. (3/1/95 for 14 mos).
Metro-Dade County (Tree Trust Fund) R883-95. Effects of exotic removal treatment on forest regeneration in three Dade County Parks (post Hurricane Andrew). Sole P.I. $22,000. Funded 9/1-12/31/95.
American Forests. Urban canopy ecological analysis. Sole P.I. Contract $7200. Funded 5/1/95-9/30/95.
1994 Vaughn-Jordan Orchid Foundation. Historical trail and master plan implementation for the Gifford Arboretum. (w/ the University Advancement Office, Barbara Hertz). Submitted summer 1994. Funded $10,000.
1993 US Fish and Wildlife Service. DOI FWS 148000493959A. Response to Hurricane Andrew: Damage and Recovery of Hardwood Hammocks in the Urban Landscape. (with Co-P.I. Ron Hofstetter) $49,968. Funded for two years. (1/1/93 - 12/31/95).
US Fish and Wildlife Service. DOI FWS 148000493959B. Response to Hurricane Andrew: Assessment of Restoration and Management Treatments in Hardwood Hammocks. (with Co. P.I. Ron Hofstetter) $79,938. Funded for two years. (1/1/93 - 12/31/95).
1991 General Research Support Award. Frugivores and the dispersal of an exotic shrub in Everglades National Park. $2,480 (Funded).
1990 National Science Foundation. BSR-8906637. Dynamic demography of ant- and bird-dispersed herbs: divergent responses to tropical forest gap-phase regeneration. $210,000 for 3 years. (1st version submitted 6/88; revised and resubmitted 12/88) (Funded 1/1/90 -12/31/93). (Sole P.I.).
Vaughn-Jordan Orchid Foundation. Graduate Stipend for orchid research for Ricardo Calvo. $14,400 (Funded: 1 yr , 1/1/90-12/31/90).
1989 General Research Support Program. Radiocarbon dating of fallen trees: a new technique for studying tropical forest regeneration dynamics (fieldwork portion) (Sole P.I.) $3,000. (Funded 3/28/89 - 1 yr.).
American Orchid Society. (proposal submitted by my grad student, Ricardo Calvo). The relative role of pollinator availability and resource limitation in determining fruit production and population dynamics of the twig epiphytic orchid, Oncidium variegatum. with grad student Ricardo Calvo. $2220. (Funded).
1987 University research council. General research support award. Comparative demographic responses to treefalls of ant- vs. bird-dispersed Calathea. $2,549. (sole P.I.) (Funded) (resulted in one publication and successful NSF grant).