Yelnats Middle School
Caring professionals providing high quality education in a positive setting.
- Raise writing scores by 10%
- Increase attendance by 2%
- Provide a safe environment for the educational process
Raise Writing Scores
- Each content teacher will produce one quality portfolio piece from each class
- Teams will coordinate writing assignments in order to produce a quality well-rounded portfolio
- Science-transitive piece/feature article
- Social Studies-editorial/brochure
- Language Arts-personal narrative/reflection/short story
- Math
- Arts & Humanities
Professional Development:
- Teachers will learn details about the composition and evaluation of the writing portfolio (1/2 day of non-flex in-service)
- Teachers will be required to attend training on the development and implementation of the specific type of writing they will be producing with their students (1/2 day of non-flex in-service)
- Teachers will participate if follow up session to monitor an improve instruction related to their specific writing pieces (1/2 day of non-flex in-service near midterm--1/2 day of non-flex in-service near portfolio completion)
- Encourage and provide stipends for teachers who are willing to become certified in grading portfolios.
- Encourage and provide stipends for teachers who are willing to participate in the Kentucky Teacher Writing Project.
Community Involvement
- Ask for volunteers from local professionals and community to participate in the development and improvement of portfolio pieces
- Incorporate motivational speakers into classes and the school for the purpose of emphasizing writing
- High attendance days
- Door prizes for individuals and teams
- Attendance Points
- Coupons
- Homework pass
- Quiz pass
- Drop score pass
- Store in the Library students may buy items with attendance points
- Cool pencils
- Shirts
- Compact disks
- Hats
Teacher/Staff Responsibilities: (Concentrate on concern and caring for the students)
- Attendance Clerk will call home of each and every student absent as soon as possible on a day of absent
- Teachers always ask students why they missed school or class
- Teachers and office keep and coordinate accurate records of attendance
- Teachers and staff make a consistent effort to praise students for being at school
Community Involvement:
- Ask for community and parent volunteers to help call home and check on absent students (concentrate on concern and caring for the students)
- Recruit local businesses to provide rewards for students with high attendance
- Ice cream Friday
- Cookie Wednesday
- Pizza coupon
- Free movie rental
Safe School Plan
- Students are required to participate in anger management/self-esteem/peer mediation seminars
- YSC referrals
- Reviews of referral data
- Staff will promote a positive/caring environment
- Be in the hall welcoming students to school and class
- Interact with students in a caring manner
- Use organizations such as DARE, police, and volunteers to involve students and teachers in a less academic setting
Professional Development:
Staff will receive training in:
- Conflict resolution
- Crisis management
- Positive student/parent interactions
- Conferencing
Community Involvement
- Police Department
- Parent Community Volunteers