BETWEENCarleton University, a legally constituted corporation having its head office in the City of Ottawa, represented by Mr.Feridun Hamdullahpur, Vice-President, Research and International,
ANDthe University of Ottawa, a legally constituted corporation having its head office in the City of Ottawa, represented by Mr.Howard Alper, Vice-Rector, Research,
hereinafter "the Joint Partner Universities"
ANDthe Université du Québec en Outaouais, a legally constituted corporation having its head office in the City of Gatineau, represented by Mr. Denis Dubé, Vice-recteur à l'enseignement et à la recherche ,
hereinafter “the RegionalPartnerUniversity”
the Universities wish to encourage the creation and advancement of knowledge on statistical methodology, social,economic and healthphenomena, and public policies;
in April 2005, as part of the Canadian Initiative on Social Statistics launched by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and Statistics Canada, for which the Universities have applied to receive a grant from the SSHRC and the CIHR in order to operate a regional centre providing access to research data, such as Statistics Canada’s master files;
the Universities are co-operating in order to open one of these regional centres in the national capital region, the "CARLETON, OTTAWA, OUTAOUAIS LOCAL RESEARCH DATA CENTRE (COOLRDC)/CENTRE DE DONNÉES DE RECHERCHE LOCAL DE CARLETON, OTTAWA, OUTAOUAIS (CDRLCOO)", hereinafter the COOLRDC;
the Universities agree to recognize the inter-institutional nature of the COOLRDC; and
the Universities wish to encourage researchers and students from the Ottawa and Outaouais region to use the COOLRDC's resources:
1. The COOLRDC shall be formally recognized as a structured research entity.
2. The COOLRDC's by-laws, attached to this agreement, shall be adopted.
3. The COOLRDC shall be located at the University of Ottawa. Any change of host university shall be subject to approval by the parties.
4. The parties shall appoint Saul Schwartz, professor at CarletonUniversity, as Director of the COOLRDC, for a five-year term of office beginning on April1, 2005.
5. The parties shall appoint the following researchers as its first Management Committee for terms of office beginning on April1, 2005:
-Saul Schwartz, Director, ex officio;
-XXX, representing the University of Ottawa, for a four-year term of office;
-XXX, representing the University of Ottawa, for a four -year term of office;
-XXX, representing the University of Ottawa, for a three-year term of office;
-XXX, representing CarletonUniversity, for a four-year term of office;
-XXX, representing CarletonUniversity, for a four-year term of office;
-XXX, representing CarletonUniversity, for a three-year term of office;
-XXX, representing the Université du Québec en Outaouais, for a four-year term of office;
-XXX,XXX representing the DLI from the joint partner universities, ex officio
-XXX, Secretary, ex officio, observer.
The parties shall each agree to appoint an alternate representative as well.
6. In its activities and publications, the COOLRDC shall give equitable representation to each university. To the extent possible, the COOLRDC shall offer its services in researchers' preferred official language.
7. Any shared COOLRDC activity with implications concerning intellectual property, copyright, patents, licensing agreements, and development rights shall be the subject of a separate agreement.
8. The COOLRDC shall report:
-concerning CarletonUniversity, to the Vice-President, Research and International;
-concerning the University of Ottawa, to the Vice-Rector, Research.
-concerning the Université du Québec en Outaouais to the Vice-recteur à l'enseignement et à la recherche,
Feridun Hamdullahpur Date
Vice-President, Research and International
Howard Alper Date
Vice-Rector, Research
University of Ottawa
Denis DubéDate
Vice-recteur à l'enseignement et à la recherche
Université du Québec en Outaouais
1. Name
These by-laws shall govern the operation of an inter-university research centre, the "CARLETON, OTTAWA, OUTAOUAIS LOCAL RESEARCH DATA CENTRE (COOLRDC)/CENTREDEDONNÉESDE RECHERCHE LOCAL DE CARLETON,OTTAWA, OUTAOUAIS (CDRLCOO)", hereinafter theCOOLRDC.
2. Reporting Relationships
The COOLRDC shall report to the member institutions. The member institutions shall be CarletonUniversity, the University of Ottawa, the Université du Québec en Outaouais, and
any other institution recognized as such in accordance with these by-laws.
The COOLRDC shall be located at the University of Ottawa; in matters of routine administration, the COOLRDC shall report to the Vice-Rector, Research, University of Ottawa.
3. Objectives
The COOLRDC shall bring together human, material and financial resources,in order to pursue the following objectives:
(a) to contribute to the development of basic and applied research in the field of social statistics and related disciplines in the Ottawa and Outaouais region and elsewhere, by bringing researchers from various disciplines together around a shared infrastructure;
(b) to make Statistics Canadamaster files accessible to researchers who meet the COOLRDC's access criteria, in accordance with the relevant rules set by the Research Data Centres National Co-ordinating Committee (RDCNCC);
(c) to provide the space and computer equipment required to carry out leading-edge research, such as quantitative and spatial analyses using Statistics Canada master files;
(d) to support COOLRDC users in developing complex data files, and to help enrich documentation on various data banks;
(e) to organize scientific activities (including training workshops and lectures), and to encourage researchers, practitioners and decision-makers to come together around the analysis of social and related statistics;
(f) to help attract and train graduate students in the field of social statistics and related disciplines;
(g) to pursue the adoption of new technologies in order to provide alternative systems of data access for approved COOLRDC users; and
(h) to work collaboratively with the Data Liberation Initiative (DLI).
4. Management Committee
The COOLRDC shall be placed under the authority of a Management Committee.
The Management Committee shall include:
(a) the Director of the COOLRDC, ex officio;
(b) three researchers from each joint partner institution, or their alternates, and one researcher from the regional partner institution, or that researcher’s alternative;
(c) two DLI representatives, one from each joint partner institution, ex officio; and
(d) asecretary of the COOLRDC, ex officio- observer.
The Management Committee shall:
(a) define and approve the COOLRDC's scientific programming, such as training and data access technologies;
(b) set and approve the COOLRDC's policies;
(c) set and approve the policies and rules governing access to research data, in accordance with the agreements with Statistics Canada and the granting councils;
(d) set and approve the COOLRDC's budget;
(e) if required and after consultation with the implicated member institutions, set the amount of annual contributions to be made by each joint partner institution, and set the initial annual contribution of the regional partner institution to $10,000;
(f) after consultation with the member institutions, recommend the appointment of the COOLRDC's Director;
(g) recommend to the member institutions the addition of any member institutions; if required, document and inform the member institutions of the withdrawal of any member institutions;
(h) strike committees of the COOLRDC and appoint members to them;
(i) approve COOLRDC projects and appoint team members to them;
(i) approve the COOLRDC's annual report and financial statements;
(j) adopt amendments to the by-laws and submit them to the authorities of each member institution for approval;
(k) recommend the recruitment of members of the Management Committee, as required; and
(l) support the Director in the carrying out of his or her duties.
Duration of terms of office
Except for ex officio members, Management Committee members shall be appointed by their respective institutions for a four-year term of office, which shall be renewable. In order to ensure rotation among subsequent members, one representative of CarletonUniversity and one representative of the University of Ottawa shall be appointed for an exceptional initial three-year term of office, which shall be renewable. Members who do not complete their terms of office shall be replaced for the remainder of their terms of office.
(a) Chair: The COOLRDC's Director shall chair Management Committee meetings.
(b) Calling of meetings: The COOLRDC's Director shall call Management Committee meetings, on that person's own initiative or at the request of a representative of a member institution.
(c) Frequency: The Management Committee shall meet at least twice yearly.
(d) Quorum: A majority of Management Committee members shall constitute a quorum; however, adoption of the terms of reference concerning annual contributions shall require approval by the representatives of all the member institutions.
(e) Observers: The Management Committee may invite observers to its meetings.
(f) Secretary:A Secretaryshall organize the meetings, write the minutes, and be responsible for the archives.
5. Director
The Director of the COOLRDC shall be a professor or researcher attached to a joint partner institution, appointed by the member institutions on the recommendation of the Management Committee. The recommendation of the Management Committee shall be sent to the Vice-President, Research and International, of CarletonUniversity and the Vice-Rector, Research, of the University of Ottawa, who shall consult on the matter and then appoint the Director.
The COOLRDC's Director shall be responsible for the proper operation of the COOLRDC and, specifically, shall:
(a) develop the COOLRDC's scientific program and policies in consultation with the Management Committee, and submit any revisions of these policies to the Management Committee for approval;
(b) oversee the organization and overall administration of the COOLRDC, prepare the budget, and submit the budget to the Management Committee for approval, promote the RDC’s scientific program and services to the research communities, and promote the initiatives of other RDCNCC centres;
(c) oversee the carrying out of Management Committee recommendations;
(d) oversee fundraising, including preparing grant applications for theCOOLRDCinfrastructure and major equipment for submission to the granting councils and subsequent reports;
(e) assist in the hiring of the COOLRDC's part-time and full-time professional and support employees in accordance with the policies governing the host university's employees;
(f) participate in the COOLRDC on the Research Data Centres National Co-ordinating Committee (RDCNCC), represent the COOLRDCwith Statistics Canada, and before granting councils, and ensure a liaison with the member institutions and the DLI;
(g) supervise the preparation of the annual report of the COOLRDC's activities;
(h) ensure that all security requirements of the site are current and enforced; and
(i) ensure that the COOLRDC's by-laws are observed.
Duration of term of office
The duration of the Director's term of office shall be five years. A recommendation for renewal of the outgoing Director's term of office maybe made.
7. Coming into effect of by-laws; amendments to by-laws
These by-laws shall come into effect on the day they are adopted by the authorities of each member institution. Any amendments to the by-laws shall be adopted by the Management Committee before being submitted to the authorities of each member institution for approval.