Volume No. 3—Automated System Applications / TOPIC NO. 70505
Function No. 70500—Payroll Accounting / TOPIC CIPPS ERROR MESSAGES
DATE October 2004





100 Error Message Listing

DOA Contact


The Error Messages section is a detailed compilation of the most widely produced messages from the Edit and File Maintenance Program. These include standard messages provided by the software vendor GEAC. If a message appears on any report, and it is not listed in this section, contact your representative in the Department of Accounts, Payroll Unit, for an explanation.

Each error message is listed in the following order:

  • Error message number;
  • Error message; and,
  • An explanation of the cause of the message.

In some cases, if an error is detected by the system, the transaction in error will be deleted by the system. Before rekeying any transaction that has been listed in error, you should check the following pending file reports to ensure the status of the transaction.

Released Pending Transactions (Report 1003)

Deleted Pending Transactions (Report 1007)

Updated Pending Transactions (Report 1017)

Recycled Pending Transactions (Report 2007)

If the transaction exists in the pending file, you should take corrective action, but do not rekey the transaction. Rekeying an existing transaction will result in two transactions being processed, i.e. the employee's record would be affected twice. If the transaction has been deleted, you should correct the invalid field or transaction and rekey the information.

Some error messages are warning or informational messages. Other messages reflect assumptions made by the system when certain fields were not entered; these messages print on assumption listings. In some cases you will be referred to the accompanying diagnostic messages that print with the error messages to suggest the appropriate corrective actions.


100 Error Message Listing

1.HAS AN INVALID CHARACTER - The program has detected a non-numeric character in a numeric field or a blank in the middle/at the end of a numeric field.

2.MUST BE ZERO - The only valid values for this field are zero or blank. The field has been set to zero.

3.MAY NOT BE ZERO - The value for this field must be numeric and greater than zero.

4.MAY NOT BE BLANK - The value for this field must be alphanumeric.

5. HAS AN INVALID MONTH-DAY NOT EDITED - The program is unable to check the day entry for validity because the month entry is not in the range 01-12. The field has been set to zero.

PROCEDURES (Continued)

100 Error Message Listing (Continued)

6.HAS AN INVALID DAY - The day in the date field is not valid for the month shown.

8.HAS EXCEEDED ITS ALLOWABLE SIZE - The value entered exceeds the size limit of the field. The program is unable to process the fields to the right of this one. They must be reentered.

9.HAS NO EMPLOYEE MASTER RECORD-REJECTED - The program is unable to locate the employee number/TCD number for this company.

10.IS INVALID - The field contains invalid data and has been set to zero.

11.IS INVALID - MUST BE +, -, 1, A, J, P, M, SPACE - The only acceptable codes for the adjustment indicator on this transaction are +, -, 1, A, J, P, M, or space. The field has been set to spaces.

12.EMP WILL NOT BE PAID - MISSING PAY TRAN - The employee will not be paid on this cycle because a regular pay transaction has not been received. Verify that a regular pay transaction was not submitted by the user.

13.HAS AN INVALID AMOUNT - The amount entered in this field is not valid and has been set to zero.

14.IS INVALID - MUST BE 01 THROUGH 52 - The state code must be within the range 01-52.

18.IS INVALID - MUST BE 0, 1, 2, OR 4 - The only acceptable values for this field are 0, 1, 2, or 4.

19.IS INVALID - MUST BE 1 THROUGH 3 - The only acceptable values for this field are 1, 2, or 3.

20.NOT FOUND ON FILE - CHANGES NOT APPLIED - The program is unable to locate the record being processed and cannot apply changes to it.

21.IS INVALID - MUST BE 1 OR 4 - The only acceptable values for this field are 1 or 4.

23.IS INVALID - MUST BE 1 THROUGH 4 - The only acceptable values for this field are 1, 2, 3, or 4.

24.IS INVALID - MUST BE 1 THROUGH 6 - The only acceptable values for this field are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.

25.IS INVALID - MUST BE 1 THROUGH 70 - The only acceptable values for this field are within the range 1-70. If the code of this transaction is 800 or greater, it will be deleted.

26.IS INVALID - MUST BE 0 THROUGH 18 - The only acceptable values for this field are within the range 0-18.

27.SHIFT MISSING - FIRST SHIFT ASSUMED - No shift code has been entered for this employee. First shift (code 1) is assumed.

PROCEDURES (Continued)

100 Error Message Listing (Continued)

28.IS REJECTED - GREATER THAN 100 PERCENT - The field (usually on transaction 225) exceeds 100 percent. If the field is for a deduction, the deduction has not been established.

30.MISSING 4 CALCULATE ASSUMED - A tax status code has not been entered. A value of 4 is assumed.

32.NOT SPECIFIED - EMPLOYEE NOT LOADED - The program is unable to load the employee because this field has not been entered.

34.IS INVALID - DUPLICATE 450 OR 460 - More than one 450 or 460 transaction was entered for the same check. Only the first transaction was processed.

35.TAX REC NOT LOADED DUE TO MISSING DATA - The key (company number, employee number, country code, tax unit, state code, local code) on transaction 215 was incomplete.

36.EMP NOT LOADED MISSING 200 OR 210 DATA - A transaction 200 or 210 is either missing or incomplete for this employee.

37.DUPLICATE FIELD OR TRANSACTION - IGNORED- Fields or transactions with duplicated data have been entered. The second transaction has been deleted, and any data not duplicated has been moved into the first transaction.

38.EMP STATUS MISSING - 1 ACTIVE ASSUMED - The employment status field is either not entered or invalid. A value of 1 (active) is assumed.

39.WEEKLY DEFAULT HRS MISSING, ASSUME 40 - The weekly standard hours field is either not entered or invalid. A value of 40 is assumed.

40.BI-WEEKLY DEFAULT HRS MISSING, ASSUME 80 - The bi-weekly standard hours field is either not entered or invalid. A value of 80 is assumed.

41.SEMI-MONTHLY DEF HRS MISSING, ASSUME 86.67 - The semi-monthly standard hours field is either not entered or invalid. A value of 86.67 is assumed.

42.MONTHLY DEF HRS MISSING, ASSUME 173.33 - The monthly standard hours field is either not entered or invalid. A value of 173.33 is assumed.

43.OT FACTORS MISSING 1 NO OVER TM ASSUMED - Overtime factor fields have not been entered or are invalid for either the overtime 1 or overtime 2 field. A value of 1 (no overtime) is assumed.

44.OT STATUS MISSING 1 NO OVER TM ASSUMED - The overtime status field is either not entered or invalid. A value of 1 (no overtime) is assumed.

45.IS INVALID FOR A FIRST SHIFT EMPLOYEE - A shift code other than 1 was entered on a regular pay transaction for an employee established on first shift (1).

PROCEDURES (Continued)

100 Error Message Listing (Continued)

47.PAY TYPE MISSING - 1 HOURLY ASSUMED - The pay type code is either not entered or invalid for this employee. A value of 1 (hourly) is assumed.

50.DELETED DUE TO MISSING TAX MASTER RECORD - The transaction has been deleted because the program is unable to match the transaction to a Tax Master Record with the same key.

52.IS INVALID - MUST BE 0 OR 1 - The only available codes for this field are 1 and 0.

53.PAYROLL NO. MISSING, 1 WEEKLY ASSUMED- The pay frequency is either not entered or invalid for this employee. A value of 1 (weekly) is assumed.

54.SUISTATE MISSING, ASSUME ST. WRK CODE 1 - The SUI state code is either not entered or invalid for this employee. The primary work state is assumed.

55.NOT EQUAL TO ACCUMULATED TOTAL PAY - (1) If this message was generated from PHASE E, update transactions (400-600) for this employee do not balance. The gross pay shown on transaction 500 must agree with the accumulated regular, overtime, shift, and special pays from transactions 400 and 600. The set of updates has been deleted. (2) If this message was generated from PHASE F, the total gross pay for this employee does not balance against the accumulated regular, shift, overtime, pension, vacation, sick, and special pays in the employee's master record. This is a warning message for information only.

56.IS GREATER THAN ITS CORRESPONDING YTD - Either a QTD total has been entered on a 300-series YTD transaction that was greater than the actual YTD, or a YTD total has been entered incorrectly.

57.IS GREATER THAN ITS CORRESPONDING QTD - Either a MTD total has been entered on a 300-series QTD transaction that was greater than the QTD, or a QTD total has been entered incorrectly.

58.TOTAL WK PRCT NOT EQ 100 PRIMARY USED - The percentage of tax distributed between localities (transaction 255) does not equal 100 percent. All work percents except the primary have been set to zero.

59.MUST HAVE A NON ZERO PERCENT TO TAKE TX - A tax status of 2 has been entered without the corresponding percentage. No tax will be withheld until a percentage is entered.

60.IS INVALID MUST HAVE CORRECT WORKSTATE - A work percent has been set up without a corresponding work locality.

61.IS INVALID - MUST BE M OR F - The only available values for the sex code are M (Male) or F (Female).

64.NOT ADDED DUE TO DUPLICATE RECORD KEY - The program has detected an already established bank, company, or employee entered with a new indicator. All input transactions associated with this record have been deleted and must be reentered.

PROCEDURES (Continued)

100 Error Message Listing (Continued)

65.HAS AN INVALID CHECK DIGIT - The transpositional check digit (TCD) is incorrect for this company and this employee.

66.IS INVALID - MUST BE 1 THROUGH 5 - The only acceptable values for this field are 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

67.IS INVALID - MUST BE Y, Q, OR M - The only acceptable values for the period indicator field are Y, Q, or M.

70.IS INVALID FOR NO OVERTIME EMPLOYEE- The field shown may not contain the value entered for employees who are not eligible for overtime.

71.IS INVALID FOR ALL OVER STANDARD EMP- Overtime hours have been entered on a regular pay transaction for an employee coded 2 (all over standard) in overtime status. The transaction has been deleted.

72.IS INVALID FOR GOVERNMENT METHOD - Overtime hours cannot be entered on a regular pay transaction for an employee coded 2 (all over standard) in overtime status.

74.HAS BEEN DELETED DUE TO PREVIOUS ERROR - The program has detected an error on a previous transaction that prevents the processing of this transaction. Check the accompanying diagnostics.

75.TAX UNIT COUNTRY MISSING 1 USA ASSUMED - The country code is either blank or invalid for this tax unit. A value of 1 (United States) is assumed. No corrective action is necessary unless data from a country other than the United States is being processed.

76.RES CNTRY MISSING - WORK CNTRY ASSUMED - The residence country code is either blank or invalid for this employee.

77.WORK CNTRY MISSING - TAX U CNTRY ASSUMED - The work country code is either blank or invalid for this employee.

79.PAY TRANS ARE REQ FOR A PART TIME EMP- This employee was coded as part-time, but no regular pay transactions have been received, and the employee will not be paid on this cycle.

80.INVALID - MUST BE EQUAL TO 4 - The only acceptable value for this field is 4.

81.DEDUCTION NOT SETUP FOR THIS COMPANY - The program has detected a deduction number not established for this company. This transaction has been deleted.

82.SPECIAL PAY NOT SETUP FOR THIS COMPANY - The program has detected a special pay not established for this company. The transaction has been deleted.

84.GREATER THAN 3 TIMES STANDARD HOURS - The total number of regular hours is greater than 3 times this employee's standard hours. The transaction has been deleted.

86.IS INVALID MUST BE 1, 4 THROUGH 7 - The only acceptable values for this field are 1, 4, 5, 6, or 7. The field has been set to zero.

PROCEDURES (Continued)

100 Error Message Listing (Continued)

87.INVALID FOR EMPLOYEES COUNTRY CODE - The value entered is not allowed for this employee's country.

88.MAY NOT BE ZERO - EMP NOT LOADED - This field cannot be zero or blank for a new employee. This transaction and all others for this employee have been deleted.

90.AND LOCAL ALREADY EXISTS ON MASTER FILE - The program has detected an attempt to enter a state and local code already established in the Tax Master File. The record has not been added to the file.

91.AND LOCAL DUPLICATED ON TRANSACTION - The alternate state and local codes have the same value specified more than once. No updating has been done for the fields indicated.

93.ADJ GREATER THAN AUTO SPECIAL PAY AMT - The special pay adjustment specified exceeds the normal amount paid for this automatic special pay. The transaction has been deleted.

94.IS INVALID - MUST BE 1 OR 9 - The only acceptable values for this field are 1 or 9. The field has been set to zero.

95.IS INVALID - MUST BE 0, 1, 2, OR 9 - The only acceptable values for this field are 0, 1, 2, or 9. The field has been set to zero.

96.BANK CODE MUST BE 1 THRU 3 - REJECTED - The only acceptable values for the bank code in the utility field of a 225 transaction are 1, 2, or 3. The deduction has not been set up for this employee.

97.NOT EQUAL TO ACCM TOTAL DEDUCTIONS - (1) If this message was generated from PHASE E, the update transactions (400-600) for this employee do not balance. The gross pay shown on transaction 500 must crossfoot with the accumulated tax and voluntary non-memo deductions. The set of updates is deleted. (2) If this message was generated from PHASE F, the total gross pay for this employee does not balance against the total deductions in the master record. This is a warning message for information only.

98.STD HOURS/DAY MISSING 8 HOURS ASSUMED - The standard hours per day field on transaction 220 is either not entered or invalid.

99.PAYROLL NO. 2 GREATER THAN PAYROLL NO. 1 - An invalid range of payrolls was specified on transaction CTL. The transaction was deleted.

100.INVALID USE OF MASS TRANS GENERATION - The transaction combination indicated may not be used for mass transaction generation. The generation group has been deleted.

104.HAS INVALID GEN CODE - The generation code is invalid, and the transaction has been rejected.

PROCEDURES (Continued)

100 Error Message Listing (Continued)

105.DEDUCTION NOT SET UP FOR THIS EMPLOYEE - The program is unable to process transaction because the corresponding deduction has not been established for this employee.

108.HAS EXCESSIVE NO. OF TAX TRANSACTIONS - An excessive number of tax transactions have been submitted for an employee.

109.HAS EXCESSIVE NO. OF UPDATE TRANSACTIONS - An excessive number of update transactions (400-600) have been submitted for an employee. All update transactions have been deleted. Update transactions must be broken into groups of 50. Resubmit the rejected transactions with the transaction that caused the rejection.

110.MISSING 1 EXEMPT ASSUMED - (1) A local code was set up on transaction 215 but no local status was entered. (2) No DI status was entered on transaction 215 and the state has no DI. (3) No SIT status was entered on transaction 215 and the state has no tax.

111.REQRD TX DATA NOT INPUTTED FOR THIS EMP - The program has detected missing tax data required by the system. Check the accompanying diagnostics.

112.MUST BE SPACE OR F - The only acceptable values for the flow indicator on transaction 355 are blank or F. Automatic field flow will not be processed for this employee.

113.IS INVALID - TRANSACTION DELETED - The field indicated is incorrect. Check the accompanying diagnostics.

114.YTD QTD OR MTD FIT NON-TXBL GT COR GROSS - A month, quarter, or year-to-date FIT nontaxable amount is greater than the corresponding gross pay amount. The FIT nontaxable fields have not been updated and automatic field flow will not be permitted for this employee.

115.CO REC NOT FOUND - NO MASS GEN POSSIBLE - The program was unable to locate the company number during a mass transaction generation. Transactions have not been generated for this company.

116.HAS EXCESSIVE NO OF MASS GENERATION TRNS - The number of mass generation transactions submitted in a single mass generation group exceeds the limit of 15. Mass generation has not been performed for this company.

117.NOT EQUAL TO EMPLOYEE MASTER TAX UNIT - An employee transaction contains a tax unit which does not agree with the tax unit in the employee master record.

118.RECORD KEY FIELDS MAY NOT BE SPECIFIED - You cannot specify control key elements as part of a user-defined transaction, because the system will assume them to be part of the transaction being defined. The entire set of DB6 transactions has been rejected.

PROCEDURES (Continued)

100 Error Message Listing (Continued)

119.CHECK REVERSAL WAS APPLIED PREVIOUSLY - This check reversal was applied previously against the earnings history field and cannot be reapplied.