Carnaby Parish Council Minutes

Carnaby Parish Council Minutes


Held at Woldgate Community Centre

Date: Monday, 12th September 2016 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr D Kitching – Chairman, Cllr P Jackson- Vice Chairman, Cllr K Taylor, Cllr D Burton, Cllr J Daniels, Cllr S Thomas Cllr J Langham, G Wallis –Clerk, Cllr Listteter


1. APOLOGIES: Cllr J Evison, Cllr J Owen


3. NOTICE OF MEETING: Resolved that notice has been given in accordance with Schedule 12 para (10) 2 of the Local Government Act 1972.

Proposed: Cllr Jackson Seconded: Cllr Kitching 37/16

4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Resolved to be a true and correct record.

Proposed: Cllr Kitching Seconded: Cllr Taylor 38/16


1. Notice board – Albert Thundercliffe has given us a discount of £100 off the quote for the noticeboard for Carnaby. The noticeboard should be ready for 1st October 2016.

2. White lines – all the junctions in Carnaby have now had the white lines re-painted. The main road still requires painting. Cllr Lissetter will chase this up.

3. Due to construction work in Bridlington, a diversion sign is sending more traffic through the village, also a sign directing traffic through the village to the new Leisure World is also increasing traffic levels. Cllr Lissetter will discuss this with ERYC.

4. Litter bins – ERYC will install a litter bin on Sticks Lane. Currently there are no proper bins in stock so a wheelie bin will be placed at the side of the road with a stake through it. Once they receive more orders they will put in a bulk order. GW has spoken to them about a bin for the Pound. Gerrard Langton has offered to sponsor a bin for the Pound.

5. Woldgate signs – ERYC plan to erect a 40 mile an hour sign up Woldgate to slow traffic down.

6. Road sweeper – ERYC have sent an email stating that the road sweepers start at 6 am in Bridlington so there should no further disturbance from road sweepers early on Sunday mornings in the village.

7. Bollards for Pound – Cllr Lissetter will make enquiries as to whether there are any bollards that we can purchase to protect the Pound.


Pc Milner is trying to organise Neighbourhood Networks for each Parish to help reduce crime. ERYC have a dedicated Network Co-ordinator who will provide information. Clerk to put notice on website asking if Parishioners would be interested in this scheme.


A . Applications - none

B. Notices of Decision

14/00303/STPLF Change of agricultural land to B2 use (employment land) to allow expansion of exisiting business for open storage (Amended foul and surface water diversion plan). Land south of Carnaby Industrial Estate, Lancaster Road, Carnaby East Riding of Yorkshire, YO15 3QY. Burton Agnes Preservation Trust Ltd. RESOLVED planning permission granted 7 conditions.

7: FINANCE: Balances and payments

Balances / £
15 (Nat West Bonus Saver) / 3,758.58
15 (Nat West Current Account) / 4,311.32
Cheques / £
(477) Clerks salary / 150.00
Proposed: Cllr Kitching / Seconded: Cllr Daniels 39/16

We have now received feedback from the external auditors PKF Littlejohn LLP. All accounts are in order. There is no charge for this service. A notice will go up on the noticeboard informing parishioners that they can now access the accounts for £10 if anyone wishes to view them.


  • Zurich Insurance have announced that premium tax will rise to 10% for new policies.
  • Currys- extension of warranty for laptop is £156.00 if we wish to take this offer up. The PC have decided not to extend the warranty.
  • NatWest have announced changes to the interest rates on our accounts as from 7th November 2016.
  • Cllr Thomas informed the PC about two Parishioners in Haisthorpe who have fallen due to disrepair of the pavements – Lowfield Lane and near the bus shelter on the Main Road. Cllr Lissetter will raise this issue with ERYC.
  • Public Spaces Protection notices have changed. There are new signs available now – contact ERYC for new signs
  • CAM news – CAM held a carboot sale on the August bank holiday but due to poor weather condition this event was not well attended and was called off. The banner is currently at Cllr Taylor’s house.
  • Church notices – Harvest Festival is on Sunday 18th September at 4.00pm.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:Monday, 10th October 2016

Venue: Woldgate Community Centre.

Time: 7.00pm