Cardinal Classic X: Regurgitation of Recalled Randomness

Packet by Stanford (Elliott Mandel, Kenny Easwaran, Mark Tong, Eugene Davydov) and Wisconsin A Elvis Team Round 11 Tossups

1. He worked out a system of financing based on ostensibly voluntary gifts to the crown, such as the Amicable Grant, to pay for unsuccessful efforts to reassert {*) English power in France, as well as the diplomatic spectacle the Field of the Cloth of Gold. However, failure to persuade the pope to annul a questionable marriage was the undoing of, FTP, what clerical advisor of Henry the Eighth?

answer: Thomas, Cardinal _Wolsey_

2. After fighting in the American Revolution and getting rich on the French one, he turned to social thought. Originally a friend of Comte, with whom he co-authored (*) "Industry," he later turned towards religion as a means of improving the condition of the poor. FTP, identify this author of "The New Christianity" and founder of Christian socialism.

answer: Henri de _Saint-Simon_

3. Comedian Del Close got to play this role under the direction of Robert Falls of the Goodman Theater. Although he has a monologue addressed to him, he does not utter a sound, which does not surprise the speaker, who (*) knew him well. This made the role ideally suited to Close, who was dead at the time. FTP, name this "fellow of infinite jest," who was represented by Close's skull during a production of Hamlet.

answer: _Yorick_

4. Located 310 light years away from Earth, this red supergiant has a
diameter 500 times that of the sun. Its magnitude is 0.4, although John
Herschel claimed to find a variability in its brightness. Its name is (*)
Arabic: for "giant's shoulder, which is appropriate to its position. FTP, give
the common name for Alpha Orionis, the brightest star in the Orion

answer: _Betelgeuse_ (accept "_Alpha Orionis_° before mentioned")

5. "Oh, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war's desolation," is the beginning of the (*) fourth stanza of a poem whose first stanza is the only one usually heard. FTP, name this 1814 poem originally printed under the title "The Defence of Fort McHenry" by Francis Scott Key?

answer: _The Star-Spangled Banner_

(accept The _National Anthem_)

6. He denounced Ahab for stealing the vineyard of Naboth, and on Mt. Carmel defeated Jezebel's priests of (*) Baal. During the reign of Ahab's son Azahiah [AH-zuh-HYE-uh], which begins the Second Book of Kings, this Tishbite's prophetic spirit passes on to Elisha. FTP, name this prophet of Israel who went up to heaven in a whirlwind and.a chariot of fire.

answer: _Elijah_

7. This ethnomusicologist with a love of English folk music wrote (*) nine symphonies, including "A Sea Symphony" and the "Sinfonia Antarctica." His interest in English Renaissance music shows through in his "Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis," but more so in his elaboration on a work of Henry VIII. FTP, name this English composer of a Fantasia on "Greensleeves."

answer: Ralph _Vaughan Williams_

8. Among his unusual results are theorems stating that there are real numbers without decimal expansions and that every full function is continuous. However, he is more well known for rejecting classical results, such as the Mean (*) Value Theorem and the Principle of the Excluded Middle. FTP, name this Dutch mathematician who eventually even rejected his own youthful Fixed Point Theorem.

answer: Luitzen Egbertus Jan van _Brouwer_

9. It settled a civil, war fought around Fontenoy and Aachen in modern-day Belgium, but by giving the east (*) Frankish kingdom to Louis, the west to Charles and a central kingdom to Lothar, it created France and Germany. FTP, name this 843 treaty dividing Charlemagne's empire, named for a city where, in 1916, nearly a million Frenchmen and Germans would die in one of the most destructive battles of World War I.

answer: The Treaty of _Verdun_

10. Its name reflects the UFO fixation of its founder, former Nirvana drummer (*) Dave Grohl, who played all the instruments on the self-titled debut album. The group quickly expanded to include Nate Mendel on bass and Taylor Hawkins on drums. FTP, name this band, whose latest album, "There is Nothing Left To Lose", features the songs "Breakout", "Aurora", and the hit single "Learn to Fly."

answer: _Foo Fighters_

11. In this novel, other members of the crew, including Craik, an Irish religious fanatic, and Donkin, a lazy, arrogant Cockney, (*) steal food for the title character, who is thought to be a good luck charm, but dissension over him also leads to near-mutiny under the command of Captain Allistours. FTP, name this Joseph Conrad work, in which James Wait is the titular black man.

answer: The _Nigger of the "Narcissus"

12.The Netherlands, England and Sweden, to fight Louis XIV in 1668; Brazil,
(*) Argentina and Uruguay in 1865 to bash Paraguay; Germany, Russia and

Austria-Hungary in 1872; Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1882. FTP, all these groups are referred to by what common name?

answer: _Triple Alliance_

13.In 1884, this graduate of MIT and the Ecole des Beaux Arts [ay-COLE day
BOZE AHR] became a partner of Dankmar Adler, with whom he designed (*)
Chicago's Auditorium Building, Buffalo's Guaranty Building and the the
Wainwright Building in St. Louis. FTP, name this architect who pronounced
that "form follows function."

answer: Louis _Sullivan_

14. After a brief dedication to the Mayor of Zwickau, and a letter to Pope Leo X, it presents two apparently contradictory theses, that the person of the title is "lord of all, subject to none," and that he is also "dutiful servant to all subject to all." In resolving the contradiction, the author makes an unsuccessful attempt to reconcile himself with the Roman Church. FTP, name this 1520 treatise, a masterpiece of Martin Luther.

answer: _0n the Freedom of a Christian_

(accept "Treatise _on Christian Freedom_")

15. This geologic term refers to the crater at the top of a volcano after an eruption, which is formed when the (*) summit breaks up and falls inward. A maker of computer software that recently announced its IPO uses this word as a brand name. FTP, give the name of this company that produces OpenLinux for businesses.

answer: _Caldera_

16. A widowed mother of three at twenty-seven, she turned to writing lyric poetry, using the knowledge of classical, French, and Italian languages she had gained at the (*) French court where her father had been physician and astrologer to Charles V. FTP name the 14th-century Italian woman who chronicled the accomplishments of great women in history in her book, "The City of Ladies."

answer: _Christine de Pisan_

17. He once appeared as a large and moving Torb, during the Rectification of the Vuldronaii. His cult was revived in New York by architect Evo Shandor, who was dedicated to destroying the world, starting with the meeting of the (*) Keymaster and Gatekeeper. FTP, name this Sumerian god, who, in the guise of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow man, was destroyed by Peter Venkman and his fellow Ghostbusters.

answer: _Gozer_

18. His regular job was as an innkeeper in his hometown of Delft. Often using low-key colors such as light blue, this (*) artist's quiet interior scenes often depict a window as a light source. His works include "The Lacemaker" and "The Artist in his Studio." FTP name this artist of thirty-five highly prized paintings, among them "The Kitchen Maid" and "Young Woman with a Water Jug."

answer: Jan _Vermeer_

19. In 1940 he resigned as head of the organization he had created. This came in the wake of Roosevelt's victory in spite of this man's Republican endorsement. FDR saw this as ingratitude since New Deal legislation had allowed this man's union to grow and obtain a favorable industry code for coal miners. FTP, name this miner's union leader and moving force behind the creation of the CIO.

answer: John L. _Lewis_

20. It is equal to 1 over the square root of the product of magnetic permeability and electric permitivitty (*), and also to the product of frequency and wavelength. Its constancy in all reference frames was one of the basic axioms of special relativity theory. FTP, identify this value, often denoted with a small c, approximately equal to 299 billion meters per second in free space.

answer: the _speed of light_ (accept equivalents, prompt on "c")

21. Although not Aeschylus, he wrote Agamemnon. He is not Sophocles, but he wrote Oedipus. He is not Euripides, but he wrote (*) Medea. In fact, he is not Greek at all, but Roman. He also wrote a textbook on physics, "Investigations in Natural Science." FTP name this Roman stoic philosopher who tutored the future emperor Nero and was later ordered by Nero to commit suicide.

answer: Lucius Annaeus _Seneca_ Junior

22. He studied Gestalt psychology at the New School before joining-the faculty at Brooklyn College and later Brandeis University. His papers, which were published posthumously in 1971 were titled (*) "The Farther Reaches of Human Nature." FTP name this psychologist whose major works "Motivation and Personality" and "Toward a Psychology of Being" argued that each person has a heirarchy of needs.

answer: Abraham Harold _Maslow_

23. The name's the same. One was the AFC Rookie of the Year and Offensive Player of the Year in 1983 as a running back for the Seattle Seahawks (*). The other once played for the Iowa Barnstormers of the Arena Football League and the Amsterdam Admirals of NFL Europe. FTP, identify the common name, belonging to the 1999 NFL MVP, the quarterback of the St. Louis Rams.

J -

answer: _Kurt Warner_

(accept _Curt Warner_ from players using sign language)

24.Orphaned at an early age, financial troubles drove him to-attempt
suicide as a teenager. His first published story, "Makar Chudra," attracted
enough attention to have his stories published in journals in (*) St.
Petersburg. His first novel was, "Foma Gordeyev." FTP name this author and
playright whose more famous works include "The Philistines," "Mother" and
"The Lower Depths."

answer: Maxim _Gorky_

25.This colorless liquid with a characteristic taste and odor is normally
about 95% pure with the other 5% being water. It is used in medicines; as a
(*) solvent in the manufacture of varnishes and perfumes; as a preservative;
as a disinfectant; and as a fuel and fuel additive. FTP name this organic
compound formed from the fermentation of sugar or starch with chemical
formula CH3-CH2-OH.

answer: _Ethanol_ or _Ethyl alcohol_

26. For a while, it looked as if the actions of Milosh Obilic [OH-bill-ich] would settle the matter, but by the end the Byzantines were completely surrounded, the {*) Ottomans controlled Bulgaria, Sultan Murad I and Prince Lazar were dead and Serbians in general were left with a severe grudge. FTP, name this 1389 battle whose site is now only nominally part of Yugoslavia.

answer: Battle of _Kosovo_ Field

(accept "Battle of the _Field of Blackbirds_")


1. Identify the following special functions that appear frequently in physics problems FTPE.

A.These functions, generally denoted by the letter P, appear in spherical
harmonics. You will need them, for example, to solve Laplace's equation in
spherical coordinates.

answer: _Legendre_ polynomials (accept _Legendre functions..)

B.These polynomials, denoted by the letter L, appear among other places in
the solution to the radial part of the Schrodinger equation.

answer: _Laguerre_ polynomials

C) Lastly, these polynomials, denoted by the letter H, form solutions to equations of the form "second derivative of y with respect to x minus 2x times the first derivative of y with respect to x plus 2 n x equals zero."

answer: _Hermite_ polynomials

2. Answer the following questions about a modern work of literature FTPE.

A.First, name this fictional autobiography of Moraes Zogoiby, whose title
was originally used by Vasco Miranda for his paintings?

answer: The _Moor's Last Sigh_

B.What Muslim Indian author wrote "The Moor's Last Sigh?"
answer: Salman _Rushdie_

C.Name either the title Moor's artist mother or his businessman father.
answer: _Aurora_ or _Abraham_

3. In the good old days, Russian composers had to have day jobs. Given the profession of a member of the Mighty Five, name him, FFPE and five for the bunch. The moderator will please not read answers until the bonus is complete.


answer: Mily _Balakirev_


answer: Alexander _Borodin

C. Military engineer

answer: Cesar _Cui_

D.Naval officer, later professor of composition
answer: Nikolai _Rimsky-Korsakov_

E.Army officer, drunk

answer: Modest _Mussourgsky_

4.30-20-10. Name the man from clues.

A.Congressman Steve Stockman of Texas and the Family Research Council have
recently tried to pass a bill in Congress to re-investigate his research.

B.In 1938, he taught a class at the University of Indiana for women who were
married or about to be so.

C.He found the existing literature on the subject inadequate, and
supplemented it with his 1948 study "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male."

answer: Alfred _Kinsey_

5.Identify the following about the Dreyfus Affair, FTPE.

A.The major who probably committed the acts of treason of which Dreyfus was

answer: C. F Walsin-_Esterhazy_

B.The journal in which Emile Zola published his famous article under the
headline "J•Accuse."

answer: _L'Aurore_

C.This right-wing editor used his journal La Libre Parole to publish bigoted
caricatures and satires of Dreyfus and French Jews in general.

answer: Edouard _Drumont_—

6.Name the poet on a 30-20-10 basis.

A.His first published poem "Pauline" was ridiculed and his 1837 play
"Strafford" which played only for five nights at Covent Garden was a public

B.His final book of poetry, Asolando, was published on Dec. 12, 1889, the
day he died in Venice.

C.His fame was finally secured with his four volume poem. The Ring and the

answer: Robert _Browning_

7. In the Sports Illustrated list of the 100 greatest female athletes.of the 20th century, five of the top 50 are figure skaters who have won Olympic gold medals before the 1990s. Name them FFP, plus five for all correct.

answer: Sonja _Henie_

Peggy _Fleming_ Dorothy _Hamill_ Katarina _Witt_ Tenley _JHbright_

8. Identify these signers of the Declaration of Independence, FSNPE

A.(5) This signer commented, "We must all hang together, or most assuredly
we will all hang separately."

answer: Benjamin _Franklin_

B.(10) This signer from Connecticut helped Oliver Ellsworth to end the
struggle between large and small states over Congressional representation in

answer: Roger _Sherman_

C.(15) Before this millionaire from an eponymous town in Maryland died in
1832, he was the last surviving signer of the Declaration.

answer: Charles _Carroll_

9. Identify these early Christian writers from clues FTPE.

A.It is this writer who gives us much of our information on early Christians
with his work "Ecclesiastical History" written between AD 312 and 324.

answer: _Eusebius_ of Caesaria

B.His Letter to the Church at Corinth written around AD 95 almost "became
canonical. He is traditionally listed as the fourth pope.

answer: St. _Clement of Rome_ or _Clement I_

C.He is known primarily for his highly regarded seven letters which were
written during a trip to Rome, as a prisoner condemned to be executed.
According to Eusebius, wild beasts killed him in the year 107 or 108.

answer: Saint _Ignatius_ of Antioch

10. 30-20-10. Identify the author from clues.

A. He wasn't Camus, but he did write an existential novel called "The Outsider" while an expatriate in Paris in 1953.

B.He was still a member of the Communist Party when his most famous work,
with sections titled "Fear," "Flight," and "Fate" was adapted for the stage
by Orson Welles in 1941.

C.That work deals with the consequences of an accidental killing by a black
man named Bigger Thomas.

answer: Richard _Wright_

11.Identify the following about prokaryotes FTPE.

A.Since prokaryotes do not have nuclei they reproduce using this method
answer: _binary fission_ (Prompt on _asexual_)

B.In order to survive, bacterial cells often create these walls which are
resistant to harsh conditions.

answer: _endospores_

C.Prokaryotes can cling to each other using these surface appendages which
also help in the transfer of DNA.

answer: _pili_ (sing, is _pilus_)

12.Answer the following about Peanuts character Schroeder, FTPE.

A.What position does Schroeder play on the Peanuts baseball team?
answer: _catcher_

B.What outfielder keeps trying to kiss Schroeder?
answer: _Lucy_ Van Pelt

C.In what year was Schroeder's favorite composer born?
answer: _1770_

13.Identify these paintings from description F15PE or from the author and
date of an identically titled work of literature FFP.

A. (15) The shepherd at the left of this Giorgione (ZHOR-zhee-OHN-ay) painting is thought to be guarding the young woman suckling an infant at right; a single flash of lightning is seen in the sky

(5) William Shakespeare, circa 1611

answer: The _Tempest_

C. (15) This Poussin (poo-SAHN) work features four dancers, representing Wealth, Poverty, Industry and Pleasure, frolicking to the tune played by an old father at right

(5) Anthony Powell, 1951-75

answer: A _Dance to the Music of Time_

14.Identify the following college towns, for 10 points each.
A. Home of the main campus of the Pennsylvania State University
answer: _State College_

C. Home of the main campus of the University of Maryland answer: _College Park_

C. Home of the main campus of Texas A&M University answer: _College Station_

15.Identify these important places in the growth of American industry

A.The field near Beaumont, Texas where Patillo Higgins discovered the first
oil deposit in Texas, one well of which soon accounted for 60 percent of all
U.S. production.

answer: _Spindletop_

B.The enormous integrated car plant built by Henry Ford in 1918 that had its
own steel and glass mills and could turn iron ore into a Model T in four

answer: _River Rouge_

16.Answer the following questions about group theory, F15PE.

A.This is the number of elements in the smallest non-abelian simple group.
answer: _60_

B.Containing over 8 X 10A53 (eight times ten to the fifty-three) elements,
this is the largest finite sporadic group.

answer: The _Monster_

17.Given a work of Italian literature and a year, name the author, FTPE.
A. "Women of Messina" (1950)

answer: Elio _Vittorini_

B."The Maidens of the Rocks" (1896)
answer: Gabriele _D'Annunzio_

C."Christ Stopped at Eboli" (1945)
answer: Carlo Levi