Curriculum Vitae
Name: / Mohamed Taky El Din KhayyalTitle: / Professor Dr.
Department: / Pharmacology and Toxicology
Website: / e.g. Cairo University Scholar website.
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· Academic DegreesChoose an item.
· Demonstrator in Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, from Nov. 58 for one academic year.
· Lecturer in Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo Univ., from Nov. 65
· Associate Prof. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo Univ., from Jan. 71
· Prof. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, from 76
· Research interest
Ove 100 scientific publications in national and international journals, 84 of which are cited in Pubmed. The following are the major fields of interest:# chemotherapy of schistosomiasis.# inflammation.# bronchial asthma.# autonomic pharmacology.# effects of radiation exposure.# natural products & herbal medicine
Course TitleUndergraduate Courses
(General Program) / 303 Pharmacology I
304 Pharmacology II
307 Toxicology
306 Biostatistics and Biological Standardization of Drugs
Undergraduate Courses (Clinical Program) / Choose an item.
PO 906 Clinical Pharmacology
Postgraduate Courses / Click here to insert text. To start a new paragraph please press End then Enter keys from keyboard.
Career History and Professional Experience
Titles / · Prof. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, from 76· Head of Pharmacology Dept., Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, from Nov.76 to March 79 and from March 87 to March 93
· Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo Univ., March 81 to Feb.87
Awards / Click here to insert text. To start a new paragraph please press End then Enter keys from keyboard.
Projects / Click here to insert text. To start a new paragraph please press End then Enter keys from keyboard.
Publications and Presentations
1. Rapid hepatic shift of worms in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni after a single injection of tartar emetic.
Buttle, G.A.H., Khayyal, M.T.
Nature, 194, 780-781, (1962).
2. Über die Einwirkung von Antimonverbindungen auf die Würmer von Schistosoma mansoni.
Khayyal, M.T.
Naunyn-Schmied.Arch.exp.Path.Pharmak., 247, 386, (1964)
3. The effects of antimony uptake on the location and pairing of Schistosoma mansoni.
Khayyal, M.T.
Brit.J.Pharmacol., 22, 343-348, (1964)
4. Significance of worm shifts in experimental schistosomiasis mansoni, with emphasis
on the action of anaesthetics.
Khayyal, M.T.
Nature, 205, 1331-1332, (1965)
5. The effects of multiple doses of antimonials in Schistosoma mansoni infection.
Khayyal, M.T.
Bull.Wld.Hlth.Org., 33, 547-551, (1965).
6. Treatment of intestinal bilharziasis with antimonials : The possible use of dimercaprol
as an adjuvant to therapy.
Khayyal, M.T.
Bull.Wld.Hlth.Org., 33, 589-591, (1965).
7. The use of penicillamine as an adjuvant to tartar emetic in the treatment of
experimental schistosomiasis.
Khayyal, M.T., Girgis, N.I., McConnell, E.
Bull.Wld.Hlth.Org., 37, 387-392, (1967).
8. The possible inactivation of antimony by schistosomes.
Khayyal, M.T., Girgis, N.I., McConnell, E.
Ann.trop.Med.Parasit., 62, 74-80, (1968).
9. The influence of the vehicle on the action of tartar emetic in experimental schistoso-
Girgis, N.I., Khayyal, M.T., McConnell, E.
J.Egypt.Publ.Hlth.Assoc., 44, 209-216, (1969).
10. Comparison of the chemotherapeutic potencies of 4 antimonial drugs.
Khayyal, M.T.
Bull.Wld.Hlth.Org., 40, 959-963, (1969)
11. Effectiveness of a single dose of hycanthone orally in experimental schistosomiasis in
Khayyal, M.T., Girgis, N.I., Henry,W.
Bull.Wld.Hlth.Org., 40, 963-965, (1969).
12. Activity of antimony dextran glycoside (RL-712) against visceral leishmaniasis in the
Mikhail, J.W., Khayyal, M.T., Girgis, N.I.
Bull.Wld.Hlth.Org., 40, 327-328, (1969)
13. Effect of acetylsalicylic acid and phenylbutazone on glucose absorption in vitro.
Saleh, S., Khayyal, M.T., El-Masri, A.M., Ghazal, M.A.
Metabolism, 18, 599-605, (1969).
14. Influence of reserpine and guanethidine on the chronotropic effect of sympathomimetics on isolated rat atria.
El-Hawary, M.B., Khayyal, M.T., Abdel-Wahed, S., Helmy, R., Ishaac, Z.
Arch.Intern.Pharmacodyn.Ther., 182, 279-286, (1969).
15. Penicillamine as an adjuvant to antimonial therapy. Effect on electrocardiographic
changes in dogs.
Girgis, N.I., Khayyal, M.T., McConnell, E., Norton,J.
E.Afr.Med.J., 47, 1-6, (1970).
16. The value of glucosamine in increasing the efficacy of tartar emetic in experimental
Girgis, N.I., Mansour, N.S., Khayyal, M.T., Henry, W.
J.Egypt.Publ.Hlth., XLVII, 81-87, (1972).
17. Penicillamine as an adjuvant to antimonial therapy of schistosomiasis : effect on liver
function tests in rabbits and on antischistosomal activity.
Khayyal, M.T., Saleh, S., El-Masri, A.M.
Bull.Wld.Hlth.Org., 48, 415-420, (1973).
18. Studies on the effect of oral hypoglycaemic agents on hepatic glycogenolysis.
Saleh, S., Abddel-Khalek, A., Sharaf, A.A., Khayyal, M.T., El-Masri, A.M.
Pharmacol.Res.Comm., 6, 539-550, (1974).
19. A sensitive method for the bioassay of acetylcholine.
Khayyal, M.T., Tolba, H.M., El-Hawary, M.B., Abdel-Wahed, S.
Europ.J.Pharmacol., 25, 287-290, (1974).
20. Pharmacological study of the effects of some oral contraceptive drugs on certain aspects of carbohydrate metabolism in normal rats.
Khayyal, M.T., El-Sayed, M.E., Ahmed, H.M.S., Ata, M.M.
Egypt.J.Pharm.Sci., 16, 197-203, (1975).
21. Effect of fluphenazine on tissue noradrenaline concentrations and its interaction with
El-Azhary, R., Khayyal, M.T., Saleh, S.
Brit.J.Pharmacol., 53, 593-595, (1975).
22. Leishmania donovani : Therapeutic and prophylactic action of antimony dextran
glycoside (RL-712) in the golden hamster.
Mikhail, J.W., Mansour, N.S., Khayyal, M.T.
Exp.Parasit., 37, 348-352, (1975).
23. Desipramine pargyline interaction.
Saleh, S., Khayyal, M.T., El-Azhary, R.
Egypt.J.Pharm.Sci., 16, 25-34, (1975)
24. Comparative study of the effect of neostigmine, trimetaphan and oxyphenonium on
some aspects of 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolism in rats.
Kenawy, S.A., El-Masri, A.M., Saad, S.F., Khayyal, M.T., Abdel-Aziz, M.T.
J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 27, 871-873, (1975).
25. A study into the nature of the autonomic receptors of the human Fallopian tube and
The possible role of pprostaglandins.
Fayad, M., El-Hawary, M.B., Khayyal, M.T., Abdel-Wahed, S.A., Shaban, H.A.
J.Egypt.Soc.Obst.Gyn., 1, 11-17, (1975).
26. The effect of potassium antimonyl tartrate on the gamma amino butyric acid and
acetylcholine contents in the cerebral hemispheres of normal and Schistosoma
mansoni infected mice.
Samaan, S.S., Galal, E.E., Khayyal, M.T., Saad, S.F.
J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 28, 379-384, (1976).
27. The effect of cysteine on the hepatic toxicity and antischistosomal activity of
antimonyl potassium tartrate.
Saleh, S., Khayyal, M.T.
Bull.Wld.Hlth.Org., 53, 379-384, (1976).
28. Adrenergic responses of the rabbit stomach serosal strip and their modifications by
monoamine oxidase inhibitors and antiadrenergic drugs.
Khayyal, M.T., Tolba, H., Hawary, M.B.
J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 28, 489-492, (1976)
29. Effect of antischistosomal drugs on some aspects of carbohydrate metabolism in
Saleh, S., Abdel-Aziz, M.T., El-Sayed, H.M., Khayyal, M.T.
Pharmacol.Res.Commun., 8, 359-368, (1976).
30. Effect of niridazole on the lipid pattern of the parasite and host tissues in
Experimental schistosomiasis mansoni.
Khayyal, M.T., Mousa, A.H., Saleh, S., Abo-Hashish, M.A., Metwally, A.A.
Egypt.J.Bilh., 4, 89-96, (1977).
31. Effect of oral contraceptives on carbohydrate metabolism in alloxan diabetic rats.
Khayyal, M.T., El-Sayed, M.E., Ahmed, H.M.S., Ata, M.M.
J.Egypt.Med.Assoc., 60, 625-632, (1977).
32. Action of oral contraceptive drugs on protein metabolism in rats.
Khayyal, M.T., El-Sayed, M.E., Ahmed, H.M.S., Ata, M.M.
J.Egypt.Med.Assoc., 60, 633-638, (1977).
33. The effect of gamma irradiation on the biological activity of the local anaesthetic, pri-
locaine hydrochloride.
Saad, S.F., Khayyal, M.T., Roushdy, H.M., Chaban, E.A.
IRCS Med.Sci.Biomed.Techn.Endocr.Syst.Pharmacol., 5, 314, (1977).
34. Changes in biological activity of dexamethasone sodium hemisulphate after
irradiation sterilization.
Khayyal, M.T., Saad, S.F., Roushdy, H.M., Abdel-Aziz, A.H.
IRCS Med.Sci.Biomed.Techn.Endocr.Syst.Pharmacol., 5, 315, (1977).
35. The effect of sterilization on the biological activiity of testosterone propionate.
Saad, S.F., Khayyal, M.T., Roushdy, H.M., Amer, A.G.
IRCS Med.Sci.Biomed.Techn.Endocr.Syst.Pharmacol., 5, 316, (1977).
36. The effect of ascorbic acid, inositol hexanicotinate and clofibrate treatment on experi-
mental atherosclerosis in rabbits.
Kheir-El-Din, A.A., Khayyal, M.T., El-Adle, N.M., Farid, F., Abdalla, W.A.
Egypt.J.Pharm.Sci., 18, 115-125, (1977).
37. Penicillamine as an adjuvant to antimonial therapy in schistosomiasis : Effect on the
lipid pattern of parasites and host.
Khayyal, M.T., Saleh, S., Metwally, A.A., Mousa, A.H.
Egypt.J.Bilh., 4, 149-156, (1977).
38. Influence of piperazine diantimonyl tartrate on g-amino butyric acid and acetylcholine
contents of the cerebral hemispheres of normal and Schistosoma mansoni infected
Galal, E.E., Khayyal, M.T., Saad, S.F., Samaan, S.S.
J.Drug Res.Egypt, 9, 167-180, (1977).
39. The antagonism of the analgesic effect of dipyrone by l-DOPA and its relation to
brain amine concentrations.
Khayyal, M.T., Samaan, H.A., Galal, E.E.
J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 30, 195-196, (1978).
40. Studies on the effect of oral hypoglycaemic agents on amino acid metabolism in the
Abdel-Khalek, A., Saleh, S., Sharaf, A.A., Khayyal, M.T., El-Masri, A.M.
J. Egypt. Med. Assoc. 61, 11-22, (1978)
41. Effect of prolonged administration of oral contraceptives and psychotropic drugs on
some ovarian adrenocortical functions.
Abdel-Aziz, M.T., Kheir-El-Din, A.A., Khayyal, M.T., Saad, S.F., Aly, M.H.M.
J.Egypt.Med.Assoc., 61, 703-709, (1978).
42. Biochemical effects of niridazole. I. In vitro and in vivo effect of niridazole on the
rate of gluconeogenesis and oxidation of pyruvate and some Krebs cycle
intermediates in mice.
Sharaf,A.A., Khayyal,M.T., Kheir-El-Din, A.A., Sharaf,A.A., Kassem, F.
Egypt.J.Bilh., 5, 49-57, (1978).
43. Biochemical effects of niridazole. II. In vitro and in vivo effects of niridazole on the
Rate of gluconeogenesis and oxidation of pyruvate and some Krebs cycle
intermediates in Schistosoma mansoni infected mice.
Sharaf, A.A., Khayyal, M.T., Kheir-El-Din, A.A., Sharaf, A.A., Kassem, F.
Egypt.J.Bilh., 5, 56-69, (1978).
44. Effect of hycanthone and niridazole on cholinesterase levels in experimental
Hanna, S.K., Khayyal, M.T., Saleh, S., Farid, F., Abdallah, W.A.
Egypt.J.Bilh., 5, 101-112, (1978).
45. Effect of some antimonial drugs on cholinesterase and serum protein levels in
experimental schistosomiasis.
Saleh, S., Khayyal, M.T., Hanna, S.K., Nasr, A.A., Farid, F., Abdallah, W.A.
Arab.J.Lab.Med., 4, 71-83, (1978).
46. Serum glycoprotein, lipoprotein and protein patterns in schistosomiasis mansoni
before and after therapy.
Saber, M.A., Khayyal, M.T., Saleh, S., Ebeid, F.
Arab.J.Lab.Med., 5, 47-55, (1979).
47. The effect of nicotine on certain aspects of 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolism in rats.
Kenawy, S.A., El-Masry, A.M., Saad, S.F., Khayyal, M.T., Abdel-Aziz, M.T.
J.Drug Res.Egypt, 11, 161-165, (1979).
48. Effect of oxamniquine on host hepatic and plasma lipids in experimental schistoso-
Khayyal, M.T., Kheir-El-Din, A.A., Sayed Ahmed, H.M., Saleh, S., Zein El-
Abdin, A., Metwally, A.A.
J.Egypt.Med.Assoc., 63, 41-49, (1980).
49. Effect of oxamniquine on the lipid pattern of female and male S.mansoni worms in
Khayyal, M.T., Kheir-El-Din, A.A., Saleh, S., Sayed Ahmed, H.M., Zein El-
Abdin, A., Roshdi, M.Z., Metwally, A.A.
J.Egypt.Med.Assoc., 63, 195-204, (1980).
50. A study of the changes in amino acid composition of serum in S.mansoni infected
mice before and after treatment with oxamniquine and tartar emetic.
Khayyal, M.T., Saleh, S., Saber, M.A., Ebeid, F.A.
Egypt.J.Bilh., 7, 61-71, (1980).
51. The immunological aspects of praziquantel in unsensitized mice with experimentally
induced schistosome pulmonary granuloma.
Botros, S.S., Metwally, A.A., Khayyal, M.T.
Trans.Roy.Soc.Trop.Med.Hyg., 78, 569-572, (1984).
52. Effect of exposure to radiation on the inflammatory process and its influence by
El-Ghazaly, M., Kenawy, S., Khayyal, M.T., Roushdy, H., Saleh, S.
Br.J.Pharmac., 85, 45-50, (1985).
53. Reversal of hepatic fibrosis after praziquantel therapy of murine schistosomiasis.
Morcos, S.H., Khayyal, M.T., Mansour, M.M., Saleh, S., Ishak, N.I., Girgis, N.I.,
Dunn, M.A.
Amer.J.Trop.Med.Parasit., 34, 314-321, (1985).
54. Study on some immunopharmacological properties of praziquantel in experimental
schistosomiasis mansoni.
Botros, S.S., El-Badrawy, N., Metwally, A.A., Khayyal, M.T.
Ann.Trop.Med.Parasit., 80, 189-196, (1986).
55. The protective value of piroxicam on the enhanced inflammatory response after
whole body irradiation.
El-Ghazaly, M., Saleh, S., Kenawy, S., Roushdy, H.M., Khayyal, M.T.
Pharm.Res.Commun., 18, 563-580, (1986).
56. Effect of praziquantel on the cardiotonic action of cardiac glycosides.
Khayyal, M.T., Saleh, S., Schlieper, P., Tawfik, H.
Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn., 286, 85-96, (1987).
57. Comparative effect of tiaprofenic acid and piroxicam alone and as adjuvants to anti-
bilharzial therapy on pulmonary granuloma in unsensitized mice.
Botros, S.S., Metwally, A.A., Khayyal, M.T.
Int.J.Immunopharmac., 10, 601-607, (1988).
58. Radiation exposure and the effect of piroxicam and diclofenac on mediator release
from isolated guinea-pig lung.
Khayyal, M.T., Roushdy, H., Saleh, S., El-Ghazaly, M., Kenawy, S., El-Mazar,
Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn.Ther., 298, 247-263, (1989).
59. Effect of schistosomiasis infection on the clearance of phenazone in mice.
Metwally, A.A., Janku, I., Kemper, F., Khayyal, M.T., Ebeid, F.A., Botros, S.S.
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res., 40, 206-209, (1990).
60. Schistosoma mansoni : Angiotensin converting enzyme activity in mice under the in-
fluence of praziquantel and/or captopril.
Khayyal, M.T., Saleh, S., Metwally, A.A., Botros, S.S., Mahmoud, M.R.
Exp.Parasit., 73, 117-126, (1991).
61. Study of the antiinflammatory activity of Populus tremula, Solidago virgaurea and
Fraxinus excelsior.
El-Ghazaly, M., Khayyal, M.T., Okpanyi, S.N., Arens-Correl, M.
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res., 42, 333-336, (1992).
62. Evaluation of hepatic fibrosis after therapy of murine schistosomiasis.
Morcos, S.H., Mansour, M.M., Khayyal, M.T., Saleh, S., Ishak, E.A., Girgis, N.I.
Ann.Trop.Med.Parasit., 86, 511-516, (1992).
63. Hyperthermic potentiation of cisplatin cytotoxicity on solid Ehrlich carcinoma.
Osman, A.M., Sayed Ahmed, M.M., Khayyal, M.T., El-Merzabani, M.M.
Tumori, 79, 268-272, (1993).
64. Flavone derivatives isolated from Artemisia herba alba have affinity to brain benzo-
diazepine receptors and a adrenergic receptors in vitro.
Shen, X., Witt, M.R., Nielsen, M., Bergendorff, O., Sterner, O., Khayyal, M.T.,
El-Alfy, T.S., El-Gohary, H.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 7(4), 305-306, (1993).
65. Inhibition of leukotriene release by mofebutazone : a possible clinical advantage.
Khayyal, M.T., El-Khatib, A.S., El-Ghazaly, M., Hatem, A.
Int.J.Clin.Pharm.Res., XIII, 255-261, (1993).
66. Mechanisms involved in the antiinflammatory effect of propolis extract.
Khayyal, M.T., El-Ghazaly, M.A., El-Khatib, A.S.
Drugs Exptl.Clin.Res., XIX, 197-203, ( 1993).
67. Inhibition of (methyl-3H) diazepam binding to rat brain membranes in vitro by diatin and skrofulein.
Shen, X.L., Nielsen, M., Witt, M.R., Sterner,O., Bergendorff,O., Khayyal,M.T.
Acta Pharmacol. Sinica 15, 385-388, (1994).
68. The use of aqueous propolis extract against radiation-induced damage.
El-Ghazaly, M.A., Khayyal, M.T.
Drugs Exptl.Clin.Res., XXI, 229-236, (1995).
69. The influence of carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage on the inflammatory reaction elicited by carrageenan and its treatment with diclofenac.
Agha, A.M., El-Khatib, A.S., Kenawy, S.A., Khayyal, M.T.
Pharmacol.Res., 32, 75-84, (1995).
70. Tolerability of mofebutazone in asthmatic patients.
Khayyal, M.T., El-Ghazaly, M.A., El-Khatib, A.S., Hatem, A.
Int.J.Clin.Pharm.Res., XV, 145-151, (1995).
71. The protective effect of aqueous propolis extract on isolated rat hepatocytes against carbon tetrachloride toxicity.
Mahran, L.G., El-Khatib, A.S., Agha, A.M., Khayyal, M.T.
Drugs Exptl.Clin.Res., XXII, 309-316, (1996).
72. Influence of certain calcium-channel blockers on some aspects of lorazepam-dependence in mice.
Saad, S.F., Khayyal, M.T., Attia, A.S., Saad, E.S.
J.Pharm.Pharmacol. 49, 322-328, (1997).