August 11, 2008
FROM:David W. King
SUNY PSM Program Director
RE:August 2008 SUNY PSM Newsletter
This is the first of what I hope will be a continuing series of monthly newsletters intended to provide the SUNY PSM Community with current information and updates related to our Professional Science Masters initiative.
- SUNY PSM meeting with Sloan Foundation representatives. September 29 & 30: As planning for the meetings continues, please hold these dates for SUNY PSM Program participants to meet with Michael Teitelbaum, V.P. of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and Sheila Tobias, Sloan PSM Advocate. The meetings on (Monday) September 29th will be at system administration in Albany and will include key leadership at SUNY and representatives of the NYS business community.
We will also try to schedule a meeting with the SUNY PSM Executive Committee on the 29th in Albany. That committee includesHeather Erickson, President, MedTech; Anne Hout, Provost, SUNY Brockport; Frank Caliva, Director of Talent Initiative, Metropolitan Development Association; Marjorie Pryse, Dean of Graduate Studies, University at Albany; David King, Dean of Graduate Studies, SUNY Oswego; Robert Kraushaar, Vice Provost for Engineering & TechnicalEducation,SUNY System Administration; Susan Stites-Doe, Dean of Graduate Studies, SUNY Brockport; and Myron Thompson, Associate Provost & Executive Director ofthe Graduate School University at Buffalo.
On Tuesday, September 30th, from 12 noon until 3:00 PM we would like to invite representatives from participating or aspirational SUNY/Sloan PSM campuses to a luncheon and business meeting with Michael Teitelbaum and Sheila Tobias at the SUNYOswegoMetroCenter in downtown Syracuse. The campus representatives participating in this meeting might include the graduate dean, one or two PSM program faculty and a couple of PSM business advisory committee representatives. The Sloan representatives would like to have an informal opportunity to engage in discussion with us about the issues, challenges and successes that we are addressing as we move forward with our PSM initiative in SUNY.
In addition to the nine SUNY campuses funded in the first found of Sloan allocations (UB, Binghamton, Albany, Buff State, Brockport, Oswego, SUNY IT, Potsdam and Plattsburgh), we are also inviting representatives from other SUNY campuses that may be considering participation in the SUNY PSM program.
The meeting on Tuesday will be held at SUNY Oswego’s new MetroCenter in downtown Syracuse in the AtriumBuilding at2 Clinton Square. Registration, directions, parking information and an agenda for the luncheon and meeting will follow in the next few weeks.
If you have any questions about these meetings, please feel free to email me at . - SUNY PSM website: We hope to have our website launched within the next couple of weeks. The site will provide us with a common resource for the SUNY PSM Program. The url will be On the site we can post the monthly newsletters, updates from campuses on PSM program developments, the inventory of SUNY “Plus” courses, links to national PSM organizations and other resources, information on business advisory boards, internships, job placement opportunities, recruiting, marketing and anything else of interest to the cause.
- SUNY PSM Brochure: Copies of our new system-wide PSM brochure are now available from the Graduate Office, 606 Culkin Hall, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY13126.
- SUNY “Plus Course Survey: You will soon receive a request to respond to a survey collecting information about all of the “Plus” type courses already being offered within the SUNY system. This data will be posted on the SUNY PSM website and will provide us with information on the courses which address the “Plus” component skill sets. There are a large number of these skills sets identified in the survey including managerial accounting, project management, marketing, business communication, presentation skills, team leadership, and many others.
- Professional Masters Education – A CGS Guide to Establishing Programs (2006): Copies of this very comprehensive handbook on developing PSM programs are available from our office free of charge. Please request copies by emailing Ben Patterson, Assistant to the PSM Director at .
- Sloan Foundation Grant—Second Round RFP: Shortly you will receive the RFP soliciting proposals for the second round of funding PSM program development from the SUNY Sloan Foundation grant. Campuses that were not funded in the first round RFP or that only received the minimum $10,000 grant will be given priority in the review of second round proposals. The maximum award will again be $15,000 to a single institution. Campuses that received awards in the first round to develop specific PSMprograms may also apply for some additional funding to support new PSM programs not listed in the first round of funding for your campus. The same committee that reviewed the first round RFP will be asked to review the second round proposals using the same criteria, which will be spelled out in the RFP email. Second round proposals must be submitted to David King by September 30th and awards will be determined before the end of October.
- SUNY PSM Executive Committee: This group will provide a steering committee for the day-to-day decisions that need to be made regarding development of the SUNY PSM Program. The members of this committee (to date) include:
Heather Erickson, President, MedTech
Anne Hout, Provost, SUNY Brockport
Frank Caliva, Director of Talent Initiative, Metropolitan Development
Marjorie Pryse, Dean of Graduate Studies, University at Albany
David King, Dean of Graduate Studies, SUNY Oswego
Robert Kraushaar, Vice Provost for Engineering & TechnicalEducation,
SUNY System Administration
Susan Stites-Doe, Dean of Graduate Studies, SUNY Brockport
Myron Thompson, Associate Provost & Executive Director ofthe
GraduateSchoolUniversity at Buffalo
- SUNY PSM Advisory Board: This is the general oversight board at the state level intended to provide guidance on broad policy issues for the SUNY PSM project. This board will be comprised of academic and business leaders from across the state. We hope to have this group identified within the next several weeks. If you have suggestions for membership on the state-wide PSM Advisory Board, please contact David King as soon as possible. The Advisory Board would probably meet only once or twice each year.
- SUNY PSM Executive Committee: As some of you know, we focused intensive effort for a few weeks during May preparing a very strong PSM grant proposal for an RFP from FIPSE. Unfortunately, FIPSE only funded two PSM proposals out of more than 100 proposals submitted. They funded proposals from RutgersUniversity in New Jersey and The University of Maryland. We will, however, use aspects of this grant proposal for future grant initiatives.
- Council of Graduate Schools Summer Deans' Institute - Vail Colorado (July 2008): David King was a presenter on the SUNYPSM initiative at a session on the PSM at the CGS Summer Institute.
- National Governors' Conference & Sloan Foundation Summer PSM Workshop - Sacramento California (June 2008): SUNY Vice Provost Kavita Pandit presented an update on the SUNY PSM Program toPSM start-up teams from several other states in a national program funded by the Sloan Foundation.
- Contributions to the SUNY PSM Newsletter: If you have information that you would like to share with colleagues about the PSM project, please forward it to David King at , telephone 315-312-3692.
- Contact Information for SUNY PSM:
SUNY PSM Program
Contact Information
System Administration Contact
Dr. Robert Kraushaar
Associate Provost for Engineering and Technical Education
Albany, NY 12246
Program Director
Dr. David W. King
606 Culkin Hall
SUNY Oswego
Oswego, NY 13126
Assistant to the Director
Benjamin Patterson
606 Culkin Hall
SUNY Oswego
Oswego, NY 13126
Administrative Assistant
Kevi McNeilly
606 Culkin Hall
SUNY Oswego
Oswego, NY 13126