PreK-3 Literacy Plan
I. Introduction:
Long PrairieGreyEagle School District #2753 has developed a PreK-3 Literacy Plan to ensure that our students will be reading well by the end of third grade. This is to inform the parents of our Literacy plan for the students at LPGE School.
II. Approved by:
LPGE School District #2753 School Board on: First Document: June 18, 2012(Updated: June 9, 2017)
Demographic DataLong Prairie-Grey Eagle PK-6 has 475 students in grades Preschool through 6. There are 281 students in PK-3. The district is located in central Minnesota, 150 miles northwest of Minneapolis/ St. Paul. Kindergarten has 4 sections while Grades 1-6 have 3 sections each.
16-17 Projected Enrollment: 495PS:323: 60
K: 614:68
1: 675:57
Current Practices1. School District #2753 will ensure proficient readers by Grade 3.
1A. Based on the National Reading Panel Report clearly states effective reading instruction addresses these 5 critical areas:
▪Phonemic Awareness-letters make certain sounds.
▪Phonics-relationships between letters and sounds.
▪Fluency-making what students read sound like spoken language.
▪Vocabulary- words students know to communicate with others.
▪Comprehension-getting meaning out of reading.
1B. AIMSweb+ Progress Monitoring Data for Students in Grades K-3
Letter Name Fluency-LNF
Letter Sound Fluency-LSF
Phoneme Segmentation Fluency-PSF
Nonsense Words Fluency-NWF
Grades 1-3
Curriculum Based Measurements-CBM
1B. Current Practices for Effective Literacy Instruction
Reading / Pre-K / K / 1 / 2 / 3Core Instruction / Developing / Houghton Mifflin / Houghton Mifflin / Houghton Mifflin / Houghton Mifflin
Time / 60-90 / 60 / 60 / 60 / 60
What I Need (WIN) / 0 / 30 / 30 / 30 / 30
Assessments / Developing
(Rubrics) / AIMSweb+
Other Support / SPEDSP
S / Title
Reading Tutors
Reading Interventionists / Title
Reading Tutors
Reading Interventionists / Title
Reading Tutors
Reading Interventionists / Title
Reading Tutors
Reading Interventionists
1C. Effective current practices and supports that have demonstratedsuccess and improved results.
The instructional strategies used by K-6 LPGE instructors are based on Dr. Marzano’s practices involving the following: communicating learning goals, tracking student progress, and celebrating successes. Teachers will also develop tasks that involve students to improve learning skills by helping students make decisions, conducting investigations, and creating designs that will help students acquire new knowledge.
●Educators using test data to increase learning
●Teaching to standards
●Technology Improvements (iPads and Smart-boards)
●Compass Learning
●SMART goals
●Increase reading time
●Writing components
●Increased differentiated instruction
●PK-3 Classroom Formative Assessments
●K-3 AIMSweb+, Summative Assessments, (MCA-Gr. 3)
●School Wide Title I School
●English as a Second Language classes
●After School Programs Grades 1-3 (BOLT)
●Summer School Programs
●Scientifically Researched Based Reading Curriculum
●Teachers are monitoring student progress
●Increased use of learning goals, academic language, and rubrics
●BLAST (Building Level Achievement Support Team)-Monitor Student Progress
●Accelerated Reader
●What I Need Time
●PBIS which supports behavior conducive to effective learning
●ADSIS Interventionist Reading Instructors
●MN Reading Corps Tutors
K-6 Assessments2. Student AssessmentLong Prairie-Grey Eagle Public Schools assess students' level of reading proficiency using the following assessments and share the results with parents of students in Kindergarten through Grade 6
2A. Summative Assessments
●AIMSweb +(K-6): This is a researched-based assessment for use in school districts. The system focuses on short tests, called probes, to ascertain student achievement on basic skills in reading. These tests produce accurate charts of student growth over time. AIMSweb assesses basic, broad academic skills that are relevant to all subject areas making them compatible with any curriculum or standards, including Common Core State Standards.
●Minnesota State Assessments (MCA 3-6) Reading:The purpose of Minnesota assessments is to evaluate Minnesota students’ achievement measured against the Minnesota Academic Standards. Assessment results can be used to help make curriculum and instructional decisions to enhance student instruction at LPGE.
2B. Formative Assessments:
●Teacher Created (PK-6)-Reading:Teachers develop pre and post formative assessments to evaluate their students’ understanding of those standards. Teachers and students use these assessments routinely to assess student understanding and teacher effectiveness in relation to the learning process at LPGE.
●PLCs: LPGE will use the diagnostic assessment process to help the instructional staff develop practices that will help close the learning gap. We will use our PLCs and Common Planning Times to evaluate data and plan differentiated instruction to meet students’ needs.
●Progress Monitoring: LPGE will use the following as our progress monitoring process: Viewpoint, Professional Learning Communities and professional development meetings will drive our data decisions to maximize growth towards proficiency.
●Test Results: Results will be communicated with parents through parent/teacher conferences in the spring and the fall, teacher/parent communication, assignment notebooks, and Family Fun Nights.
●Compass Learning (K-6):Compass Learning aligns to Common Core, state and national standards. It is based on current and confirmed research about the way today’s students think and learn.Compass Learning addresses each student’s unique learning needs.
Quality of Instruction3. LPGE will ensure quality instruction at all elementary grade levels.
●Alignment: LPGE ensures quality instruction by aligning the core curriculum with the MN Common Core Reading state standards. The assessments given by the staff are used to help monitor student growth.
●Parent Communication: Data results will be communicated with parents through Elementary Open House, Parent/Teacher Conferences, and ongoing communication with parents and guardians through emails, notes home, letters, and phone calls.
●Building Level Achievement Support Team (BLAST): Our building level BLAST will use effective data to monitor and provide interventions for students at risk. This will be communicated through monthly meetings with the BLAST Team and the instructional teams to monitor student progress.
●Parent Resources: LPGE will provide parents with resources to encourage effective literacy practices at home by offering assignment notebooks or homework folders, hosting Family Fun Nights which includes parent education regarding literacy skills which are age appropriate, and websites (Examples: teacher web pages, Compass Learning, and Title I sites).
Informing Parents of LPGE Literacy Plan4. LPGE will inform parents of the Literacy Plan.
●The Literacy Plan will be posted on the school website.
●Parents will be informed at Open House, fall conferences, and spring conferences of their student’s progress in relation to the plan.
●Teachers will contact parents and inform them as needed.
●Stakeholders will be informally surveyed on the accessibility, usefulness, and support strategies in the plan.
Professional Development5. The LPGE instructional staff will participate in and benefit from professional development that will help enhance their understanding of effective instruction in all areas of instruction. LPGE will be using the implementation science framework. Practice profiles will be used to define the usable intervention components, collect fidelity of implementation data and determine next steps for coaching, support and drivers. Emphasis will be on academic language objectives and professional learning communities.
5A. Academic Language Objectives:
●Student Friendly Language: Like Content Objectives, language objectives should be stated clearly and simply in student friendly language.
●Key Questions:
○What are my students doing today to develop their language skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking?
○How will I get them to practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening while learning the content of the lesson?
●3 Key Components of Academic Language Objective
○Function: Purpose for language
○Form: Words, sentence frames-Language Lines, discourse (ex. paragraph form)
○Modality: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking
5B. Professional Learning Communities:
Long Prairie Grey Eagle Elementary School PLC Practice Profile Tool
Clearly defined components and practices are a prerequisite for sound implementation. Use this tool to identify the core components or essential functions of your evidence-based program and describe what the program would “look like” if instructional or behavioral practices were being used as intended in the school or classroom. Also describe the developmental and unacceptable variations of observed behavior.
Critical Practice / Core Component / Contribution to the Outcome / Applying / Developing / Not UsingProfessional Learning Communities / Structure of PLC’s / Creates an efficient and effective process to advance student achievement / All members perform all roles on a rotating basis
Prompt regular attendance at the designated time and place for 30 min. / All members perform some roles on a rotating basis
Regular attendance at the designated time and place for 20-29 min. / Roles are not rotated or changed on a rotating basis
Inconsistent attendance at the designated time and place for less than 20 min.
Professional Learning Communities / Goals of PLC’s / Make decisions that advance student achievement / Consistent sharing of instructional practices, data, and student work
Discussions and decisions are based upon SIP and PLC goals / Inconsistent sharing of instructional practices, data, and student work
Discussions and decisions are mostly based upon SIP and PLC goals / No sharing of instructional practices, data, and student work
Discussions and decisions are not based upon SIP and PLC goals
Professional Learning Communities / Cycle of PLC’s / Provide multiple opportunities for advancement in student achievement / New goals based on data are developed or modified on a 4-8 week cycle / New goals based on data are developed or modified on a sporadic or inconsistent cycle / No new goals are developed or modified
5C. Outcomes/Goals:
●LPGE teachers will make certain that all their students will achieve success in mastering learning goals by monitoring and adjusting their students’ learning process.
●LPGE teachers will manage their classrooms so that all students are engaged, challenged, and active members of their classrooms’ learning community.
●LPGE teachers will design units and lessons so that they promote maximum success for every learner.
●LPGE teacher evaluations: Teachers and administrators will set the priorities and support the practices that will help all teachers become expert teachers.
●LPGE teacher evaluations: Teachers and administrators will develop a collegial atmosphere in which teachers can freely share effective practices with each other, observe one another’s classrooms, and receive focused feedback on their teaching strategies.
5D. Professional Learning Opportunities:
●The LPGE District has provided the K-6 instructional teams the professional development time and materials necessary to implement the instructional strategies such as the iObservation model which will be used to assess the effectiveness of the strategies being implemented.
●Through walk-throughs, principal-teacher interactions, teacher interaction with their peers, the K-6 staff will focus on academic language objectives, academic language functions, language lines-sentence frames to help develop comprehension skills, effective PLC’s, development of a three-tiered level of support, and the use of data to develop the differentiated instruction necessary for student improvement.
●Expectations will be communicated to the K-6 instructional staff to ensure fidelity of the LPGE Early Literacy Plan. This will be done both with individual staff members and groups of staff members during common planning times, PLC’s, and monthly meetings.
5E. Data Retrieval:
●MAP scores, MCAs, AIMSweb, and ACCESS will drive the district’s direction for effective professional development.
K-6 Implementation6. Comprehensive research based reading instruction will be consistently implemented throughout elementary grades.
●Reading instruction is multi-tiered to enhance reading for all students.
●The instructional strategies for effective reading are based on Dr. Marzano’s practices involving the following: communicating learning goals, tracking student progress, and celebrating successes. Teachers will also develop tasks that involve students to improve learning skills by helping students make decisions, conducting investigations, and creating designs that will help students acquire new knowledge.
Serving Diverse Student Needs7. Training and support will be provided so that all district elementary teachers can effectively recognize students’ diverse needs in cross-cultural settings and serve the oral language and reading needs of ELL students through effective professional development and ESL program scheduling.
●All teachers will use district data to meet the needs of students and assess instruction.
●Language needs are met by curriculum, staff development, and improved instruction. When adopting our current reading curriculum we made sure our selection had an ESL component to enrich current curriculum.
●In addition to the district’s assessments the ELL students receive an ACCESS (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State for English Language Learners) test to determine the level of performance. The four domains included in ACCESS are: writing, reading, speaking, and listening.
●In order to effectively recognize our students’ diverse needs, LPGE has used panel presentations by Latino community members, training in Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocal (SIOP), increased professional library, and developed an improved understanding of the ELL students.
Literacy Plan Submission8. The post assessments and data from the LPGE School District will be submitted to the Commissioner of Education annually as part of the PreK - 3 Literacy Plan on the district webpage for all students in kindergarten through grade 3.
Assessment / Grade / Total / # Proficient / %ProficientAuditory Vocabulary / K / 62 / 46 / 74%
1 / 67 / 50 / 75%
Letter Naming Fluency / K / 62 / 35 / 57%
Letter Word Sounds Fluency / K / 62 / 36 / 58%
Phoneme Segmentation / K / 62 / 56 / 90%
Word Reading Fluency / K / 62 / 34 / 55%
1 / 67 / 34 / 51%
Oral Reading Fluency / 1 / 67 / 41 / 61%
2 / 62 / 42 / 68%
3 / 61 / 44 / 72%
4 / 67 / 37 / 55%
5 / 57 / 34 / 60%
6 / 67 / 38 / 57%
Reading Comprehension / 2 / 62 / 44 / 71%
3 / 61 / 39 / 64%
4 / 66 / 40 / 61%
5 / 57 / 46 / 81%
6 / 67 / 50 / 75%
Vocabulary / 2 / 62 / 47 / 76%
3 / 61 / 40 / 66%
4 / 66 / 38 / 58%
5 / 57 / 46 / 81%
6 / 67 / 44 / 66%