You are cordially invited to attend the next Open Meeting of the Forum ,to be held at Medway Council’s Gun Wharf Offices, Dock Road, Chatham on Wednesday 11 MAY 2011 preceded by an EGM @ 7.00pm

Car parking available; please report to Reception on arrival

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Our Open Meetings are held quarterly at this location for existing and potential Friends / Community / Heritage / Historical Groups, interested residents and elected representatives to debate matters of current interest in their locality, including sharing best practise gleaned from holding events and activities.

It is intended Reports and news are pre-submitted by Friday 6 May 2011 for inclusion in a News Letter for circulation at the meeting; e-mail to .

We are an independent, democratically run organisation with admin support from Medway Council.

Groups are encouraged to submit more general information for inclusion on our website: provide a link to their own website where feasible

EGM 7.00pm To confirm the co-option of two Committee Members (Treasurer and Website Manager) since the AGM and agree that they be given voting status.

The existing clause in our Constitution states:

5. However the Committee is empowered to co-opt additional non-voting members at any time if a specific need arises, who may stand as a voting member at the next AGM

Changes to the Constitution may only be made at the Annual General Meeting.


1. Chairman’s Welcome and Introductions

2.Apologies for Absence

3.Acceptance of Minutes of February 2011 Open Meeting (attached) and Matters Arising.

4. Urgent Matters from the Floor for consideration

5. Guest Speaker – Paul Pearce, Kent Wildlife Trust

6. Tabled Reports (Forum Committee, Medway Council Greenspace & Heritage Services)

7.Open Forum: Updates and Debates:

* News and Sharing of good practise from existing and prospective Groups

* “Edges and Hedges” – what can Friends do that the local authority may not be able to

8. Future Meetings at Gun Wharf 7.00pm on the second Wednesday of each month:

10 August 2011 9 November 2011 (AGM)

9. Any Other Business.

Mark Agate

Medway Urban Parks & Green Spaces Forum
14 Coombe Close Lords Wood Chatham Kent ME5 8NU
01634-319461 07931-635637

Forum website:

Open Meeting Minutes

9th January 2011, 7.00pm

Medway Council, Gun Wharf

In Attendance: Mark Agate (MA) (Chairman), Chris Valdus (CV), Leanne Fisher (LF), Cllr Sue Haydock (SH), Linda Miller (LMi), Pat Cooper (PC), Pam Holman (PH), Linda Mose (LM), Jacqui Baty (JB), Kelly Tolhurst (KT), Derek Munton (DM), Andrew Birch (AB), Angela Watson (AW), Viv Parker (VP), Peter Cole (PCo), Alan Miller (AM), Dusty Miller (DM), Rosemary Dorris (RD), Cllr Diane Chambers (DC), Chris Price (CP), Nicola Moy (NM)

Item / Action
1 / Chairman’s Welcome and Introductions
MA welcomed all present to the meeting, and passed a copy of the open meeting newsletter around
All present introduced themselves and their interest.
MA informed the group of the sad news of Bob Wade passing away; MA described how Bob had been an inspiration to him over the five years of the Forum. A minute’s silence was held to allow time for reflection. He suggested an area at Cozenton Park where Bob had arranged for a tree to be planted to commemorate the Forum’s inauguration could be named after him.
MA informed those present of publicity relating to the Forum and this meeting in the local press, also Peninsula Times and the Net and Community Voice. / MA CV
2 / Apologies for Absence
Brian Baker, Dave Wyett, Joanne Cable, Bryan Fowler, Rita Hunt, Tracey Crouch MP, Cllr Teresa Murray, Cllr Diana Smith, Chatham Historical Society, Margaret Agate, Fern Alder, Alan Watkins (Medway Messenger) and Dave Cooper (Groundwork)
3 / Acceptance of Minutes of March 2010 Open Meeting and Matters Arising
MA gave everyone time to read the minutes before asking if anyone would propose the acceptance of the minutes.
DM- proposes the acceptance of the minutes
PH- Seconds the proposal of accepting the minutes.
All agreed
4 / Urgent Matters from the Floor
SH and PCo asked for Strood Action Volunteers and Ridge Meadow matters to be aired.
5 / Open Forum: Updates and Debates:
Strood Action Volunteers
SH introduced the work of the Strood Action Volunteers (SAV) in liaison with the Community Safety team of the Council.
SAV wish to work to help maintain and promote the Strood Community Trail. They also help people who are unable to look after their front gardens.
SAV also works with the Cathedral to help with the Catalpa Tree (where £800 has ben received from Baggins Book Shop initiative) and currently discussing the railings around the Catalpa Tree.
Ridge Meadow
PCo raised the topic of Ridge Meadow following Cabinet on 18th January 2011 approving disposal of the site including open space.
PCo asked MA if the forum had been consulted about this. MA explained how they get the planning weekly list but was unaware of the Ridge Meadow proposal.
PCo felt this lack of consultation was a failure on Medway Council’s behalf particularly as a girls’ football team was relocated to outside of Medway as a result of the proposed sale. He added the land (woodland and a playing field) had been declared surplus but removed from Auction.
DM advised that a petition and informing the press of the matter may be appropriate based on all the information relating to the issue.
KT described how Borstal Open Spaces Society worked to overturn a proposed school development on the open space they use.
MA requested PCo forward information on the matter to him so could discuss with appropriate individuals.
Pat Cooper (PC) highlighted some members of the Friends of Hillyfields and the Council Ranger team will be going to Brogdale Nursery to do some training on orchard tree pruning and maintenance, to help look after the orchard in Hillyfields.
PC also highlighted a number of events which are being run on Hillyfields with details on the MUPGSF website.
Great Lines Heritage Park
CP updated the meeting how the Great Lines Heritage is going. The friends group has now been formed and the committee is to have their inaugural meeting on the 3rd March.
The friends have done a successful litter pick.
Chatham World Heritage Partnership have also given their thanks for the improvement made by The Friends of Great Lines Heritage Park.
CP also felt that there have been great improvements on the site and looking at further ways of managing and improving the open space through working with the community
PCo then asked about parking around the Great Lines for when football is taking place. Discussion took place with regards to options together with availability of public transport.
Edges and Hedges
MA mentioned to the meeting how any group can enter Britain in Bloom.
MA referred the group to page 15 of the newsletter that discusses the Hedgerow harvest. MA also stated that if any work is to take place by the Friends Groups they have to speak to Greenspaces in advance to agree works and also requirement for staff supervision to ensure safety of activity.
CV reiterated how grateful Greenspaces are for the support they receive from friends groups.
Big Society
MA opened this topic by reporting the Prime Minister stated at lunchtime that £770 million is being made available. MA thought the Big Society would be starting at the top then working down to the Friends Of… Groups instead of it working in the opposite way, as Councillors on the Committee had now indicated. He reiterated how he feels Medway Council are good at protecting Greenspaces and that it is down to local groups to approach the Council with regards to proposals for how they can support the work of the Local Authority. MA then reminded the group that the Forum has a funding officer to support groups in seeking funding for projects. LMi commented how Friend’s of…. Groups should encourage the local community to look after their open spaces and use them but community groups shouldn’t have to do any local authorities jobs. She also reminded the groups that the proposals made by Big Society had previously had been happening and working effectively.
PC explained how she has been to six individual conferences about Big Society and feels that no one is fully aware of what Big Society is as it has changed depending who gives the presentation. PC also agreed with LMi comment on how the Big Society has effectively been operating on Medway Greenspaces anyway.
The Forestry Commission / our own Green Spaces
MA outlined information received from Tracey Crouch MP following his meeting with her about the consultation on proposal to sell forestry commission land being undertaken by DEFRA. She had been approached by local people who were becoming worried about Capstone Farm Country Park and Taddington Wood as a result of this proposal and had assured them there was no threat as they are not under Forestry Commission remit.
DC explained to the group that the Forestry Commission holds no land in Medway, also that none of our urban parks and outdoor areas are under threat. RD asked why this had not been made clear before. DC highlighted local newspapers had covered this issue but that the message may not have been clear. MA suggested that this could be reiterated in Medway Matters, which was generally felt to be a good idea.
DM commented how there is a woodland on the border near Bluebell Hill and highlighted concern over possible loss of this as it has ancient trees between 2,000 and 4,000 years old. Woodland in Tonbridge and Malling again does not belong to the Forestry Commission so the proposed sale will not apply. MA referred to the co-incidental inclusion of information from the Heritage Lottery Fund about a BTCV project to survey over 10,000 heritage trees (including a definition of “old”) across the country.
Sharing of good practise.
Please see the Chairman’s report for any updates, the chairman’s report was also discussed in greater detail in the preceding Open Forum updates and debates topics.
MA commented that Margaret Agate has become Treasurer for Medway Urban Parks and Green Spaces Forum. Information was provided to MA with regards to possible other account providers as the current account provider has proved difficult to work with when trying to change signatories on the Forum account.
6 / Reports from Forum officers and committee
In addition to the Chairman’s report, groups displayed an interest in creating a memorial for Bob Wade in various places. DM suggested that if lots of groups want to create memorials for Bob then maybe a single memorial would be appropriate on one site
AB (Website Manager) explained that the website is to undergo changes on the structure and he is looking for information and ideas.
AW informed the Forum that on the 26th February there is an event at Horsted valley to plant 200M of hedgerow.
PC- External Links Officer - Attended a meeting in Dartford and was asked to provide information on Hillyfields and the Friends group. PC has also attended various meetings about the Big Society and Friends of Great Lines Heritage Park and Friends of Admirals Gardens.
7 / Medway Council Greenspace services report
Please find the whole report in the Newsletter.
CV explained how the Greenspace bylaws are to be updated in the 2011-2012 financial year.
CV explained how within Playbuilder programme the young people who use the sites were asked how they felt about the play area and what could be done to improve them. BOSS highlighted a concern with regards to how consultation had been undertaken and CV undertook to provide further information to them with regards to this matter.
Friends of Horsted Valley requested to see plans for Barnfield investment
CV in updating on the Hempstead Allotment site highlighted that planning permission for sheds and access work is required.
CV also tells the group how PPG17 audit will be completed in March and this will help develop the LDF.
CV also discusses how Broomhill has been entered into Green Flag
CV confirms that Luton Rec car park extension will start end of February and finish at the end of March. / CV
9 / Dates of future meetings
11 May 2011 10 August 2011 9 November 2011 (AGM)
11 / Any Other Business.
PC highlighted that Groundwork Kent and Medway are keen to hear from groups with regards to projects they wish to work on. / ALL
The Chair gives thanks to those attending and was pleased everyone took part, closing the meeting at 8:50pm.

Chairman’s Report

Medway Urban Parks & Green Spaces Forum

Chairman’s Report to Extraordinary General and Open Meetings 11 May 2011


We still had vacancies to fill for a Treasurer and Website Manager after our 2010 AGM and these were eventually filled by co-opting (co-ersing !) Margaret Agate and Andrew Birch. Under our Constitution they will not be able to vote until the next AGM but your Committee feel this should be rectified.


We have another debutant tonight; as we are also looking forward to a long and happy association with Martin Rogers, who has replaced David Best as representative of Fort Amherst Heritage Trust.

As ever, we welcome willing enthusiasts to the Committee – and note one of our number has regained election as a Ward Councillor, another has lost that privilege, with newly elected / re-elected Councillors closely involved with our constituent groups. Several others who stood in their Wards were usually not far away from being elected. It remains to be seen how these events will affect future involvement with the Forum.


At the end of the week of our February 2011 Open Meetingwe saw a superb example of localpride when the crew of HMS Chatham - with the great support of the RM Band – said farewell to the thousands of local people who lined the processional route.

This pride also manifested itself with the formal inaugurations of Friends of Great Lines Heritage Park and also Strood Action Volunteers and I was pleased to attend both, who have had start-up grants approved.

I have been fortunate enough to have taken part in two tours of Fort Amherst (my feet are still sore Martin !). The second one was an informal walk over the new bridge to the Great Lines, where a “Beating the Bounds” took place earlier in the month. It is always useful to see how the grass roots operate and I appreciated an invite to the Borstal Open Spaces Society AGM.

Margaret and I have also taken the opportunity to explore Broomhill and Grain Foreshore, with a visit to Rochester Castle Gardens.

I am indebted to Christine Rayner, Group Editor of Kent Regional News, who met colleagues for a walk on the Great Lines and then Hillyfields, which provided two enthusiastic write-ups with photos in the Medway News.

I hope we can all explore as many of our grass and open areas as possible !

I had a useful meeting with Tracey Crouch, MP for Chatham &Aylesford and subsequent dialogue about Forestry Commission (there is no relevant threat locally) and future of Green Flag, being assured there are no plans to withdraw it after 2012. I pointed out this does fall short of guaranteeing continuation and we wish the five sites submitted for 2011 every success.

With help from Fern Alder I stimulated interest in the It’s Your Neighbourhood Awards when doubts about the future of Green Flag were aired. I understand that four entries were received and that judging of takes place on Saturday 9 July 2011. There is also a Kent Wildlife Gardening Awards scheme with a Best Community Garden section. We are pleased to welcome Paul Pearce of Kent Wildlife rust as this evening’s guest speaker.

Conversely I have just received a paper pointing out threats to Allottments which might affect green areas.

The Chair of Friends of Mote Park is standing down and asked, as was the case with a prospective Maidstone Forum, if I’d like to be involved. I feel a more local person directly involved with Mote Park is more suitable.

I was pleased to be able to attend, along with Pat and Derek, the funeral of Bob Wade as well as gatherings

before and after. It was an excellent send-off for him and we are pleased that several memorials in his favourite locations are being both planned and already initiated. Although we will not be exhibiting at the Medway Garden Festival at Cozenton Park this year, I do hope that a corner in that “green and pleasant land” will always be linked with Bob from a Forum point of view.

I noticed an interesting poster at our local bus stop.:

“Parks To Be Proud Of


Enjoy Them

Look After Them”

Our submission of 10 December 2010 the Local Development Framework / Medway Core Strategy is still being worked on. .