Career Agency recognizes milestones, however, on a quarterly basis at our Business Plan meeting we present an employee with an "ACE" (Associates Contributing to Excellence) award for someone who has gone above and beyond for the quarter. They are presented with a plaque and their name is then added to the plaque that has been ongoing since 2003.

We are currently in the process of implementing a more active day-to-day recognition program. We're looking to have "on the spot" awards to give associates when other associates recognize a job well done. In addition, we make every effort to celebrate everyone's birthday with a cake or some homemade desserts. In no particularly formal way, the departments are very conscious to send recognition emails to one another when a job is well done. To boost morale and to get everyone involved, specifically around the holiday season, the departments may have potlocks and bake-offs. Also, if someone has a particular life-event (birthday, baby, wedding, recovery, relocating, etc.) the department will purchase a card for the whole office to sign and give to that particular individual.

Informal Recognition: Currently, associates can submit nominations for their co-workers via the website. Once a month the committee gathers and reviews the nominations and selects one, 2 people maximum, from each department that we believe is deserving of a monetary prize to be used on the CMS website. After committee meeting, a celebratory note goes out to all associates in our departments announcing all the nominees (we include the description of the actual nomination) and list the drawing winner. We track all nominees and nominators, and have a random drawing once a quarter at our quarterly luncheons. These luncheons are held once a quarter and are very elaborate events. The recognition champions create a theme with a menu to match along with gifts and prizes to enhance the theme. Associates really appreciate the opportunity to get together and socialize beyond the same day-to-day work related interaction. For our off-site associates, we allow them the flexibility to plan a special day for themselves whether it be going out to lunch or ordering pizza in. They also have the option to partner with the departments in their area if they are having a recognition celebration.

We have a Dry Erase board at one of the exits in the building. I have "rented" space on the board and it is titled : "R & R Thank You:"- it is a small and informal way to thank one of your fellow associates. At any time during the day, one can write someone's name up on the board to thank them with your name next to it. Each night, the names are documented and at the end of the week, an email is sent out with all the names next to each day.

**NOTE** I sent out an email asking about feedback on the board and many advised that they like how informal and easy it was to thank someone for small, but appreciated assistance.**

Also, next to the board are thank you notes that are available for those associates who would rather write a thank you note to another associate. They disappear, so I am assuming others are utilizing the thank you note cards.

Informal Recognition

Quarterly Anniversary parties. Supervisors and Management plan. Cake, punch, gift and a journal for associates to sign while congratulating the associate.

Quarterly R & R Meetings: We read off the nominations of Charlie and above to the associates. The nominator if they so choose, reads the award to the associates, the nominee is applauded. Giveaways for attending. Upgrades to Woodstocks for Spot Awards ( Drawn from Snoopy Doghouse) Preferred Parking Spot Upgrades.

With regard to our Day-to-Day Recognition: Our office is constantly giving out thank you cards for helping a fellow co-worker. One of our units has an incentive of receiving "Snoopy Bucks" which they accumulate and can redeem for anything from food items to gifts from the Met catalog. Another unit has an entire cube dedicated to various snack items and beverages that are available for that unit on a daily basis. These items are very motivational to the unit and you can tell this just by going through that unit.

With regard to our Informal Recognition: Our office does have quarterly meetings. At that time people are recognized from their respective supervisors for a job well done. The awards that are given out are items from the Metlife catalog. We also give out certificates with regard to what they did. These certificates are very nice and everyone hangs them proudly in their cubes. Our ESI committee is constantly having breakfasts, luncheons and other festivities. They also recognize everyone on their company anniversary. Your cube is decorated and everyone knows it's your anniversary by the big balloon hanging over your cube. It is very nice and means alot. Every unit also celebrates birthdays. They will have a snack day and everyone will bring in food to share. They will also purchase a birthday cake for everyone to enjoy.

Day to Day Recognition:

We do strong awards in place of spot awards which entitles each person to 1 hour off or a lunch up to $10.00. Also our ESI committee gives out horseshoes for people who go above and beyond to assist their teammates. Horseshoes are counted on a quarterly basis and at the end of the qtr we have drawings for the person with the most, the least etc.

Informal Recognition:

Every month we have a meeting to read the nominations for the prior month. We also recognize birthdays for that month by giving that person a form to fill out with 3 $ 10 items they would like for their b-day cd's, dvd's etc. We will purchase one of the suggestions and then we wrap it and hand it out at the meeting. Also on the month that we have a Communication Meeting from the Managers ER provides lunch that day. Several times we have brought in ice cream, donuts etc just as a spur of the moment type of thing.

For my area, on the spot awards are handed out for various reasons, such as someone stayed late, helped out a fellow worker, or just went above what was expected. There are also times when the director of the department himself will give a pat on the back, letting people know he appreciated their hard work. The on the spot awards range from movie tickets, to umbrellas, lunch passes, or little gadgets for the desk. There are times that the reason seems to surpass what has been preset as the on the spot award and I will make the decision to bump the prize up to something more fitting of the recognition. We also use the on-the-spot awards to recognize individuals outside of the department that has provided assistance as a way to show appreciation.

We do birthdays once a month at the end to celebrate the birthdays of the month and provide a birthday on their happy day. For anniversary's cakes are purchased to celebrate the occasion as well. The department also did a superbowl party and we are currently planning on doing something for the World Series.