Carbon reduction progress is currently being monitored against 2009/10 baseline and against 2015/16 information.As of February 2017we decreased our baseline 2009/10 figs by 16.2% overall and in comparison to 2015/16 we decreased our figures by 10.8%.(March 2017 consumption figures will be available for the next quarter report.) This is excellent progress and contributes to our objective of exceeding 3% reduction of Glyndŵr University’sannual carbon emissions total to ensure the 2020 target is met.

Current activities for this three month period includedadditional discussions with the Carbon Trust to finalise the recent energy efficiency survey report carried out on our sites. The extensivecomprehensivereport is now ready for final presentation. A suitable presentation date will be set shortly, taking into account the newly approved ‘Campus 2025’, the WGU Learning Environment and Estates Strategy.

A company called Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA) have been conducting an audit on the University’s water meters. The water survey, as reported previously, was completed to investigate potential savings across all sites. ERA’s terms are such that they claim 50% of any savings made from any discrepancies they find. A meeting was held in February to discuss findings. It was discovered that a combination water meter on the Plas Coch site had been incorrectly charged.As a result we received backdated rebates from Dee Valley Water for water and sewerage charges. After ERAs payment,Glyndŵr University receiveda total credit of almost £7k. For future reference ERA are estimating annual savings on the combination meter at £1.5k(which they will claim back 50% for another 24 months.) This amount will be subject to actual Dee Valley invoices and will be dependent on water/ sewerage charges.

Along with the above, further water saving opportunities are currently being investigated. This has involved testing tap water flow in WC’s across Plas Coch campus and also flushing timings on urinal systems. A trial of time flow control taps and urinal sensor valves will shortly take place for approximately one month in specific staff usage areas. Once results have been analysed and feedback received it is hoped more extensive areas on our sites will benefit from installation roll-out. Positive discussions have already taken place with Salix regarding possiblefunding for this potential energy saving project.(Salix Finance Ltd.provide interest-free Government funding to the public sector to improve on their energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower energy bills.)

As ‘Campus 2025’ strategy was not yet approved up until the last reporting period the external lighting project at Plas Coch was put on hold. It was also reported previouslythat internal surveys had taken place, along with energy saving designs and cost saving measures for classrooms and lecture theatres. The sports Centre at Plas Coch also benefitted from the same detail. Now that the strategy has been approved it has been decided that the priority at this point will be to focus on internal areas to generate a high impact visual effect along with beneficial energy and carbon savings. Consideration forwork to be undertaken in these areas is currently being calculated for costings and best funding streams, taking into account payback statistics.

Further Investigation into Stage 2 of the Heat Network (metering and billing) EU Regulationsintroduced to impose major duties on Heat Suppliers regarding notification of certain information about heating and cooling systemshas been researched for any legislative action needed.It has been reported that the National MeasurementandRegulation Office(NMRO)has announcedthat the feasibility studyandrequirementtofit heat metersby31st December 2016 has been delayed at present. Further cost effectiveness tests and plans for amended regulations are being researched, by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) which includes revision of the cost effectiveness tool. Pending the revision of the tool it is advised that no further assessments should be undertaken.We are monitoring the situation for updates.

Other activities for this period involved assisting a student with investigating installation of Photovoltaic (PV) panels at Plas Coch on the roof of B Block, facing the main Mold Road. As this is something that has been investigated previously by theCarbon Reduction Team, the student was able to benefitfrom the information givenalong with the study of a completed business case. Also included weredetailed examples of specification, assumption and system output, feed in tariff and potential income and savings. The performance of solar PV systems was also discussed, taking into account payback calculationsconsidering the amount of investment that would be required at Plas Coch for a 50kw array installation.

Further work is currently taking placefollowing membership of the newly regrouped Sustainability Advisory Forum.Evidence is being collected to furnish information on carbon emissions, staff engagement schemes, carbon management targets and energy savingcampaigns. As submission is nearing, timing and collection of all necessary evidence to promote and improve on ‘People and Green Planet League’ forthcoming criteria is vital to our performance.

Glyndŵr University’sannual energy usage and consumption report for April 2016 to March 2017, plus a summary of progress from our 2009/10 base year is now in the process of being compiled. Once completed it will available online along with recent and planned Carbon Management activities and to showcase our commitment in reducing the Carbon Footprint, implementing energy conservation measures and contributing to a sustainable energy future.


Email: energy& / Call Fiona Begg

or Paul Wright on Ext. 3020
