Qualification Design Team Meeting - 29th September 2006


Eleanor RamsaySQA, Care Scotland

John LewisSQA, HN/SVQ Product Development

Sheila LockhartSPLP (SSSC)

Val Williams

Senga NicolGlasgow City Council

Kathleen AllisonWest of Scotland Consortium

Tim KellyGlasgowCaledonianUniversity

Alyson SteelSQA, Care Scotland (minutes)


Celia RotheroWest of Scotland Consortium

Carole MacGregor

Gail GillespieRenfrewshire Council

Linda WalkerSIESWE


Apologies as noted above. SQA has been commissioned to develop the qualifications by the West Learning Network at SCQF levels 7, 9 and10. Eleanor Ramsay will lead this development with the assistance of Care Scotlandstaff and John Lewis, Development Manager at SQA. It was noted that the Tayforth Network have shown an interest in becoming involved with SQA. We hope to work with all the Learning Networks in Scotland to ensure that the qualifications are consistent and that candidates are able to use and gain recognition for them across the country. The issue of funding was raised, concerning whether it will come from the Learning Networks or direct from the national pot. Sheila will clarify this. Eleanor requested that future meetings are chaired by a representative from the group - Please contact Eleanor Ramsay or Alyson Steel if you are interested on 0845 213 5471.

ACTION POINT: Sheila to clarify funding position and identify other members for the QDT.


SQA’s Validation Panel Members’ Guide was distributed to the group and we discussed SQA’s design principles in relation to the new awards, such as access for candidates, award structure, specifications for outcomes, approaches to delivery and supporting evidence. It was noted that the Open University was interested in developing support materials. This will be discussed in more detail at the meeting on the 17th October. The group discussed the aims within the submission document, and Senga advised she would forward material to support the rationale. Eleanor advised she had met with Bryan Smith and they discussed how the awardshould meet the national occupational standards. John Lewis knows of a consultant that he believes could co-ordinate the project. After he has had discussions with the consultant, he will feedback to the group. David Pirnie, Senior Moderator for Learning and Development is currently mapping the Assessor Unit (A1) to PLQ. Eleanor will present initial findings at the next meeting. The group expressed that they were pleased to see the project taking shape and noted the benefits of working with SQA which included lower costs, greater accessibility and delivery.

ACTION POINT: John Lewis to identify Consultant who will give SQA technical expertise to standards produced by national process. Eleanor to contact David Pirnie about mapping awards to Learning and Development National Occupational Standards.


Stage 3 (level 10) to be completed by March 2007 and stages 1 & 2 by November 2007 (in line with the Workforce Development Strategy). Eleanor to draft costings, which will include, identifying Unit Writers, Validation Document Writer, Arrangements Document Writer, Vetters forthe Units and Arrangements Document.

ACTION POINT: Eleanor and John Lewis to draft costs for project.




3rd November 2006, 12.00 – 16.00, Room Spey

6th December 2006, 10.00 – 14.00, Room Moray

Both meetings are being held at SQA, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow. Please report to 3rd floor reception.