Carcinogen Research Project

You will research a substance or item that the internet claims is carcinogenic. You will use the skills learned to find good, reliable sources to determine if this carcinogen does, in fact, cause cancer. You should use the questions below to help you get started, but this should in no way limit you. Include additional information and facts you may find in your research. You will present your findings in one of three ways:

  1. Make an informational video.
  2. Make an informational tri-fold pamphlet/brochure
  3. Write and publish your own article online by using a free website maker or blog maker. (Webs, Weebly, Google Sites, Wordpress, Blogger, etc.)

Choose the medium you would like to use, then be sure to look at the matching rubric to ensure you include all necessary information. No matter which way you choose to present your research, everyone will be presenting!

Due Dates (and Presentation Dates!)

Thursday, December 10th

Carcinogen Research Project: Video Rubric

Video Components / Self-Check / Teacher Check
Carcinogen identified(2 points)
Does the carcinogen actually cause cancer? Truth or myth?(3 points)
Effect of carcinogen on cells and cell cycle (15 points)
How do some cells become cancerous?
What happens to the cells? / Claim #1 of why individuals think it’s carcinogenic(10 points)
Explain why it’s false using research
Types of cancer that can be caused by carcinogen(10 points)
Include all possible types / Claim #2 of why individuals think it’s carcinogenic(10 points)
Explain why it’s false using research
/ Effect of cancer on body(10 points)
What part of the body is affected?
Description of symptoms / Claim #3 of why individuals think it’s carcinogenic(10 points)
Explain why it’s false using research
Cancer Diagnosis(5 points)
What types of scans and tests are done to determine if an individual has the cancer? / Effect of substance on cells(5 points)
Is there evidence the substance negatively affects cells, without giving cancer
Cancer Treatment(5 points)
Include a variety of ways in which the cancer can be treated / Association with other diseases(5 points)
Is there evidence supporting this substance causes non-cancerous diseases? Explain.
Cancer Prevention(10 points)
Describe preventative measures
Include any alternate or substitute products consumers can use instead of selected carcinogen / Comparison to similar substance that is actually carcinogenic(15 points)
Pick a real carcinogen to compare your substance with
Explain the effect of this carcinogen on cells and the cell cycle
-How do some cells become cancerous?
Minimum of 3 Cited Sources(15 points)
Reliable sources (yes I will actually check) / Minimum of 3 Cited Sources(15 points)
Reliable sources (yes I will actually check)
Clear Audio (5 points)
Speak clearly and slow enough to understand what is being said
Use subtitles to help (optional) / Clear Audio(5 points)
Speak clearly and slow enough to understand what is being said
Use subtitles to help (optional)
Accessibility(3 points)
Video is uploaded to the internet
Link is e-mailed to teacher before class / Accessibility(3 points)
Video is uploaded to the internet
Link is e-mailed to teacher before class
Creativity(5 points)
Information presented in a way to capture the audience’s attention / Creativity(5 points)
Information presented in a way to capture the audience’s attention
Accurate representation of information(10 points) / Accurate representation of information (10 points)
Video Length(2 points)
Video is at least 2-4 minutes long (no longer than 5 minutes) / Video Length(2 points)
Video is at least 2-4 minutes long (no longer than 5 minutes)
Total Points Possible: 100

Carcinogen Research Project: Brochure Rubric

Brochure Components / Self-Check / Teacher Check
Carcinogen identified(2 points)
Does the carcinogen actually cause cancer? Truth or myth?(3 points)

Effect of carcinogen on cells and cell cycle(15 points)
How do some cells become cancerous?
What happens to the cells? / Claim #1 of why individuals think it’s carcinogenic(10 points)
Explain why it’s false using research
Types of cancer that can be caused by carcinogen(10 points)
Include all possible types / Claim #2 of why individuals think it’s carcinogenic(10 points)
Explain why it’s false using research
Choose one type of cancer to focus on / Effect of cancer on body (10 points)
What part of the body is affected?
Description of symptoms / Claim #3 of why individuals think it’s carcinogenic (10 points)
Explain why it’s false using research
Cancer Diagnosis (5 points)
What types of scans and tests are done to determine if an individual has the cancer? / Effect of substance on cells (5 points)
Is there evidence the substance negatively affects cells, without giving cancer
Cancer Treatment (5 points)
Include a variety of ways in which the cancer can be treated / Association with other diseases (5 points)
Is there evidence supporting this substance causes non-cancerous diseases? Explain.
Cancer Prevention(10 points)
Describe preventative measures
Include any alternate or substitute products consumers can use instead of selected carcinogen / Comparison to similar substance that is actually carcinogenic (15 points)
Pick a real carcinogen to compare your substance with
Explain the effect of this carcinogen on cells and the cell cycle
-How do some cells become cancerous?
Minimum of 3 Cited Sources(15 points)
Reliable sources (yes I will actually check) / Minimum of 3 Cited Sources(15 points)
Reliable sources (yes I will actually check)
Accurate representation of information(10 points) / Accurate representation of information(10 points)
Layout(2 points)
Information presented in logical way / Layout(2 points)
Information presented in logical way
Visuals(5 points)
Pictures and/or graphics are used
Makes good use of color / Visuals(5 points)
Pictures and/or graphics are used
Makes good use of color
Legible and Neat (3 points)
Can clearly read everything / Legible and Neat(3 points)
Can clearly read everything
Creativity(5 points)
Information presented in a way to capture the audience’s attention / Creativity(5 points)
Information presented in a way to capture the audience’s attention
Total points possible = 100

Carcinogen Research Project: Website/Blog Rubric

Website/Blog Components / Self-Check / Teacher Check
Carcinogen identified(2 points)
Does the carcinogen actually cause cancer? Truth or myth?(3 points)

Effect of carcinogen on cells and cell cycle(15 points)
How do some cells become cancerous?
What happens to the cells? / Claim #1 of why individuals think it’s carcinogenic(10 points)
Explain why it’s false using research
Types of cancer that can be caused by carcinogen(10 points)
Include all possible types / Claim #2 of why individuals think it’s carcinogenic(10 points)
Explain why it’s false using research
Choose one type of cancer to focus on / Effect of cancer on body (10 points)
What part of the body is affected?
Description of symptoms / Claim #3 of why individuals think it’s carcinogenic (10 points)
Explain why it’s false using research
Cancer Diagnosis (5 points)
What types of scans and tests are done to determine if an individual has the cancer? / Effect of substance on cells (5 points)
Is there evidence the substance negatively affects cells, without giving cancer
Cancer Treatment (5 points)
Include a variety of ways in which the cancer can be treated / Association with other diseases (5 points)
Is there evidence supporting this substance causes non-cancerous diseases? Explain.
Cancer Prevention(10 points)
Describe preventative measures
Include any alternate or substitute products consumers can use instead of selected carcinogen / Comparison to similar substance that is actually carcinogenic(15 points)
Pick a real carcinogen to compare your substance with
Explain the effect of this carcinogen on cells and the cell cycle
-How do some cells become cancerous?
Minimum of 3 Cited Sources(15 points)
Reliable sources (yes I will actually check) / Minimum of 3 Cited Sources(15 points)
Reliable sources (yes I will actually check)
Accessibility(3 points)
Website/blog is published and live by class time
Link to website/blog is e-mailed to teacher before class / Accessibility(3 points)
Website/blog is published and live by class time
Link to website/blog is e-mailed to teacher before class
Grammar and Spelling(2 points)
Written work uses proper grammar and spelling with minimal errors / Grammar and Spelling(2 points)
Written work uses proper grammar and spelling with minimal errors
Visuals(5 points)
Supporting pictures/diagrams/charts are embedded in the written work
Layout of website/blog is easy to navigate / Visuals(5 points)
Supporting pictures/diagrams/charts are embedded in the written work
Layout of website/blog is easy to navigate
Accurate representation of information(10 points) / Accurate representation of information(10 points)
Creativity(5 points)
Information presented in a way to capture the audience’s attention / Creativity(5 points)
Information presented in a way to capture the audience’s attention
Total points possible = 100